The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 138: 24,000 years (3)

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Li Huan did not know the history of the earth ’s humans after their own journey. When Lu Linxuan said that the earth ’s humans had reached 24,000 AD, his first feeling was nothing else but loneliness.

No matter how hard he tries to practice, no matter how powerful and unparalleled, he cannot return to his own time.

He couldn't think of it. His journey through it had gone for 22,000 years, which was a real glance for 10,000 years.

At this time, it was taken for granted that Li Yan was so many. But when Xiu reached his present state, Li Zhi's mind was extremely tenacious. He was sentimental, sad, and sad, and autumn did not belong to him. He was not concerned about the history that had passed, but the current situation and future road.

The monk has a long life, powerful forces, and it is an inevitable way to break through the constraints of this realm and go to the universe. What the universe is like and what is in the universe are the issues that must be faced.

When science and technology civilization encounters cultivating civilization, but cultivation civilization encounters sci-tech civilization, what kind of consequences will this meet with people's expectations?

"It has been 1,100 years since the Blue Civilization concentrated its resources and carried out the plan of the face wall plan. We have achieved some results, but the final results have been unsatisfactory. In short, over the years, we have never cultivated a top master who can follow Tian Mo. , A powerful monk facing the enemy! "

Lu Linxuan sighed, full of helplessness and bitterness. "For more than a thousand years, our monks did not even have the ability to compete with the main starship of the blue civilization, and they could only drink hate on the spot against the top masters of the sky magic. In these years, The strength of the Azure civilization is not as good as before, and it is almost impossible to resist the fierce offensive of the demon. "

Li Yan frowned and asked, "So, the plan of the face wall failed?"

"At the time when the facetists planned to fall into despair, General Bai, the deputy commander of the Star Fleet, submitted a motion to the Azure government, in which he suggested that we look for the future from the history of mankind."

Lu Linxuan looked revered. "It was almost over, and the failed wall plan was almost announced, because this bill was turned around."

After listening to it, Li Yan groaned. Whether it is an individual or a civilization, looking for a future path and answer from history is feasible. That is also the idea that in the face of an unpredictable future, in the event of changing heaven and earth, confused people will have an idea.

In the modern times, the Han nationality, in the face of the global trend led by the West, has repeatedly defeated and is about to lose its country and species. It has also sought the answer from history and wanted to fully revive the Confucian and Mencius way to allow the nation to survive. Although in the end it was unsuccessful, but chose a different path, but at least it has been tried.

For the blue civilization, the wall planners plan to reach this stage, which is a combination of asking for the future and answering for the history. That is, from the history of the earth's human beings, find a way to make the blue spiritual civilization reach the height of the demonic civilization in a short time.

Li Min asked: "This truth is simple, but it is not easy to implement it concretely. Your plan is ..."

Speaking of which, Li Yan suddenly reacted.

Lu Linxuan said: "First of all, we firmly believe that the earth ’s humanity will not perish and that the blue civilization can survive the crisis. With this belief, when we look back at the history of humanity, we will further believe that the origin of the earth ’s humanity allows us to The fundamental factors that face all challenges.

"However, in the process of the development of science and technology civilization, we unilaterally believe that science and technology civilization has been too long, and we have forgotten the importance of spiritual power beyond material.

"You may not know that in the era of material prosperity brought about by scientific and technological civilization, everyone believes in strength, believes in foreign objects, believes in what can be felt, believes that science and technology are the future, and few cultures have been thought about.

"Poems that once flourished

Ci Song Fu, speculative philosophy, and profound aesthetics have completely disappeared before the end of the earth era. The cultural development of the azure civilization has been severely stagnant, and few achievements have been made in the past 20,000 years.

"Based on these, under the auspices of General Bai, the wall planners began to focus their efforts on studying the culture of the earth's age, and wanted to get inspiration and inspiration from it, and get a way to promote the development of spiritual civilization.

Li Yan nodded again and again. After the development of scientific and technological civilization, it will inevitably rule the world. This is the general trend. To reach the universe, human beings on the earth must also rely on scientific and technological civilization. Without the highly developed civilization of science and technology, there will be no future for human beings on earth.

However, it is clear that relying on scientific and technological civilization is nothing more than walking on one leg. Faced with the great difficulties that cannot be overcome, the earth's humans will suddenly wake up and realize what they are missing.

When Lu Linxuan paused to look at himself, Li Wei said: "Obviously the process is not smooth."

"It is true." Lu Linxuan was not surprised that Li Min could think of this. "But the results are not small. Over the past 400 years since the motion was implemented, our monks have improved greatly as a whole. The ability of the Star Warship. According to our realm, that is-Da Luo Jin Wonderland! "

Li Xun's spirit was refreshed, and he understood everything in time.

He stared at Lin Xuan: "The power of the top monks in the sky magic is one level or more than Da Luo Jinxian, so they are at least-sage!"

"Nice! As far as we know, they have a lot of sainthood."

"But we don't have monks in sainthood."

"So we still can't defeat the demons!"

"Looking for inspiration from history for hundreds of years, human beings on the earth are still unable to achieve sagehood, have we lost our way?"

"For a long time, we did lose our direction and even felt hopeless."

"Where's the turn?"

"General Bai submitted the second motion, suggesting that after the earth's humanity's early myths and legends, it should fully restore the earth's human history and build a truly spiritual civilization!

"He said, if we can get the answer, then it must come from historical reality, so we need a complete world!"

Li Yan frowned and remained silent.

After a long time, he sighed, "This is a huge project."

"Fortunately, the human civilization of science and technology on the earth has reached a considerable height. In the past years, we have also accumulated enough material resources to enable us to create such a world.

"Under the auspices of the Intellectual Brain" Azure Blue "system, seven such" repair earths "were created. We used the energy of the intelligent brain" Azure Blues "to set the time flow rate of these worlds and let the historical process of the" Repair Earth " Can significantly speed up-we are running out of time! "

"As a planner, what is your mission?"

"A war of monks has been waged in an attempt to unify the world.

"We firmly believe that war will allow civilization to develop rapidly. If breakthrough and revolutionary results will emerge, it must be in a big wave sweeping the world! I am responsible for promoting events, observing the world, and trying to strengthen myself in the end. Before the time comes, you will find an opportunity to break through the sage realm! "

"You promoted the crescent war to unify this world. Why did you choose it now?"

"Early, the level of social development was not enough to support the united war; if we wait a little longer, the science and technology in this sector will usher in great development.

"I just promote the course of events, not change history. My actions must conform to the general direction of history. In this selectable time period, only the crescent teaching today and today has the best ability to unify this world.

"In order to speed up the course of the war, increase the intensity of the war and cause greater changes, and also to eliminate the planned forces as much as possible, the starship randomly casts the power of the natural machine-the cultivating power that the blue civilization obtained from the battlefield against the demon."

After listening to these, Li Yan's heart was mixed and groaned again.

Lu Linxuan said this, he had no knowledge before. He is not a face-to-face person. Therefore, all his behaviors after the crossing are in accordance with the original heart, without those rules and restrictions, so he took Datang to the present.

Li Yan asked herself, if she did not show up, would Lu Linxuan achieve the sagehood after she promoted the crescent religion to unify the world? What does she rely on?

For Li Wei, he is fully confident that he can achieve the strength of the saintly state.

Because he has dragon spirit, he is practicing Emperor Tao.

As long as he unifies the realm and gains the luck of all the people in this realm, he will basically break through the saint realm.

"Last question, where does this life come from?" Li Zhi asked this crucial question. Is this life real or virtual in this experimental base in this world?

Lu Linxuan's eyes changed, and his face was euphemistic and sad, and he choked with a low voice: "At the beginning of this world, we recruited volunteers from the blue civilization, and then sent them here with a starship.

"Before they stepped down from the starship and settled on this land, the brains of the brains'" blue "system cleared their memories. From that moment, they forgot their hometown, their identity, and became a group in a strange world. , Can only rely on both hands and feet to survive the trailblazer.

"They are the victims of the azure civilization, the builders of the azure civilization, and the eternal hero of the azure civilization! In the face of the unprecedented crisis of ethnic continuity, they choose to contribute to the future of the earth ’s humanity. Their names will be forever engraved. On the monument of the blue civilization ... "

In the end, Lu Linxuan burst into tears, sobbed her face, and couldn't speak again.

That was a lot of people, Li Zhi was restless, but felt that his heart was burning. At any time and under any circumstances, in the face of those who are willing to give up their right to survive for the sake of racial survival, no one can be sincerely admired and grateful.

If there is another kind of righteousness in this world, from the beginning to the end, from Rumao drinking blood to the interstellar age, it will not be outdated and worthy of worship by all, then it is only for the survival of your own race that you dedicate your own righteousness.

Other than that, the rest are not enough.

At this moment, Li Zhi's thoughts were suddenly a little chaotic. He seemed to want to understand why in civilizations around the world, there are amazing relics facing the sky and far beyond the limits of the times.

That should be a group of people who can't go home, miss and hope for their hometown.

The "brain blue" system of the brain can use technology to clean up the memory of people on this land, but in the face of human strong emotions, it cannot be foolproof after all, there are always some traces, which are retained by their subconscious mind. .

When they dreamed back at midnight, they suddenly remembered these things that "do not belong to themselves" and wanted to trace their roots. However, the fragments of knowledge were vague and vague, like some kind of distant echo. Barely connected, sporadic records.

Or maybe, when the humans of the blue civilization came to this world and faced with the difficulty of survival in the face of the savage beasts, it was the starships who watched them from outside the sky and once came down to help them.

However, when the starship left, the people on the ground's memory were cleared again, and they no longer knew that those who helped them were actually their natives. Faced with unexplained power and relics, they enshrine the people of their hometown as gods.

As everyone knows, to their natives, they are more respectable heroes than gods.

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