The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 545: Time is running out

   Standard Tactical Timing: 00.19.11

   Something was moving in the far corner illuminated by the light of Mark's armor, and he restrained the urge to fire.

   And the soldier next to him, the motor of the assault gun in his hand roared like a beast about to pounce, expecting a clear target.

   The sensor showed that there were more than twenty monsters in the dark tunnel ahead, and they briefly circled in search of other paths to the astral knights-apparently this effort eventually ended in failure.

   For a moment, the corridor was empty.

   But in a blink of an eye, a group of blue and purple bodies rushed towards Mark along the passage like a flood pouring from a hole in a dam.

   He opened fire, and the soldiers beside him also opened fire. The barrel of the assault gun reached the shooting speed in only one heartbeat. During the next heartbeat, a torrent of bullets roared through the corridor.

   Mark’s automatic senses activate the audio buffer as soon as the trigger is pressed.

  Even though there was a huge amount of ceramic steel wrapped around his body, the Terminator still felt the powerful shock wave that filled the room.

   Six or seven monsters were smashed into pieces within two seconds, and their bodies were evaporated by the fierce shooting.

  The soldier holding the assault gun paused for a while to allow the barrel and motor to cool, and then fired again.

   Every devastating shot will blow up everything that is blocking the Terminator.

  Mark was also shooting with the Stormblaster, but he was not immersed in the massacre. His attention had been fixed on the sensor, and soon he discovered that a group of signals was moving along the corridor parallel to the passage he was defending.

   He started to stay away from the entrance, buying more shooting time for himself.

   But it's still too slow.

   With the noise of metal tearing and falling to the ground, the gene thief broke through a door at the corner ahead.

   In less than a second, they were in the same room with the Terminators.


   Mark roared, and the Stormblaster fired a long burst of rage.

   The fan-shaped blast cut down the first row of attackers, but more enemies quickly replenished it.

   squeezed the trigger, Mark quickly reloaded and sprayed the hot bullets on the second wave of enemies.

   At the same time, a soldier holding a plasma cannon next to him also continuously projected the hot azure blue plasma ball to the area where the aliens were piled up, and every shot would bring double-digit deaths.

   For a time, flames, blood, and debris from the broken walls filled the corridor.


   Suddenly, there was an explosion behind him.

  Mark turned his head and saw that it was a soldier who threw a high-explosive grenade directly into the passage, which was crowded with gene stealers.

  In an instant, the white-hot metal smashed into the flesh like a sickle, and the broken bulkhead was full of steamed alloy shards.

   Although this killed a large number of aliens, the huge gap created by the explosion also allowed more aliens to pass through.

   As the wild beasts flooded the cabin like a tide, the close-range fighting broke out, and the claw-like hands and feet began to pierce into the Terminator armor.

Gene stealers have two huge mysteries, one is their spiritual network, and the other is their claws with supernatural power. Whether big or small, it seems that the claws of gene stealers have the ability to shred all metal— -The Terminator is no exception.

   "It's time to prove that I am worthy of this armor, my brothers!"

   Mark raised his power sword and storm shield and shouted.

   "Block them!"

   Standard Tactical Timing: 00.19.30

   At the beginning of the first attack, Soshyan's team also broke through the alien encirclement and reached a bottleneck in front-the twisted passage closed to a separate room.

   The room is less than fifteen meters wide, and the walls are covered with deep holes and huge cracks.

   It used to be some kind of pumping station. Broken pipes protruded from the corners and ceilings. The thick liquid hung in a spherical shape on the edges of the broken pipes, dripping into the greasy pits gathered under the walls from time to time.

   The ceiling is full of remnants of old valves and wheels covered with rust.

   Soshyang stood facing the open door, and the opposite was where the enemy was expected to appear. The loaded storm bomb was ready to fire at any time.

  Rick was in place by his side, ready to attack when any enemy appeared.

   It didn't take long for the first gene thief to jump from the ceiling pipe in the front corridor.

   It immediately stood up and began to run. The elastically connected legs twitched continuously as it rushed towards the Terminator, and its sharp claws scraped gully from the floor tiles under its feet.

  In the dim yellow light emitted by the ancient lighting system, the special-shaped glasses emit a strong light, and there is no emotion in the eyes, and some are just the fatal intentions of the predators.

   "Perhaps...this is not as illogical as I initially thought."

   At this moment, Dieterian, who was under the protection of the team, suddenly spoke.

   "What do you mean?"

   Dietrian’s answer was interrupted by a gene stealer galloping along the ceiling of the corridor and jumping over the door.

   It twisted and avoided the bullet in the air with incredible speed, and stepped on Harry who was holding a flamethrower before landing, and its sword-like claws scraped pieces of ceramic steel shards from the Terminator's breastplate.

   Harry staggered back under the impact, the artificial muscles of the armor taut but remained firm.

   Soshyang took a step back and smashed the Sacred Yan sword against the monster's back.

  The force field exploded with a blue flash when it hit the target. In an instant, the spine shattered, the carapace broke, and the gene thief fell awkwardly to the ground like a fish caught on the ground.

   At this time, another gene thief rushed into the side corridor before Soshyang fired, and the one behind it was not so lucky. The burst of storm bombs blasted it to pieces.

   After checking the sensor, Soshyan found that the approach of the enemy became more and more cautious.

   They gather into small groups outside the field of vision, and then attack in short waves.

   Although the gene thief showed more intelligence than the suicide charge at the beginning of the battle, this tactic is still crude and easy to counterattack.

   Soshyang recalled the last large-scale invasion when he encountered a gene thief in an underground mine, and he suppressed a moment of anxiety.

   At that time, they gathered together in hundreds of thousands, tore apart and jumped over the fallen ones, and overwhelmed the team of astral knights with absolute numbers.

   So far only a small number of enemies have awakened, but Soshyang understands that as the number of aliens waking up from dormancy increases, the attack will become more deadly.

   In addition, ammunition has also become a Harry reported that only half of the fuel tanks were left for the heavy fire, and that the other members of the team had only a few magazines left.

   Soshyang understands that the Mark team, which is in the defensive position behind the palace, will be under more pressure. They must fight quickly.

   "Don't fall in love with war, speed up."

   Soshyang's peaceful and standard voice sounded, even though countless decisions were pulling his attention.

   At this time Dietrian also continued his answer.

   "The signal of the reconnaissance robot is unstable, and the information upload is interrupted, but I guess it is already in the data compartment."

   "What was the last known location?"

   "Somewhere on the T line, right in front of you, transmitting frequency signals to the sensor network."

   With the advent of the update, the image flickered and superimposed on Soshyan's field of vision.

   A red haze flashed on the map fifty meters away from his current location. This automated unit, which was sent to the center of the space hulk for in-depth exploration and reconnaissance, was obviously malfunctioning or damaged.

   "It's there."

   Soshyang said, moving to the top of the team.



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