
Observing the surrounding environment, Ustad suddenly turned around, ran back along the wall of the Interior Ministry building, stepped up the stairs at the entrance, and crashed into the double-opening door.

Mosenli, who followed behind him, immediately understood the change in tactics, and followed him into the building.

The team quickly ran through the stirred dust into a labyrinth of corridors and halls, with statues of city officials who had long since died.

Relying on genetically enhanced memory and intelligence, Ustad decisively walked through several long corridors to the door of a room.

According to his judgment, this room will lead to the other wall of the building.

If he guessed correctly, the traitors should be outside the wall.

Ustad stopped in front of the door, gently grabbed the doorknob, and entered the room cautiously, so as not to be spotted by the traitor who was expected to be outside the window at this time.

It looks like a large conference room, with a huge table and a few high-back chairs in it. There are three windows on the opposite wall, magnificent murals are decorated in between, and a huge portrait tapestry of the emperor hangs in the room. On the wall at the end, the skulls of the sages were neatly placed on shelves like books.

The candlelight in the corner was very bright, and the light was constantly swaying from the other side of the room.

Ustad spotted his enemies through the middle window, and they seemed to be preparing for an ambush.

The second company commander jumped onto the conference table without hesitation, and swooped out through the middle window.

Shards of glass and wood rained down on the nearest red pirate. Before the opponent could react, Ustad fell on the Chaos Space Warrior and immediately grabbed the opponent's shoulders and directly He gave him a shoulder fall, then rolled on the ground to the other side, and stood up with one knee.

The traitor who was thrown out landed on all fours, then immediately lowered his body and prepared to launch an attack.

Ustad was also looking at his opponent at this moment, and the opponent had recovered well from the surprise attack just now.

The traitor knelt on one knee, pulled his cloak aside, revealing crimson power, and then drew his saber.

Obviously he was the leader, and the other five red pirates surrounded their prey, clamoring to support their captain.

But Ustad's raid surprised them all.

The second company commander swept his eyes on the face of each traitor, and then focused his attention on the original opponent.

The traitor looked confident, and the service memorial stud on his forehead proved that he had fought for the emperor for two hundred years.

The two Astarte confronted each other, waiting for the best time to launch an attack.

Time seemed to freeze, and it seemed that a lifetime had passed.

Ustad's muscles tensed, tightening and tightening.

In the next moment, the muscles and tendons all over relaxed at the same time.

Finally, the battle began.

Ustad activated the rune on his sword and leaped forward, his battle cry echoing throughout the courtyard.

He raised the weapon in his hand high above his head, and then quickly cut it at the red pirate's neck.

His enemy raised his sword at the very moment to withstand the fatal blow.

The two warriors fought hard, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Their swords also collided, bursting out dazzling sparks, their blades intertwined, and they were all locked firmly by each other's hilts.

Ustad pushed forward with his body, trying to force his blade down.

The opponent bent his knees below, pushing his weapon up with all his strength, preventing Ustad's sword from advancing an inch.

"The traitor died!"

Mosenli also jumped from the window Ustad smashed, and the other team members followed closely.

At the moment when Morsen landed, the figure of a figure in the red pirates was shrouded in a faint blue-green gleam.

Sensing the danger, Mo Senli immediately jumped out to the right, barely avoiding the fireball ejected by the plasma gun.

The hot plasma hit the wall of the Ministry of Interior building, the wall was blown apart, and a flame was stirred up.

Then the red pirate stepped forward to make sure that his second shot would not miss.

When the Red Pirate raised the plasma pistol to fire again, his weapon suddenly began to glow, at first it was red, then it became white-hot.

The ripples of electronic energy pulsed on the surface of the weapon and ran up to the soldier's arm.

Because of the sudden leak of turbulent energy, the red pirate began to convulse all over.

The technology used by plasma weapons is very demanding, and their powerful destructive power makes them very efficient in combat, but this efficiency comes at a price. Sometimes the weapon can’t store excessive energy, it will short-circuit, overheat and explode, or even connect. Users are reimbursed together.

But this time the situation is not at its worst.

Although it exploded, the blue-green plasma flame only engulfed its user and blew him away and fell to the ground.

The surface of the red pirate's power armor was scorched, and several parts were even melted away, but the whole was still intact.

The other red pirates and astral knights immediately took up their guns and were about to pull the trigger.

Suddenly, the entire yard was flooded with light, and the roar of armored vehicles was deafening. Hundreds of astral knights poured out from various places and surrounded the red pirates.

"I am the commander of the Astral Knights, Soshyan Alexei, I order you to lay down your weapons and surrender."

Soshyan's voice echoed in the courtyard, and then accompanied by the Rand Raiders slowly driving out, he jumped off the roof of the car.

Realizing that the captain was coming, Ustad's attention was only distracted for a moment, but his opponent was waiting for this moment.

Faith Freddy slammed Ustad away ~www.ltnovel.com~ and rolled to the other side and stood up.

The six red pirates stood together with their backs against the wall, and they were surrounded by a swarm of astral knights.

Ustad stood up and walked to Sosyan, and the battle was over.

"Well, everyone, now is the time to answer the questions."

Soshyan said as he walked towards the surrounded red pirates, while the surrounding predator tanks and Rand raiders lowered their muzzles, aimed at these chaotic interstellar warriors, and the roar of the gunboat could be heard in the sky.

"First of all, you have to put down your weapons, otherwise I promise you will not have anything left in the next second."

"We will never surrender."

Faith Freddy's tone seemed tough, but his heart had already begun to scold his mother.

There are only a few dozen people who say yes?

Come out like this one big family!

Soshyang shook his head and smiled:

"That's a pity."

Suddenly, Faith Freddy felt something falling to the ground behind him, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a sandbag-sized iron fist rushing towards his face.

Just a moment, Faith Freddy was knocked to the ground.

At some point, two shadow-wrapped figures appeared around the six red pirates. They were Saivita and Talos, and they fell to the ground after two attempts. In the process, the star warriors didn't even have time to fire a shot.

Seeing this, the surrounding astral knights immediately rushed to capture them one by one.

"All taken back to prison."

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