The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 932: Extreme panic

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (

Subspace is a place where you can never get an answer, because the human brain cannot understand it, which is why only individuals with psionic mutations can see it.

Even so, the navigator's third eye can't really perceive it, they just filter out the parts that make mortals crazy.

Of course, among the creatures approaching the Vengeance, there is something similar to the combination of a snake and a shark.

In fact, they are neither creatures nor ghosts, but some kind of transmutation state of human souls, twisted by the power of darkness to become some kind of indefinite creation.

These creations lock onto the Vengeance from all directions at the same time. They creep up from the past, gliding from the future, and gather on a fragile point of time and space, relying on this point of time and space to imprison the Vengeance in their desires.

They have eyes, many, many eyes, a series of insignificant things are piled up on the body, and they can be changed into any shape, because they don't have a real shape, but they always have eyes.

In a sense, they also have wings, claws and fangs, and a large amount of hot liquid to resist the cold caused by the subspace storm.

They were scorched by the flames, gleaming under the effect of melting flames, and the ice on their scales was as sharp as a dagger.

All demons are born in the abyss of the spiritual realm, and have never been forced to transform into any form by reality, and staying the same from this moment to the next is as alien to them as distortions are to the human brain.

Suddenly, one of them opened his mouth, and the Predator put himself at the same end as the Vengeance, forcing himself into a strange world to avoid being wiped out by the energy field surrounding the ship.

The mind inside is full of crazy potential, and the delicious soul can be absorbed by them.

Most of the time, predators in subspace usually feed on leftovers-emotional or painful moments, or fragments of souls that have been peeled off.

But here, the food is so abundant, it is enough to make any predator bloated and terrifying, like a whale drifting in the abyss, opening its mouth and swallowing huge amounts of plankton.

Thousands of bright lights flashed inside the ship, each of which was a potential feast and a passage for non-material predators.

Soon, it found an unprotected mind, whose pain was able to free itself from the constraints of reality and forcibly enter the mind of food.

So it laughed and swooped down.


The scream was the first sign of a problem on the deck.

The huge laser cannon is connected to the plasma reactor at the stern, and it has remained silent since the battle broke out.

Gunners still think it can be a battle, because lasers are moody, especially they still need the power to fight giant ships. In order to ensure that there are no problems in the use process, the technical priest constantly removes the dirt and the laser focusing lens. When cleaning the pipeline, any tiny flaws will cause uncontrollable forces to lead in unpredictable directions.

But suddenly,

A worker fell from a height, and he had been facing a huge mirror there.

The worker fell to the ground, and the foreman knew that he must be dead. This was a voice he had heard many times before.

The foreman is not in a hurry to know what happened to the workers who fell on the ground. This kind of thing is too common, especially when fighting. Just death means trouble.

There is one less person here, so you have to pull people from other places, and the Vengeance has already lost many people, and they are in the abyss without help.

But the workers are very nervous, because the unexplained accidental death of a person is unlucky.

Some people say that if you die on a spaceship, you will never be able to get out. Even if the crew members are baptized by the state religion, they cannot stop the superstition that grows out of the empty shell.

However, the dead man was not dead.

When the foreman walked to the corpse, he saw the corpse howling like a falling animal, his wrists and ankles trembling, as if to return to normal.

The foreman expressed his dissatisfaction with the man being alive, because he would definitely die soon, and sending him to the infirmary was an unnecessary waste of manpower.

"Anyway, I'll change my mind for a while, I'll be free for you."

The foreman raised the electric stun stick, ready to give this guy a head and let him breathe completely.

But then, he took a step back in horror during the interview.

"Damn it! What's the situation!"

The body of the dying man swelled as the ribs broke, one side of his body separated from the other, and as the pelvis split, the organs also separated.

The corpse’s sternum was broken, and the ribs hit the laser hood next to it. There were countless things under the skin squirming, as if ripples, and the whole person quickly became a twisting and pulsating arched state of flesh and bones. The viscous blood dripped on the metal deck at the same time.

Afterwards, the dead crew member's head tilted to one side, his chin twisted at an angle, his eyes still open. (Inspired by the movie "Strange Shapes", you can watch it if you haven't seen it before)

"God emperor!! What is that!!!"

"Monster! Heresy! Heresy!"


Everyone made horrified But the space in the laser deck suddenly became distorted and darkened.

The predator forced its way through the barrier, and the shadow it cast was spilled on the floor like something in a cracked belly. Then the remaining skin of the corpse cracked, squeezing out countless pairs of eyes, and blinking to absorb the light .

The scream began.

Then there was a massacre, an absolute massacre.

The warning icon gleamed in the spaceship, and the communicator was accompanied by crazy screams and wailing to demons and monsters. In order to avoid spreading fear, the bridge directly cut off the communication connection.

This kind of thing happened one after another on the Vengeance, accompanied by the red pirates jumping to the gang, which is a variety of twisted and weird demons.

Admiral Karasovo desperately tried everything he could to mobilize the power he could mobilize in an attempt to resist the enemy.

The Vengeance has the most elite rebound gang. They are well-equipped and well-trained. They are no less than the Stormtroopers of the Astral Army, and they are powerful even in the face of the Chaos Interstellar Warrior.

However, in the face of the devil, they were not strong enough, and they could only rely on the mental barrier that the navigators barely set up to protect most areas of the warship from being directly infiltrated by the devil.

But those demons that have infiltrated need more professional and powerful troops.

For this reason, Admiral Karanswo asked for the assistance of the astral knights.

Lothar’s fourth company now has only 35 fighters. These troops are the key to protecting the Soulbringer. However, in the face of Admiral Karasovo’s successive requests, Lothar realized that the Vengeance was likely to be insufficiently supported. .

If this flagship is destroyed, then the battle will be very, very unoptimistic.

Therefore, Lothar could only grind his teeth and mobilize ten fighters to form a support team, led by Robin, using two-way transmission to reach the Vengeance directly, and also slightly brought 5 castle-class combat robots.

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