The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 933: Tiaohulishan

   There is a large teleportation room on the Vengeance, so the Robin team's teleportation process is smooth.

As soon as he arrived on the flagship, Robin led the team into the busy "fire fighting". They fought for an hour and eliminated two red pirate jump gangs and three crew members who were possessed by demons. casualties.

   Of course, this is mainly due to Robin's superb swordsmanship. He has cut down ten Chaos Space Warriors and one champion alone.

   "Captain Robin, the laser deck needs support."

   Hearing the communication from Admiral Karansvor, Robin, who was replenishing ammunition in the armory just after the battle, did not say much, and soon took his comrades on the deck to prepare for action.

   Five minutes later, Robin brought a heavily armed squad to the laser deck, where they witnessed the terrifying scene with their own eyes——

Countless corpses turned into rough skin and muscle stains on the wall, and everyone’s faces were ripped apart by horrible things. They looked out from the piles of broken limbs. The flesh and internal organs hung on the beams of the deck. , Or hung on the huge structure of the energy device.

   The focusing lens and lens were sprayed with blood, and the living people twisted into a ball. They were all crazy, making themselves **** and biting each other.

Glowing black bands of light wrapped around the spine of the deceased. These lines stretched to the ceiling of the deck, where there was a huge cloud of darkness squatting there, a boiling thing, whose eyes kept turning, and the mouth was smiling, turning the deck. The crew on board pushed deeper into the abyss of pain.

   Robin just frowned slightly. He has seen terrible things, but it’s hard to compare with this kind of enemy——

   "Damn it!"

   A soldier raised his explosive gun and hit the thing for a round. The shadow was punched through, and the meat exploded out of it, but there was no more reaction.

   Then, another person picked up a heavy plasma rifle and added a punitive shot.

   Explosive gun may not be very useful, but the rechargeable plasma is another matter.

   One press, a terrible scream filled this small space and resonated in everyone's helmets.

   When Astart's ammunition furiously attacked and detonated, the overhanging thread held by this twisted creature began to be cut off one by one.

   It roared, revealing rows of needle-like fangs and a snake-like tongue, seeming to be tasting the essence of mortals.

   The tongue lashed violently like lightning, and the star warriors retreated flexibly, avoiding its attack, so it pierced the two mortals who were fighting.

   They roared in pain, pierced by the devil's tongue, trembling and convulsing.

   "Burn it!"

   Robin remembered clearly that their company commander, including the instructor, had repeatedly told them that the most effective way to deal with the devil was always the flame.

   "Burn everything!"

   A soldier walked forward with his flamethrower and sprayed hot promethium all over the hall.

   The demon was twisted. It screamed angrily and wanted to retreat from the attack, but the flamethrower swept the hot cone down and cooked a pile of things, forcing it to no longer maintain its original posture.

   When the demon fell, Robin noticed patches of turbid liquid splashing on the deck behind him.

   It bleeds, and Robin realizes that he can kill it.

   "Go forward! The Emperor of the Candle Torch, the cave is destroyed!"

   "The cave is destroyed!"

   his comrades yelled and answered.

   As the Astral Knights team quickly cleared the demons on the laser deck, they did not realize that this was a trap to turn the tiger away from the mountain. Their communication devices had been disturbed and could not receive the signal from the bridge.

   Actually, there are more than one demons who have descended on the laser deck, but they are not there now, because the wizard who controls them makes them go to a more critical position.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding-

   Admiral Carransvaux was looking at the strategic view on the bridge in thought, when he suddenly heard an alarm ringing through the deck.

"What happened?"

   "Our communication with the outside world is interrupted! Sir!"

   Admiral Karanswo didn't say anything. There is only one possibility in this situation, and the enemy is about to come.

   So he summoned the officers in silence, prepared to leave the emergency passage and head to the backup command room. As long as there is still there, the enemy will never want to control the ship!

   Soon, they left the bridge and came to the standby command room 800 meters away, but when the door opened, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

   There is a morgue.

   The skin-skinned meat covered the walls, the floor was full of blood, the blood-stained bones were discarded on the ground, the screams were carved on the faces of the dead, and they were terminated at the last moment of pain.

   In the darkness, these nightmarish creatures are dormant, they bite large pieces of meat with their teeth, and when they realized that a stranger was approaching, a shark-like shark-like shark-glowing thing turned around.

   Its lipless mouth was full of blood, and its swollen throat was stuffed with fresh flesh and blood.

   "Damn it!"

   Admiral Karanswo panted, feeling an unfamiliar and strange emotion flowing down his spine.

   This is fear.


   He quickly regained his courage and drew the sword and pistol from his waist.

   "Monster, if you want to kill me, come on!"

   "Protect the Commander!"

   "Commander, go!"

   The guards also reacted quickly, and the fire from the muzzle lit up the darkness of the standby command room.

Suddenly, a long black tongue was blindly thrown from Admiral Karansvor, and the admiral jumped away, but a guard was not so The tongue pierced his body directly. , The whole person suddenly became shriveled and burst open, broken bones and blood splashed on the admiral.

   At this time, there was a humming sound of flapping wings in the darkness, and then those sharp long jaws cracked, and then they pounced.

   Although the guards resisted desperately, they still became **** and the armor was shattered.

   "God, let me die glorious!"

   Admiral Karancevo yelled and turned his pistol back. When a demon buzzed towards him, he hit the opponent with a precise shot, but it didn't work.

   The two guards rushed forward to cover him, but they were suddenly squeezed together by invisible force, and were squeezed into a mass of blood amid the sound of infiltrating muscles and fractures.

   The fiercest battle broke out. Many people's bodies were torn to pieces, flesh and blood splattered, and the air was full of stench and the sound of broken bones.


   Suddenly, a guard detonated a grenade, but he was so close to Admiral Karasovo that the captain was overturned to the ground, covered in blood.

   These monsters opened their mouths and swarmed up. When they were about to eat this valuable mortal, a dazzling silver flash broke out in the space, lighting the corridors incandescent.


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