The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 137: 24,000 years (2)

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"2017? The Earth's Age 2017?" Lu Linxuan's surprise was not halved at all, but more intense, as if Li Zhi admitted that he belonged to the Abyss of Abyss. Let her be a little surprised.

"How do you prove?" Lu Linxuan stared at Li Yan's eyes, asking carefully and alertly.

Li Min's mind is also a mess now. If Lu Linxuan is not lying, then she is a person from the future civilization of the earth, which proves that the human civilization of the earth has developed to a very high level. What is the world like this?

"Although I do n’t know what the deep abyss is, but it ’s obvious that your hostility is so obvious. If I were theirs, I would be able to stop you if you were defeated. Or kill you earlier, without risking acting with you. "

Li Yan looked at Lu Linxuan seriously and said, "Now I need you to tell me what the earth ’s human beings have developed after 2,000 years, what is there in this world, and what are you here for?"

Asking the other party some simple questions will help the other party's mind to return to normal when answering the question, so that the other party can calm down.

"Do you really come from two thousand years? The legendary era of the end of Falun Dafa? When did the last monks on human earth exist?"

"When I came, the monks were able to practice in the real world, but no matter how tall they were, they were gone."

Lu Linxuan took a few deep breaths, calmed his emotions a little, and looked at Li Li suspiciously, telling Li Li the development process of the earth's human history as she knew it.

In the early 2000s, there were monks on the earth. In the late 2000s, the monks were extinct because of the exhaustion of the aura. At this time, a breakthrough was made in scientific and technological civilization, and mankind began to plan interstellar navigation.

Until the eve of the fifth millennium, mankind solved all the problems of interstellar navigation and immigration, and the manned starship created officially broke out of the solar system and set foot in the outside world.

When the starship was able to break out of the solar system, humans on the earth already had interstellar navigation capabilities. Later history was complicated and complicated, but in fact it was one direction and one big event: interstellar colonization. Or called interstellar expansion.

For more than 10,000 years since then, humans on earth have done this. The set-up of the star field is a dream that predecessors dare not imagine and think it is impossible. Correspondingly, it is the sustainable development of scientific and technological civilization, and the great improvement of human living standards and ideological wisdom.

But over 10,000 years ago, there have been tens of thousands of habitable planets, large and small, under human control, but we have never encountered humans outside the earth, nor have we met real civilization races.

Until 2080 AD, change came quietly. An elite voyage fleet encountered an unknown biological attack during an exploratory interstellar voyage, and the entire fleet was subsequently annihilated.

From the data transmitted by the voyage fleet, the Earth ’s unified intellectual brain system, ‘Blue’, it can be seen that the battle lasted less than a minute, and thousands of warships disappeared into the star domain. At the time, not only did most of the crew members fail to figure out what was going on, but even Intellect's 'Blue' failed to capture much useful information.

After that, the Azure government, which basically does not manage human daily affairs, held an emergency meeting and quickly formed a powerful fleet consisting of more than 10,000 starships. With the most advanced and powerful weapons, it went under the guidance of the "Blue" system. Star field to check the situation.

As a result, the fleet was similarly attacked by unknown creatures as it approached the scene. With "blue" development

To the extent that they failed to catch abnormal energy fluctuations in advance, until the opponent shot strongly, the ghosts began to attack the fleet from all directions, and the fleet realized that it had fallen into an ambush circle.

"The strength of our opponents was beyond our expectation. We lost a lot during that war, and fewer than a hundred starships fled. After the return of the war, the blue civilization was uproarous, and the government subsequently announced that humans were in war.

"From this time on, the azure civilization pioneered by the earth's humans met their powerful adversaries in the universe, and many people called them the fatal enemies of humanity.

"For the next 3,200 years, war has been with us. Opponents have continuously attacked us. The vast star domain ruled by the Azure civilization has been eaten away by the other side, and the wealth consumed by the war is astronomical. The Azure civilization has suffered unprecedented Hit hard. "

Speaking of which, Lu Linxuan took a deep breath, his face was very complicated, and how the fear under his eyes could not be concealed.

Li Yan listened with a sway in his mind, and for a while he was confused and wondered what to say.

On the one hand, he is fortunate and proud of the human civilization on earth, because of their conflict-like obstacles, they have entered the era of the universe, no longer curled up on a small planet deep in the universe, and become a dust in the universe. On the other hand, the war inevitably caused by the expansion, and the strength of his opponents, stirred his heart.

"Our opponent is the abyss of the dark? What kind of creatures are they?" Li Minping asked after regaining his mood.

"That's not the dark abyss, we call them-the demon." Lu Linxuan's face killed, "Era of the earth, interstellar expansion era, the era of the demon, these are the three journeys of human beings to the earth today. As for the dark abyss .. .... "

As before, when mentioning the four words to the dark abyss, Lu Linxuan's eyes were low and his hatred was deeper, even more than when he mentioned the "sky demon", "They are betrayers of the earth's human beings, and they are the division of the blue civilization. Or, they are a group of lunatics! "

Obviously, Lu Linxuan didn't want to mention the dark abyss, but only showed that the other party is also part of the earth ’s human beings, then took a deep breath, and continued to say that the foreign enemy of the blue civilization, “In the war of more than three thousand years, the earth ’s human beings have never really Having set foot in the star field of the other party, in this continuous war force, we are the party that has temporarily failed.

"The demon's posture is different from that of humans. They appear in a variety of states during the war, sometimes like humans, sometimes birds, sometimes a sword, sometimes a mass of energy ... but nothing The doubt is that each individual demon is very powerful, and Mo says that a single human being on earth cannot match, and even a starship may not be an opponent.

"Speaking of which, you should understand that in the war against the demons, we have repeatedly defeated, because the demons civilization is not like the blue civilization, it is a scientific and technological civilization, but-a civilization of cultivation!"

Speaking of which, Lu Linxuan sat solemnly in front of Li Yan, looking directly at the latter's eyes: "Now you should understand why this world is a world of cultivation and civilization?"

Li Yan naturally understood.

In the course of confronting the enemy, the monks have various magical skills and magical powers. Existing like monsters, they can also transform their appearances, so the demonic civilization is a true civilization, and there is nothing to understand.

According to Lu Linxuan, the demonic civilization is very powerful, and the form of self-cultivation is much more complicated than this world. From the blue civilization called them the demons, we can understand the degree of fear of humans on earth.

Before encountering the demonic civilization, the development of the azure civilization has always been a scientific and technological civilization, and based on this, it entered the era of interstellar expansion, creating

Limit brilliant. What the earth ’s humans did not expect was that the first adversary they encountered in the universe did not develop the same scientific and technological civilization, but cultivated civilization!

Unfamiliar makes them unprepared, and it is difficult for various technologies and weapons to target each other.

There is no need to think about Li Zhi. When the two civilizations are not much different, the self-cultivation civilization that can fight between the stars will have much advantage over the scientific civilization. In addition, compared with the control of the starship, the personal strength is strong, allowing each soldier to flexibly fight, move forward and backward freely, and therefore can play a stronger combat power.

When a monk can deal with a starship, even if the intellectual brain "Blue" can control the starship's battle, it is difficult to cope with the offensive of the demon.

"The war between humans and the demons lasted for three thousand years, but the result was more than half of their losses. It seems that in this process, human beings have done all the attempts that science and technology can do. In the end, it proves that they cannot defeat the demons. A plan to develop a true civilization. "

Li Xuan looked at Lu Linxuan and said, "This is the plan for the wall?"

Lu Linxuan stretched out two fingers, "First, not humans, but humans on the earth; second, in the past three thousand years, scientific and technological civilization has made many breakthroughs, and the process is many times larger than the previous 20,000 years. It was precisely because of the destruction of the demonic civilization. "

Li Xihu doubted: "Why not humans, but humans on earth?"

"Because we are convinced that there are other humans in the universe, and earth humans are only part of it. After the ape theory was doubted and abandoned by the vast majority of people, the question of the origin of earth humans has not been able to be answered." Lu Linxuan said this time , The tone of a popular science did not mean to discuss with Li Yanduo at all.

Li Xun nodded, thinking for a while.

Lu Linxuan thought to himself: "It has been a bottleneck in the development of scientific and technological civilization for many years, many questions have not been answered, many phenomena cannot be explained, and many difficulties cannot be broken. More importantly, it will ultimately not allow us to defeat the demons.

"The ancients said that the end of science is theology. We have proven that the **** does not exist, but only a powerful civilization like the spirit. Now what we are thinking deeply is, is the end of science and technology civilization a true civilization?

"Apart from other words, Tian Mo's personal strength is strong, and his vitality is sturdy and long-lasting, which really makes everyone envy and marvel. There is no doubt that it is advanced and worth pursuing.

"Using what we learned during the Millennium War with the Demons, we try to develop a true civilization in the azure civilization. This is the Planner's Plan!"

Li Zhi can understand this idea, what he can't understand is why this world is so similar to the historical period on the earth. Except for the things of spiritual civilization, many myths and legends have become reality, and the events of the characters are almost not bad.

"You said before that you were one of the last executors of the Falun Gong Plan. Since the development of a cultivation civilization is a desperate choice for human beings on earth, then why have you become the last Falun Gong person again, and the blue civilization will abandon this plan? And, Why are you one again, who else besides you? "

After Li Min asked these two questions, what suddenly came to his mind, his face became unprecedentedly somber. "This world was created by the blue civilization after the model of the earth. There are many such worlds in the blue civilization?

"This world is an experimental base, is a arena ?!"

Lu Linxuan nodded first, then shook her head. At the end, she stared at Li Yan without any blinking. She said soberly: "This is an experimental base, a gladiatorial arena, but also the last hope of the blue civilization!"

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