The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 188: Focus (on)

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"Your Majesty, the Immortals will retreat when they meet, and their momentum will be a little weaker. If we cover up the past now, the monks will certainly increase their momentum!"

Attacking is risky, but equally beneficial.

At this time, if you do n’t enter, the fairy eaters see themselves retreating, and the Tang Dynasty immortals are afraid to start a war, they will be a little bit smaller, and morale will naturally rise. And when the Tang Dynasty immortals showed weakness after the eclipse receded, Li Huan didn't order to attack, inevitably he would have doubts, guessing whether his side could not beat the other side, and morale would fall.

Li Zheng waved his hands and said to the monks who looked at him, "Forty-five miles forward, you don't have to take the initiative to attack."

It is of course necessary to advance, but the offensive need not be rushed.

The pressure on Li Zhen from the crescent moon to teach the true **** is not small, this is not for strength, but for the identity of the other party. As a traversal, Li Zhi naturally has his insights, and the first reaction is that the true **** is also a traversal. But the “golden finger” carried by the other party is obviously different from himself. However, he can feel the “spirit of heaven”.

And many years ago, the other party had already taught the true gods at the new moon. At that time, Li Zheng himself did not go to An Wang in Qingzhou. If the two parties come at the same time, then the starting point is obviously different. If not, things are even more strange.

Li Huan didn't know what God ’s hole cards were, but since the opponent can play Shimen Laosheng Buddha, he ca n’t take it lightly and make strategic mistakes.

So Li Zhi's choice is very simple. Xianyu confronts him. If he can't go to war, he won't go to war. Compared to the battle of immortals, fighting against the real God who couldn't understand the details, Li Zhi has won a lot of victories in the world, the battle situation is much better, and the chance of winning is greater.

Xianfan is one, the air and the machine are connected. When the world wins, and then come back to solve the immortal domain, it will go well.

After making up his mind, Li Min didn't relax much. He wanted to hang Xianyu first, and then God had to take the initiative to attack. In the past, the true God took the initiative to retreat from the house, and the intention was that Li Zhi was very clear. It was nothing more than to show some respect to him, the person from the same world as him.

This is a courtesy to the fellow.

Li Yan came from the same place as Zhen Shen. Right now he is not reunited in another country, but in another world. It is not surprising that there are no fellows seeing fellows with tears in their eyes, just to give them some courtesy.

After the Tang Dynasty immortals advanced forty-five miles to form an array, the crescent moon taught immortals did not make any special moves. Their formation can be attacked and defended, and there has been no change.

After a long time, no one could be sure that after Li Zhi had no intention to take the initiative to attack, the crescent moon taught the immortals not to defend.

"The immortal realm will not fight, but the world will not stop. Da Shi was defeated in the Seven Rivers, and he was forced to shrink the front to withdraw the Da Shi native defense. Notwithstanding, 30% of the Guards were damaged. In this situation, Compared with the Tang Dynasty division, the Great Food Force of the World has no advantage at all. "

Feihong Shengfo thought about Li Zhi, "At this time, the new moon teaches the immortals, and they should immediately go to war and tell us the difference between victory and defeat. Isn't this inaction, watching the war in the world collapse? If the war is real In this way, he can't keep the immortal realm. What is the purpose of the crescent moon to teach the true god?

She asked her question seriously, and her doubts were strong.

At the beginning, when Eclipse broke into the west of Tianzhu, and the war began, the crescent religion taught the immortal to launch a fierce attack on the Shimen Buddha Domain in Xianyu. In addition, he took the lead and had a single ride alone. The posture of the Buddha domain.

Since its establishment, Shimen has never been so provocative and humiliated. The old saint Buddha was furious and took the lead. He fought against the crescent **** and attacked it with all his strength. When he shot it, he tried his best. area.

However, less than three rounds between the two, the old Holy Buddha was seriously injured by the true **** and fled. If it were not for running fast, his life would have to be lost on the spot.

Afterwards, the old Holy Buddha no longer dared to say that he would fight against the true god. In the situation where Shimen had been severely defeated in the Tang Dynasty, he decisively issued a renunciation of Tianzhu and went out to win the world of survival in Datang. command.

In Feihong's campaign against the old Holy Buddha, the reason why the former was able to join Li Zhi successfully was not that Feihong was stronger than the old Holy Buddha. In fact, she has not yet reached that level, only because the old Holy Buddha was not seriously injured. With Li Yi's help, erase the other party from Xianyu.

Shimen was forced to abandon Tianzhu, the death of the old holy Buddha, the change of dynasties in the Buddha domain, and the crescent religion is the strongest external force. If no other party appeared, the release of the door would not be the situation now.

But now, the crescent moon teaches the true **** and Li Zhi have met, but did not fight, but took the initiative to retreat, and in the situation of the Tang Dynasty immortals marching forward, regardless of the crisis facing the war in the world, there is no intention to attack, this How can Feihong feel uneasy and feel surprised?

Even with her, she looked very strange at Li Yan.

She secretly wondered: "How far is Li Zhi's strength?"

At the time of the change of Buddhist dynasty, Li Zhi's strength was not weaker than her. When the old emperor was beheaded, Feihong knew that the opponent's combat power had already been stronger than her. Now that Datang Andong, Zhendong, Far East, Annan, and Anxi Duhufu have been successively established, Li Zhi's strength has naturally improved greatly, but I don't know what height it has reached?

But even so, it is not enough to let the incomparable crescent teach the true God.

Feihong looked at Li Yan's eyes, and gradually became full of inquiry, "What kind of guy is this Xu?"

The rise of Li Zhi, from a mortal person to a prince, and then into the main immortal realm, the speed is so high that she couldn't understand it. The curiosity in her heart has never diminished.

Right now, Li Yan is far more mysterious than she had thought before.

In the face of Feihong's question, Li Ye couldn't answer, and he didn't know exactly what the true God meant.

What he didn't know was that, of course, he was deeply jealous of the true god, but at this moment, the true god's jealousy was more than enough. He believes that the true **** is mysterious, and the true **** cannot see through him. And because the true God knows more and thinks more, the doubts are even stronger.

In the previous discussion on the city, Li Yan easily defeated Mullen, and even surprised the true god.

This is why the true God is afraid to act lightly now.

In any case, the Tang Dynasty immortal army that originally intended to sing and advance, and the crescent moon fairy who had previously prepared to destroy them in the backhand, have now silently kept silent. Xianyu calmed down in this weird atmosphere, barely maintaining this fragile yet doomed balance.

The focus of the fighting between the two sides has returned to the world.


After the capture of Mi Luosi, the Langfang Army did not stay for a while and went straight to Baishui City, which was more than a hundred miles west. Here, the Wolffang Army fought a small battle. The food army in Baishui City fled away from the city. Because there was no heavy equipment to clear the city, Baishui City was relatively complete, and Generals of the Wolffang Army were able to take a break here.

怛 Ross was the core node of the eater on the northern front of the Black Khanate, and Xi Luchi ’s guard was also a pillar-like military force.

With the fall of Miros and the destruction of Xi Luchi's pro-arms, the entire front of the Eclipse Army completely collapsed. The troops stationed in each city and at the main points of the road, were horrified after learning about the situation in the cities of Miros and Whitewater. Phase retreat.

The generals who are brighter can retreat with the song intact, and those who wrap the generals with straws. They will be dragged by the army if they abandon the army, or they will be captured by the monks of the Great Tang Dynasty. Lost his helmet and abandoned his armor, looking at the wind and breaking.

The chaos caused by the military defeat is spreading faster than the people imagined, but it was only a few days, and thousands of miles on the earth, all were escaping westward.

It is not appropriate to say that they are floods. Although they look very similar, they are not so fierce. Even in the course of retreat, the fearful and grievous eaters have indeed harmed the Black Khanate tribes and cities along the way. Wealth is the best interpretation of the tragedy, and the damage is no less than that of the flood.

It is not accurate to say that the ants moved, they are not disciplined.

However, in the thousands of miles of retreat and chaos, only a day of rest in Baishui City, leaving the wounded Spike Army, southward through the extension of the city, west of the West Caocheng, rushing all the way, to the big food border town Lucheng killed.

So there was a strange scene in the wasteland. There was no formation like a scattered sandy army of retreating and eating, and they were on their way with the uniform and murderous Wolffang army.

The former thought that the Langfang Army had come to hunt them down, scaring his father and crying. There are those scattered and fleeing, those who kneel down and ask for forgiveness, some who raise the looted property, hoes, and lie on the ground pretending to have the dead.

However, no matter how they behaved, the Spike Rider never saw them squarely. They just ran in the predetermined direction. When someone stopped in front of them, they would be trampled by the horse's hoof and even take their property with them. , Are trapped in the loess yellow sand.

When the hurricane of the Langfang Army was swept by at such a fast speed, the messy troopers all over the ground, when they lost their souls, looked blankly at the Langfang Army in the rolling yellow dust. Until then, they could not believe that they had not been killed.

Isn't his head military?

The Langfang Army ignored itself?

They cheered, and some were crying with joy, lying on the ground panting, and didn't want to get up for a long time.

Mullen retreated to Mulu City, and his guards were ordered to assemble here, but the speed of the two was different. The former arrived a long time ago, and the latter was still on the road.

In Mulu City, Mullen learned about the defeat of the army. The 700,000 standing troops and 300,000 volunteers who had expeditioned in the Seven Rivers Basin became the doomed division without a battle. On the land thousands and thousands of miles north and south of the Black Khanate, the flying birds retreated.

Even if he ordered the orderly retreat after he left the city of Hulun, it would still be useless. In the face of a guard who was able to defeat the Guards, consisting of a purely trained monk, Xi Luchi, an army that collapsed overnight, ordinary troops and generals, it was impossible to suppress the fear in my heart.

To them, such an army is no different from the gods and demons.

How can mortals be expected to fight against powerful gods and demons?

Fortunately, the true God supervised the Quartet, and Malun learned the situation of the parties in a timely manner, and could discuss the countermeasures with the True God early.

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