The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 453: Wrath of the Empire

The shipyard built by the Red Pirates in New Badab for nearly ten years is dying in the flames.

Those giant platform structures suffered irreparable damage, gradually overturning and disintegrating, pulsing like a white dwarf star suddenly appeared in orbit, a pulsating colorful ball of light.

The shock waves it emitted made the nearby Star Castle tremble.

In fact, the shell of the Star Castle has suffered severe collateral damage. Although the Void Shield is still operating, some areas have been overloaded. The structural wreckage thrown out by the explosion and the burning ship fragments pierced them and hit the star again. On the fort shell.

What's worse is the fleet anchored in orbit, many of which were either destroyed in an implosion or paralyzed.

Later, the wreckage and debris were captured by the gravity of the new Badab and spilled from the orbit to the ground.

The entire orbital space is a mess.

The electromagnetic shock destroyed the communication network, and the remaining channels and pictures were crowded with frantic ship-to-ship communication: questions, inquiries, requests, emphasis.

what's happening? what's happening? what's happening!

But they received no response, no information, and no data.

The throat of the mechanical priest in charge of the communication center has been severed, his speech organs have been torn apart, and his brain has been disturbed.

As for who did it, no one knows.

The only facts are the scenes recorded through the porthole, with the naked eye and the camera.

But some clever pirates have realized that this is by no means an accident.

This is an attack, this can only be an attack, because no accident can have such a huge impact.

The new Badab has a strict door, with a particularly cautious inspection and re-inspection system and a superb multi-layer security system. Behind such a disaster of this magnitude must be supported by a certain powerful force-premeditated and full of hostility.

This is not an accident, this is an attack.

The words "empire" and "fleet" have already begun to appear in the unfiltered, tidal wave of communication signals.

About thirty seconds after the impact caused by the Tyrant’s Claw, the ship anchored in the high-level anchor point began to urgently start the engine and weapon system.

Some of them tried to power the Void Shield, and even prepared to leave the designated berth to move the location.

After that, a small raid ship suddenly exploded.

A giant steel beast started hunting in chaos. For the red pirates, the name of that giant battleship was the Vicious Divine Power, but it has been renamed the Unbound Soul.

Now it is fighting for the emperor.

After destroying several small raid ships, it poured all of its large light spear weapons on the massacre-class cruiser Black Blood, turning the battleship that was too late to open the void shield into a metal fragment, which was gradually expanded. The fireball was sprayed in all directions.

Then it starts to choose the next target.

The battle barge Mother of Tears following the Unbound Soul also opened fire, as did the battleship Star Wolf and other battleships.

The sudden attack fleet is like wolves entering a flock, killing and slaughtering enemies in chaos.

Many mortal pirate captains have witnessed the relentless hunting of the Unbound Soul on the berth line. Everyone knows what the huge battleship is doing. It is destroying all the ships in the path, just like a person. Executing a row of unarmed prisoners.

This is not a predatory attack.

The pirates know this, and they have done similar things. When attacking a spaceport, except for the captured ships, everything else will be destroyed, because then they will not be reactivated and used. .

But now, this kind of disaster has fallen on them.

Captain Helmerser, who fought against the cruiser Bloodbath, was yelling at his men, asking them to submit reports on power, weapons, shields, and data—or anything.

However, the Blood Torture was coldly docked on the berth, and the engine was almost shut down. Even with the help of the four gods, it would take them fifty minutes to get the warship into a state of preparation.

Its energy reactor is at its lowest power. It provides energy for loading, unloading, maintenance and inspection, and its engines, weapons, or shields are all shut down.

"Motivation! I need motivation!"

As Astarte, Helmerser became angry, and no one wanted to stand in front of him.

"The power is increasing, sir!"

Only his first officer answered him.

"It's not fast enough! Activate the power immediately, and it doesn't matter if you are overloaded!"

"The engine room says we can't increase the power to—"

"Tell the **** in the engine room, what I need is motivation! Not an excuse!"

But there is no time.

The imperial strike fleet is rapidly approaching, causing as many damage as possible and destroying all warships...

Helmerser stopped his thoughts. He forced his mind to stay awake for an instant, realizing that he had been dazzled by panic and extreme pressure-everyone was like this.

The bridge around him was in chaos. A clear mind is the only hope, so that he can save something, anything under the current situation.

The enemy's fleet is approaching, this is the point.

When this attack came, all the warships were on standby, because of this they would have no strength to fight back.

This opportunity was taken so well, as if the enemy knew what they were doing when.

There is only one explanation.

Inner ghost!

"Don't let me find that bastard!"

Any curse is lost at this time. The empire's fleet is unleashing waves of relentless bombardments. The warships decorated with churches and sky eagle emblems flashed with colorful raging anger, and every side volley will be activated. Braking the gravity system to counter the huge recoil force.

And every side volley of them will kill several ships that are unable to fight back, turning them into a ball of flames and metal in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the most powerful Unbound Soul gradually approached the Blood Torture.

"What about the motivation? Not good yet?"

The first officer shook his head in despair, and Heilmerser was also desperate.

A few seconds later, Unbound Soul tremblingly released another terrifying volley of light spears, and the middle section of the unprotected hull of the Blood Torture was hit by a large amount of fire, and it was suddenly torn apart.

The destruction of the Blood Torture made the pupils of Hell tremble, because the distance between them was actually very close.

Under the strong impact the remaining technicians in the Star Castle screamed in fear.

Although their vision is blurred, shocked, and disconnected from the system, they can still perceive the huge objects hitting the shell of the star castle, as well as the radiation waves and gravitational disturbances caused by their terror kinetic energy.

The Destroyed Bloodbath occupies the chaotic firmament, and bright cobweb-like high-voltage currents are attached to its surface, and a large number of electromagnetic pulses are destroying the already overwhelmed internal system of Star Fort.

"Damn it!"

In the curse, Adnus's scimitar came out of the central control hall instantly, and the sharp blade cut the heavy cable easily.

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and the technicians who had fallen into epilepsy finally got rid of the pain.

This is a difficult and correct decision. Although it will cut off the entire Starcastle’s external communications, it can also protect its internal systems from interference.

Afterwards, the ‘Blood Forest’ Adnus gave the order.

"Enclose all decks and cabins, and all personnel enter a rebound gang combat state! Ready to make a subspace leap!"

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