The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 546: Last 5 minutes

   Standard Tactical Timing: 00.21.49

  The Terminator team slowly walked into a twisted corridor.

   At this moment, the darkness under their feet is as static as water, and the sensor also shows that there is no target within 20 meters.

   Soshyan once doubted whether the rotten metal could bear the weight of more than a Terminator, and waited until he himself stepped onto the other side of the room before waving everyone forward.

   Then the Terminators crossed this man-made canyon one by one.

   At this time, groups of gene stealers also appeared again.

   Soshyang walked down the stairs, and his huge silhouette caught everyone's eyes under the violent blast of bullets and gun flames.

   With each shot, a clear shadow was cast on the fragmented floor, and then other fighters added their own firepower to kill the five gene stealers who rushed into the room.

   Everything seemed noisy and chaotic for a while, but with the flames of Harry's heavy breathing, everything came to an abrupt end.

   The weird scream announced the death of the gene thief.

   In the silence that suddenly fell, there was only the low noise of the flame, the crackling sound of metal cooling, and the buzzing of vaporized ultra-high temperature blood water from the alien corpse. .

   There were no enemies in the next passage, Soshyan quickly moved forward to the end of a T-shaped intersection, while other team members filed into the room, crunching the scorched corpse under their feet.

   is now closer to the detection robot's signal. Soshyan can see that the robot is in the tunnel network less than ten meters ahead, and the signal is still moving irregularly, reflecting and echoing between the twisted cabin walls.

   "Pay attention to the sides."

   There are many vents here, but the roads are narrow. The members of the team can only spread out and find their way into the squirrel-like collapsed corridors, stairwells, houses and pipes.

   The lamps on the armor were shining, and they cast their keen eyes on the broken ventilation holes and under the collapsed workbench, searching for any traces of living things.

  The Terminator squad approached the target quickly and methodically, and occasionally a gene stealer rushed out of the shadows, attracting a burst of violent firepower to interrupt the search briefly.

"found it."

   A fighter sends a message, and Soshyan looks at the identification signal to the fighting brother.

   This road is not easy, he has to squeeze through the twisted metal with his shoulders.

   Finally, in a domed hall in the center of the corridor contaminated by radiation, Soshyan found the team member.

   The combat robot was held in the palm of the opponent.

Dietrian’s reconnaissance robot is a spider-shaped machine about half a meter long, equipped with sensor probes and data antennas, and a jointed robotic arm protruding from the middle of the shell, pitifully in the palm of the Terminator. Swinging.

   At the end of a curled cable, the gold-plated skull is still swaying from side to side to continue scanning. The red eyes flicker brightly while processing the data, and the crawler tracks are also turning back and forth trying to regain their freedom.

  This kind of reconnaissance robot can adapt to various complex terrains, and has very little movement and quiet, and the generated signals and radiation are also very weak and difficult to be noticed.

   They can master the structure of the hulk so quickly, this investigative robot is indispensable.

   Although he doesn't like this mechanical teaching heresy, Soshyang must admit that some of the opponent's skills may have reached the level of sages-or even higher.

   Standard Tactical Timing: 00.23.02

   Mark heard the harsh noise of armor falling to the ground and floor tiles cracking.

   Blood roared in his ears, and time seemed to slow down for him.

   He tried to turn to the left, facing the source of the sound, raised the storm bomb to shoulder height and adjusted to single shot mode.

A soldier holding an assault gun is kneeling on one knee. A gene stealer is lying on his back. The paws on his feet grip the exhaust holes in the Terminator’s armor. The two pairs of front paws hold the helmet and try to hold The giant's head was twisted off.

   The front sight in Mark's right eye was jumping beside the gene stealer, because the alien swayed vigorously back and forth.

   He did not wait for the assisted aiming lock, because he firmly believed that his eyes were more accurate than any measuring instrument.

   After taking a deep breath, he pulled the trigger.

   "Shooting must be hit, blessing for it, because it brings revenge."

   Mark whispered, the rocket-propelled bomb flew out of the muzzle with a roar, and a moment later pierced the gene stealer's left eye and detonated the warhead and shredded the monster's head.

   The soldier was saved, but another alien appeared at the opening of the hole.

  Mark fired again.

   The explosive bomb penetrated the monster's chest, bursting out a shower of chitin and ribs.

After   , four more gene stealers sprang from the gap, but they were killed one by one by the projectiles fired by the Mark weapon, each of which was accompanied by a precise prayer chanted by the star warrior.

  The soldier armed with an assault gun returned to Mark and turned to defend the entrance he had just passed through.

   The number of gene stealers is increasing, and the squad’s defense line is constantly under pressure and shrinking-in fact, they have been forced out of the previous position, and they can only establish a new defense line at the exit.

   Just by looking outside, you can know what kind of hard fighting they have gone through.

   Each warrior’s armor is left with battle wounds-broken armor plates, potholes in plastic steel, and exposed inner cables and pipelines.

   Mark’s helmet has a horrifying crack across the mouth grille, and the right half of his body is covered with metal fragments and newly added weld marks.

   Everyone has alien pus on their bodies, and some have blood stains from their own wounds on their bodies.

   The only thing to be thankful for is that there was no death in battle.

   But after a long time, it can be said to be bad.

  Mark wanted to change the magazine, but found that the left hand joint of the armor was a bit sluggish-apparently the brake was damaged when the gene thief tried to cut his arm.

Among the squad, only Heisendre, who is holding a hot melt, has no battle damage. Obviously no gene thief can escape his superb marksmanship and the powerful power of the hot melt at close At this time, Sosh Young sent a message to Mark.

   "Hold on for another five minutes."

  Mark confirmed the information and said that he would definitely complete the task.

   "The captain of the battle team asked us to hold on for another five minutes."

  He said to the team members like this:

   "We won't let him down, right."

"of course!"

   Seeing that everyone's morale was high, Mark redeployed his defenses, built temporary shelters with abandoned facilities, sealed the small vents with hot melt, and exchanged and replenished ammunition.

   About two minutes later, the roar of storm bombs and the deadly roar of assault guns in the twisted metal room, announcing the arrival of the alien again.

   More and more gene stealers are pouring out of the dormant nest deep in the Hulk, and the sensors are crowded with targeted light spots.

   The Mark team fought fiercely with the aliens every metre of distance, reaping **** revenge with the weapons in their hands.

   The power sword shines like a beacon in the dark man-made caves and narrow passages. The flash of muzzle flames and red flames mark the path the angels pass.


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