The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 187: Identity and tasks

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Under the command of the crescent moon to teach the true gods, the crescent moon teaches the fairy while guarding the Tang Dynasty fairy, while slowly backing away. They executed the order neatly, without any hesitation, and even the four major protection methods did not show the slightest doubt.

It can be seen in their hearts that the true God has supreme authority.

The distance of ninety miles was nothing to the immortals. Li Yan looked at the other party and stepped back. In all fairness, he is not very clear about the intention of the true God to do so, and he does not know whether the true God has any other arrangements to seduce him.

Now Li Zhi can be sure that the true God came to him from the same place, at least, he is very familiar with the world that Li Zhi lived in, or the history of that world. From this point of view, Li Zhi is not inferior to him.

And when the other party was in Teotihuacan City, he could detect the position of "Tiandao Qiqi", which means that he knew and could feel more than Li Zhi. In terms of information, the other party has an advantage.

To this day, Li Zhidao has a strong heart. Even in desperation, when it comes to life and death, they will stick to their own ideas and choices. So although the strangeness of the true God made him afraid, it was not enough to make him afraid.

This first encounter with Zhenshen, and the conversations between them, made Li Yan have to be more serious and in-depth, thinking about issues that he had thought about many times before.

Why did he come to this world? Why is this world so similar to the history of the world he came from? Except for the culture and the larger territory, the two are exactly the same everywhere. Neither the terrain of the mountains nor the historical events are inconsistent.

If before, Li Yong thought that this was a parallel universe, then now he is beginning to doubt this idea. Not to mention whether the parallel universe exists, even if it exists, it should not be exactly the same in some places, but some places are completely different, let alone he and the true **** are here.

What exactly is the dragon spirit in his body and where does it come from?

Who is the so-called natural machine? If it is "man-made", then what is the purpose of the advent of heaven?

If there is a stronger existence behind it, which dominates it to a certain extent, then why did he come to the era of Datang, not Qin and Han, not Song and Yuan, not Ming and Qing?

What Li Zheng can be sure of is that the world he came from is real, and the world is also real right now. Since he overpowered the world in this world and ZTE's Tang Dynasty, history has changed. Not only Datang has changed, but the food has also changed, and the world is being changed by him.

In the world where he came, there were no gods and no immortals. That is a world of scientific and technological civilization, not a culture of cultivation. All denominations rely only on their ideology and consciousness to control and gather people, without actual strength to back them up. Since the two worlds are otherwise identical, why are they completely different at this point?

Is this a parallel universe? If not, what does this mean?

"What does this war between Da Tang and Da Shi mean?" Li Zhi looked at the Da Shi Xianren's retreat, and the thought in his eyes became more intense.

If he did not come from that world, he would not have thought of letting the Tang dynasty remove all the burdens on his body, and the whole people would be lightly on the battlefield--that is, put an end to the oppression and exploitation of the people by the noble officials.

He knows that only in this way can the potential of every people be stimulated to the greatest extent, the national strength can be strengthened, and we can meet greater challenges and move towards a wider world.

But isn't his own path correct? Li Ye just believes in such ideas and ideas. After all, even he has never seen such a world.

To build a new era, there must be turmoil.

The happiness of civilization requires the pain of civilization. This is an unavoidable law.

"Brother Brother, what are you thinking?" The lord of the county, Wu You, who should now be called the Queen, came to Li Yan, and he didn't look very good, and asked with bright eyes.

Li Yan shook his head and dispelled the miscellaneous thoughts in his head. Xu Xu said, "I'm thinking about changing things-am I doing something wrong?"

There is a word that cannot be said, and Wu You may not understand it, but it can only be said to be a reform.

The new policy implemented by Datang is of course a change of law, and it is a fundamental change. The core of this is the practice of general practice, so that people can read and write, and they can't help but think about their thoughts, so that they not only have force but also wisdom.

Without the premise of wisdom, force will only become violence.

If wisdom is not supported by force, it can only be reduced to heresy.

Wu You wondered: "Where is it wrong? Because of the reform, Datang is now stronger than ever, and every Tangese is fighting for the prosperity of the country-even though the purpose of many people is not to serve the country with loyalty to the king, but to make their lives better However, according to the order established by my elder brother, the power of life will eventually converge into the national power of Datang.

"Because of this, Datang's westward expedition will be invincible.

"This is like Shang Yang ’s reform. Shang ’s reform in Qin Kingdom made slaves nationals, fair rewards for farming, prevented nobles from gaining nothing, and uncovered the roots. It is not to remove the burden of nobles from ordinary people, so that they no longer experience Exploitation of the aristocracy, which stimulated the potential of the people, did this make Da Qin invincible?

Speaking of this, her small face was a bit shameful. "But, after the Qin Dynasty, Qin Fa was not completely inherited. In the later dynasties, powers and officials were not effectively controlled, land mergers, and wealth encroachment. It cannot be cut off. This has led to the people still suffering, and gradually more hardship, until they can no longer live, so the rebels rose and the dynasties changed. "

After saying that, she became excited again, and looked at Li Yan with his eyes open. "But the elder brother's reform, so that every Tang people have fairness, which is in the same vein as the Shang Dynasty's reform. Daqin is stronger than the Warring States Period, and naturally his elder brother can let Datang dominate the world! "

Hearing here, Li Min was shocked.

If you think about it, that's the truth.

Shang Yang's reform, in the final analysis, really inspired the potential of the people. This is the great power of the Great Qin Warriors.

He immediately thought that in the world he came to, a country was not a big empire for more than two hundred years. When the country was first established, it was just an ordinary country. Later, slavery was abolished and all were guaranteed. Just as human beings, this has become a bird's eye view.

The change in the world is not only the same goal, but also the general trend, and the law of the times.

As for the turmoil caused by the reform, what is Li Zhi afraid of? He is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the Lord of the Tang Dynasty. He has Emperor Dao Xiu to suppress the dynasty. His personal strength is unparalleled in the world. In front of him, there will be no opportunity for young and foolish generations to create great unrest!

Aware of this, Li Yan's heart disappeared in an instant, but he felt that he could see the sun and never hesitate. He stroked Wu You's small head, smiling broadly and tenderly. "The queen can have such insight, and it is indeed my wise help!"

Wu You immediately smiled and finished her beautiful Yueyaer with both eyes.


Ninety miles to retreat is the respect that Li Xin taught the true gods to Li Zhi, otherwise he would not have to choose this distance. But at the same time, he also needs to exchange space for time to think about some of the doubts Li Zhi brought to him.

"When I came, I didn't hear that there is still a 'face waller' in this world." In the lingering aura, the true God touched his delicate and smooth chin, with a look of contemplation, "but this guy Li Li again Obviously coming from the same place as me, what is going on? "

Thinking of the plan of the face wall, the true God couldn't help but sigh a long time. He looked up at the vast sky, and his star-like eyes were full of anxiety, "Unless the mission is completed, the enchantment in this realm will not open and cannot be contacted. 'Civilization', I really want to ask why. "

The Planners have been going on for hundreds of years, and now it is time for them to come to this world as the teammates. The only task is to unify the world with the power of cultivation.

As the existence of Gao Jianjian, of course, I have to sit in the so-called fairyland, after all, the time flow here is the same as outside. Supporting a talented person to walk in the mortal world makes it easier for him to control and monitor everything.

If you go to the world by yourself, with the time flow of the world, things are too trivial and the process is too long, which is not conducive to your own outline.

But at the moment, it seems that Li Li is obviously in the world-if he is a face-off, he should also choose to sit in Xianyu.

"This is not the most important. The key lies in two points. This guy, Li Yan, chose to gather the strength of life and make the people all monks. This is not simply to unify this world, but to change the civilization of this world."

The true God's willow-like brow frowned tightly. "In addition, the civilized power displayed by Datang in this war really surprised me.

"Beast beasts and horses will not be said, but they are purely civilized things, but the white bull chariots, the wolf-fang military artillery, and the bed crossbow that is called by the Tang as the male son, are not just spiritual stones, runes, Array, and some of its construction and operation details are actually improvements to the existing scientific and technological civilization in this field!

"The fact that these things are so powerful has caused huge troubles for Mullen's army, especially the artillery, which is controlled by the monk Qi, and can even kill the priest! This kind of use is beyond the monk's own realm and has too much power. It does not conform to the rules of cultivating civilization, but the technique of technological civilization! "

With this in mind, the true God can't help feeling a little upset.

"This is inconsistent with the plan of the face wall! In the world of true civilization, how can we use science and technology civilization? Li Ye this guy disregards the face wall rule, this ... This is simply cheating!" True God blushed with anger , Angrily gritted teeth.

Regardless of whether Li Zhi is changing the process of Datang civilization, or he has mixed science and technology civilization into his cultivation culture, these things are unexpected.

Perhaps Li Yan is not a face-off at all!

So who is he? Why is it here?

The true **** can't figure it out.

But no matter what the situation is, to this day, he has no choice or retreat.

As a facet, he must fulfill his task.

For the future of this world, the future of civilization outside this world is even more.

"In this world, the crescent scriptures are the strongest in terms of the strength of the denominations and monks. Since I arrived here and took up the crescent teaching, after the efforts of me and Maron, the crescent moon monks have been unprecedentedly powerful and true. This is not what it used to be.

"Under the existing rules, I believe I have done my best. Then, Li Yun, let me see if your strange inexplicable number can stop me and become a victory in this war. Become the only one to give orders! "

The true **** looked at the East with a burning look, and gave orders to the immortal army behind him to prepare for battle, and ordered the army of the earth to eat, and swore to resist the Tang army's attack.

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