The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 931: Rebirth of the Stars

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (

"...Some people say that when the earliest people discovered the Patriarch, it could not even be illuminated by the emperor's light. There was a black sun hanging in the sky. It was a heretical sun... Its jungle is also very different from the jungle of Katachan. The rain that falls inside seems to never evaporate, enough to soak people’s bones. The air will always be filled with a strange smell. Personally, this is strange. land."

After listening to Stryker's narration, Soshyang rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and then asked:

"Colonel Stryker, have you heard any legends during the past few years? For example, the history of the past, or the history of the pre-colonial era."

Stryker thought for a while, then replied with uncertainty:

"I don't care about these nonsense, because most of them are fairy tales, but...I heard a rumor from an old man when I was in the Olympia Mountain camp."

"What is it?"

"The first colonists who came to the Patriarch Star were a group of miners. They landed in the mountains, then built an explorer fortress and dig down. A group of people encountered some kind of caveman tribe in the depths of the mountain. ."


"No one can say exactly what it is, but it seems to be a human again. The old man was drunk and fainted when he spoke. I also drank a little at the time."

"Understood, please continue."

"Speaking of...Ah, the cavemen, those miners discovered a tribe that exists underground, these strange guys, both fear the miners and hate them. According to them, their history goes back to the emperor. They existed when they conquered this world. They called the miners the dogs of Horus and attacked the fortress. Later..."

"What happened later?"

"The colonists couldn't bear it, so they organized their forces to wipe out most of them, and found some damaged technological creations and files recorded in Gothic in their tribe... Obviously I guess them. It's not a simple primitive tribe."

Soshyang's eyes lit up suddenly.

"What happened to those files?"

"This.... I guess it was collected in a museum? I don't know the details. The old man just said that there was a guy's crazy talk on the file. He seemed to be called Kraft, and it only said briefly. One thing is that there is a transcendence in a place called Kola Pit

What is the door to reality and reason. "

"Kola Deep Pit, is there this place on the Star of Patriarch?"

"Yes, it's near the foothills of Olympia, but it's not a pit, but a very huge natural cave in the mountains. It is said that the deepest point is tens of thousands of meters, but many places are submerged by groundwater. In the past, I used to have enough food. People who did go on an expedition didn’t find anything special

The place. "

Soshyang squinted at Randall, who was also looking at him, and both of them realized that this might be the place they were looking for.

"Thank you very much Colonel Stryker for your assistance."

"grown ups."

Suddenly, Stryker's expression became serious. He straightened his collar, and then pulled out a short staff wearing a double-headed eagle emblem from his back. This was brought to him by the former planetary governor. , As a symbol of the Governor of Patriarch.

Soshyan immediately realized what the other party was going to do.

"Captain Soshyan Alexei, I am here to give you the command of all the defensive forces of the Platoon Star until the next planetary governor arrives!"

Soshyang looked at Stryker, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked softly:

"Why, Colonel Stryker? You are doing a good job. No one is more suitable than you."

"I know myself. My command is not a mess, at least it is as bad as shit. I am a mistake in this position. I am more suitable for leading the troops on the front line. I also hope that you can give me and my people. Such an opportunity."

The taste of power, most people will not be able to stop it once they have tasted it, but Stryker regards it as a mistake, and Soshyang's evaluation of him is a little higher.

"Understood, then I will relieve this duty."

Soshyang stretched out his hand and took the short stick.

"You and your fighters need a period of rest. I promise you will return to the battlefield and Attica."

There was a big smile on Stryker's big rock face.

"That's great, I haven't killed enough Star Warrior yet."

The next second, he realized that he was on an Astarte's boat, so he tensed his body and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Mistaken words, mistaken words, it's the Chaos Star Warrior."

"It's nothing. I heard that you killed a lot of traitors? This is a feat that ordinary people can't match. After the war, we will send a report to the Ministry of Military Affairs to prove the feats of you and your soldiers."

"This is not troublesome. The Ministry of Military Affairs is nothing more than issuing a few more medals."

While the two were talking, Luke hurriedly walked into the bridge, holding a data board in his hand.

"The commander of the battle group, the results have already come out."

Soshyang took the data board, glanced at the things on it, his face became a little dignified.

Stryker watched from the side. Although he was curious, he didn't ask. Many things on the battlefield are classified. He has already been relieved of his position as the governor. This is still conscious.

Soshyang then handed the data board to Randall and said to Stryker:

"The naval battle is decided."

"naval battle?"

Stryker looked blank.

"The decisive battle between the main force of the Imperial Navy and the main force of the Black Legion fleet ended in a complete victory for the Imperial side, but—"

The first-hand information was sent by Lothar, the fourth company commander of the Astral Knights, and also the master of the fleet.

It turned out that just when the main force of the fleet led by Admiral Carrancevo was entangled by the Black Legion fleet, at the end of the day, Lothar's Astral Knight fleet and the Navy's [Reliable Faithful] Dictator-class cruiser arrived on the battlefield in time.

Lothar’s ship is the flagship of the former Soul Drinker, the battle barge Soul Envoy, and it brought six frigates, plus the reliable carrier-based aircraft formation of the Faithful, which quickly changed the battlefield situation.

Black Legion Fleet Commander Ain Glaspel had to mobilize his forces to deal with the new enemy So when the surviving attack aircraft returned to the Vengeance, the flagship was finally able to breathe, in the frigate's net Under the protection, distanced from the Chaos Fleet.

At this time, for Admiral Karasovo, victory seemed to be close at hand. As long as he was given more time to take off all the torpedo aircraft formations, he would be able to launch a fatal blow to the enemy's flagship.

But he didn't know that it was not just him who had reinforcements.

Just as the Vengeance took off the torpedo formation in an emergency, behind the Imperial Fleet, the Hate Heart, a Slayer-class cruiser, ignited its iconic huge engine and rushed towards the Imperial fleet from the flank.

More importantly, this cruiser magically dragged an asteroid fragment behind it.

The purpose of this peculiar action was revealed after approaching the Vengeance. The inside of this huge rock was hollow, and inside it was hidden the Thousand Sons wizards and the Red Pirate Jumping gang equipped with the death claw boarding cabin.

When it got close enough to Vengeance, Hate Heart released the asteroid, causing it to smash into the imperial formation, forcing the small ships to evade one after another.

After reaching a close enough distance, the capture beam shot from the asteroid fragments grabbed the imperial flagship, and the chanting Thousand Sons Wizarding Group released a psionic attack to destroy the shield and paralyzed most of the short-range defenses. artillery.

As soon as the Vengeance’s shield disappeared, dozens of attack bays were launched at the same time to the weakly defending ship, and soon the boarding battle broke out in the ship’s corridor and landing bay.

The red pirates boarding quickly spread all over the hull. At the same time, the Thousand Sons wizards also opened an unstable temporary subspace portal. The demons gushing out flooded the Vengeance in a short period of time. This flagship almost Was swallowed by fierce fighting.

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