The dull and harsh sound of the gears brought Faith Freddy out of his deepening dullness.

The cell door is opening, letting a beam of light enter the darkness. At that time, the door gradually rises, slowly disappears, and finally becomes a slit in the ceiling.

A person shows a black outline in the light.

The silhouette showed that the opponent was wearing power armor, further highlighting that broad and fearsome physique.

After a little closer, he saw a golden two-headed eagle adorning the other's breastplate, and Faith Freddy tried to remove his eyes from that thing—that was his belief, but now it has become His curse and punishment.

The warrior who turned his back on the emperor's light tried to stand up. Before being overwhelmed by fatigue, he only propped up one knee.

Shaking his head, the person highlighted by the outline suddenly laughed.

"When you participated in the rebellion, you thought there would be today."

From the tone of the traitor, this is not a question, but a statement.

"Star Claw, Red Pirate, ha ha ha, where are your previous honors and beliefs?"

The caller's voice hissed, but there was a sense of richness that didn't match the harsh and harsh rhythm.

The captured soldier tried to keep his eyes wide open. The man opposite looked like an extremely ordinary Legion soldier, with a big shaved head and a pale corpse-like face, which seemed to be "extremely ordinary" and "unique" The two characteristics are blended together.

His eyes are pure black, with a sense of profound experience that can only be seen in veterans.

On the other hand, from this man, Feith Freddy also did not feel the rigidity and enthusiasm of the imperial fighters. Although he had become a rebel, he was also a fighter of the emperor a few years ago.

The person in front of him, what he had to say, was closer in temperament to the guy who had been wandering in the eyes of fear for a long time.

Looking at the other's confused eyes, the interrogator grinned, seeming to have a lot of fun.

"I still don't understand. What gave you the courage to break into the enemy's base camp with just a few people?"

The pale warrior opened his mouth and sneered, but Firth Freddy could only turn his gritted teeth back and glared at him with his eyes.

Suddenly, the light spread in the room, making Faith Freddy bathed in the ugly yellow light and making his skin look sickly pale.

"Your injury looks better,"

The interrogator whispered, and he squatted down and grabbed Faith Freddy's jaw.

When the opponent's armored fingers bit into the flesh and blood, the painful expression distorted the red pirate's face.

"I'm thinking, Huron's silly dog, do you want to speak?"

The other party’s warm smile and cold eyes met Faith Freddy. This expression has gradually become familiar to him, because in the two days of being captured, this smile was followed by Physical pain, this person is a cruel torture expert, he is very confused, how can there be such a person in an orthodox battle group like the Star Knight?

But his silence gave Talos another answer.

The son of the Eighth Legion wearing a silver-gray astral knight power armor grinned and said:

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not. I hurt you because I wanted to do it, Huron's dog."

As he said, he jerked his fingers into the hastily stitched wound on the opponent's shoulder and stirred it hard, causing the opponent to make a painful sound.

"Do you remember the question?"

The interrogator asked with a smile, increasing the pressure on the wound.

"Who told you that the Voice of Canaan is here?"

Except for the heavy gasps in and out of his lungs, Faith Freddy made no sound.

"What are Huron's follow-up plans?"

The other party still did not answer.

Talos smiled again, his expression showing pity.

"Do you really want me to do it again?"

When he faced Faith Freddy again, Talos' eyes were like a dark cave like an abyss, and the richness in his voice turned into an echo, like one voice on top of another.

"We are our masters."

Talos said, tilting his head.

"And one of us is destined to disappoint his leader, but this one won't be me, will it? Huron's dog."

At this time, Faith Freddy grinned instead, showing teeth with red marks on the edges.

"Is there anything that makes you funny?"

Talos asked with curiosity.

Faith Freddy was still smiling, and to ordinary people's eyes, it looked like crazy.

"Do you want to speak?"

Faith Freddy nodded slowly.

"If you confess it, it's all over."

Letting go of the prisoner's wound, Talos stood up and took a step back.

Faith Freddy spent some precious time mobilizing his power. He hoped that his words were enough to express his meaning, and he hoped that his jailer would be unforgettable.

The next second, he stood up from the ground. Although he was shaking and trembling, he did not fall.

Then Faith Freddy opened his eyes and glared proudly, shouting loudly:

"Everyone will know the fate of defying the will of the tyrant! Nathan 4 will be dead!"

Then he sprayed a corrosive saliva towards Talos, but the other party seemed to be prepared and blocked it with his palm.

Glancing at the corrosion marks on his palm, Talos looked up and stared at him abruptly, and then suddenly drove the air out of Faith Freddy's lungs with a heavy punch.

"Bah! Something more exciting."

After the punch, Faith Freddy's eyes lit up instead.

"Your fist is like a girl, don't humiliate me with fists, or just kill me."

"Nothing so good."

Talos slapped another backhand, knocking out one of his few remaining teeth, and then shook his head and walked to the opponent's right.

"Do you know the definition of madness?"

Talos asked, and then replied.

"That is to repeat something over and over again but want to get different results."

"You don't want to see me crazy, I promise."

When he started pacing around the aperture, Faith Freddy looked hesitant for a moment.

"So, we are back to the old topic."

No matter how you look at it, the person in front of you is not like any imperial warrior that Faith Freddy has ever seen.

He has a tramp-like gait, as well as the indifferent mechanical stepping style unique to Chaos Star Warrior.

And according to Firth Freddy's experience, this person's behavior and appearance are more in line with the characteristics of the Midnight Lord, rather than the astral knight of the Imperial Fist system.

"You are not an astral knight."

Faith Freddy suddenly said:

"Son of the Eighth Legion, who are you loyal to, that Soshyan, or the emperor?"

Faith Freddy knew that the other party probably wouldn't answer, but hoped that through this temptation, some hidden truths could be dug out from the warrior.

"Put away your little cleverness, it will only make you die a painful one."

Talos smiled, his expression contemptuous but not frivolous.

Faith Freddy also smiled, it was a **** smile.

"You can't fool me, son of the Eighth Legion. You are a traitor to your Legion. You have betrayed the faith of your Legion."

"Ha, what about your loyalty to the Golden Throne? What do you believe in now? Traitor, no father and no ruler."

Faith Freddy responded angrily:

"There are only lies under the golden throne! But you can never slander my faith!"

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