The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 452: Surprise the new Badab!

   Not long after the Whisper of Death returned, the Tyrant’s Claw separated from the subspace and passed the outer marking ring of New Badab and the outpost.

   It sent a complete and correct mooring order to the Sentry Warship and the Eye of Hell. The Eye of Hell then released the fire lock and signaled that the cruiser could pass.

During the period, several outposts also raised security questions, but only received the most rude response-no one dared to provoke the brutal third company commander. Once he felt that his dignity was humiliated, he would do everything. come out.

   This is the consensus of all red pirates, so these inquiries are only routine.

   At this moment, inside the Star Castle, an alarm sounded.

   A red warning light on a bright brass console began to flash.

   The duty officer controlling the hall was confused, but he responded quickly because it was a high-level alarm.

   He pressed a button embedded with ivory to get specific information, and then a line of flashing green text flashed on the glass screen.

  [Subspace abnormal disturbance, unidentified target appears]

   The result sent by the officer of the scanning array at this time.

  The officer in charge of the rotation has served on the Eye of Hell for thirty years, well-trained and disciplined.

   At this moment, he understands that any answers, corrections, and explanations are secondary issues, and those are not in a hurry, and it is not even the first task to notify the Astars of this matter.

   He knew the procedure very well and responded according to his training.

The officer activated the communication system and deck protection measures, and with both hands skillfully and dexterously flying on the buttons, the Star Castle entered a state of combat readiness, and began to systematically close the front and rear hatches on the company deck, and blocked the passages between the various decks. And elevator.

   Within ten seconds of the sounding of the alarm, the rotating officer had already ordered the encirclement and blockade of the deck, and deployed troops at all entrances and exits.

   His response is textbook style.

   Thirty-five seconds later, Starcastle has completed its alert

  Kelkus also heard that the combat readiness status was activated. He immediately left his personal armed room, and summoned his company's soldiers, and went to the rotating officer to check the situation.

   After seeing the data, he frowned.

   "What's the matter? Isn't this Nasir Waterk's ship? Why is there no answer?"

   His words were drowned out by another alarm.

   One after another, one after another, the sound of alarm bells, alarm bells and siren intertwined into a tumult.

   Approaching alarm——

  Collision warning——

   Deviate from the course prompt——

  Detector array——

   Passive scanning——

   Something was rushing towards them, something was plunged headlong into the dense but well-organized pile of warships in the orbit of the planet, something swept through the high-level orbit without permission and authorization.

  The rotating officer forgot what he had at hand in an instant.

   He looked at the home screen, so did Kerkus, and so did the staff in the control center.

   Tyrant's Claw began to accelerate.

   It activated the main engine of physical space, launched the main continuous propulsion at a place where it should only rely on steering jets to keep sliding, and then activated the Void Shield to make itself more unstoppable. Shoot yourself as a bullet at New Badab.

   The screams of the crew could still be heard, but no one was listening.

   Main continuous propulsion is an engine state used for powerful acceleration. It is the maximum output power that allows the warship to reach the speed limit of physical space and jump to subspace.

   Only when the starship leaves the planet and heads towards a node about one-half of the radius of the galaxy, will this acceleration method be used.

   But there is no such long approach distance here.

   Tyrant’s Claw is already in the orbit of New Badab, and it is impossible for it to reach its limit power or speed.

   Even so, it is still advancing at approximately 40% of the ultimate speed of physical space as it approaches the edge of the atmosphere.

   Its speed is so fast that no physical means can stop it.

   Only the scanning system and sensors can detect it, and this violent and violent visitor like a shock wave makes the instruments roar.

   But the roar of the instrument is as meaningless as the screams of the crew.

   At this time, Kerkus had already reacted, and he immediately yelled:

   "Sink it! Start the weapon array immediately! Notify all warships to evacuate the orbit!!!"

   In addition to the interior of the Star Castle, there are still at least four cruisers and hundreds of small warships in orbit.

   But at this moment, a data shock killed the mechanical priest performing the central operation.


   The death of forty-six data technicians in the Meditation Well was as rapid as a storm. Key parts of their brain structure burst or scorched in the turbulent data stream, and nerve synapses were burned like wrong lines. The prefrontal lobe began to bleed internally.

   It's not just them. The men and women who are connected to the system in the bulletproof glass cabin twitch, and the massive data hits their brains like a heavy hammer.

   They were still standing even when they died.

"In the end what happened!"

  Kelkus supported the spiral staircase formed by the meditators, pushed aside the unconscious servant, and found the only technical priest still alive.

  Even though he was going to die soon, he was covered in blood, and the interface at the back of his head was obviously burnt.

   "Waste code."

   He made the final report in a hoarse binary voice.

   "Large-scale data shock, overload trauma, system disorder, architecture collapse."

   "Waste code!? How could it be possible! How did they get in—"

   Suddenly, the figure wearing the Terminator flashed through his mind, and the opponent seemed to have just left the center not long ago.

   "Damn! These wild dogs of the Eighth Army!"

   Just when the command center of Starcastle was paralyzed by a large number of scraps, the Tyrant’s Claw had penetrated the orbit of New Badab like a missile, and plunged into the rows of cargo ships and warships moored in the high-rise orbit.

   It is like a blaster shot into the heart of a heresy.

Under the high-speed blessing, it uses the bow void shield to sweep small targets aside or completely annihilate them. Small ships such as cargo ships, barges, ferry ships, and maintenance ships disassociate instantly, bursting out blazing blue sparks. The surface of the void shield flashed.

  The chaos created by the tyrant's claw swept across the orbit like huge waves, causing other ships to roll and collide with each other, pushing them onto the hull of a large ship.

   Then it arrived at the dock in New Badaboo.

   Huron not only used plunder to increase the number of his warships, but also transformed them. This dock is the main repair and transformation point for the Red Pirates.

   This behemoth bears countless docks, supports, suspended workshops, residences, warehouses and mooring platforms, with a diameter of about three hundred kilometers.

   The wreckage of the Tyrant dragged along hit it, bursting into light.

   Void shields moving at close to the speed of light collide with physical matter and annihilate each other.

The    cruiser first gasified the side clearing pier, tearing apart the superstructure of the huge mooring support and a certain destroyer sheltering here.

   The battleship was cut into two parts, the engine suddenly exploded, and it disappeared in a rapidly expanding mass of heat and light with thousands of lives.

The two workshop modules next to the clearing dock were burned out by the explosion, killing tens of thousands of workers and engineers at their fingertips, and shattering the superstructure of the brake compartment, causing it to dump on both sides and park. The frigate inside therefore collided with a tugboat.

   The hulls of the two warships suffered catastrophic damage immediately.

   But the Tyrant’s Claw was still moving, and the devastating trajectory caused a series of explosions inside the dock.

   The residence and warehouse collapsed, the docks collapsed one by one, and the crane bent and broke.

   The warships began to retreat desperately, and many collisions occurred during the evacuation process.

   The two pirate warships crushed and torn each other during the collision, and the hull was torn apart, and the gas inside the ship spurted out from the damaged part of the hull, and the spray-like air currents were filled with tiny tumbling corpses like particles.

   Tyrant’s Claw is still moving, but its void shield has expired, and now it is just a solid metal missile.

   It also annihilated the two berths and the ships moored in them and crashed through the core of the data engine located in the center of the dock structure.

   All data engines were instantly destroyed, the automatic system suddenly failed, and 30,000 people died.

   The impact has basically wiped out the unprotected hull of the Tyrant’s Claw. Its structure has begun to collapse, but it still maintains a very high physical space velocity, delivering billions of tons of power.

   Finally, the Claw of the Tyrant collided with the Void Shield of the Eye of Hell. At the moment of disintegration, large pieces of debris penetrated the Void Shield and splashed on the surface of the star fort, burning like a meteor, and scattered around.

   The whole disaster happened within ten seconds.

   It made no sound, just a flash of light in the silent space.

   Observers on nearby ships or on the ground of the planet can only see the dizzying light, like the eruption of a supernova, and the flames that follow, spreading, surging, and swallowing the sky.

   Just when the red pirates were bumped into confusion, the disturbance of the subspace also reached its extreme.

   The unbound soul with the shining sky eagle emblem embedded in the bow of the ship pierced through the deep void rift like a spear and penetrated into the star realm of New Badab.

   The anger of the Golden Throne once again fell on the traitors!


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