The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 934: Shinrai Rage

"Beast! Under the light of the emperor, you are not allowed to wait to be presumptuous!!"

Accompanied by an angry roar, a scorching lightning flashed across. The beasts flinched in front of this power, twisting in vain, but the light still scorched them all.

"Go back, twisted filth!"

Ready to lift up

Admiral Carransovo

The chief of staff of Admiral Karansvor suddenly heard a voice behind him, that voice was full of power.

"Escape to the abyss and leave the real space."

He turned his head, but had to reach out to block the dazzling light.

Those were six stalwart silver giants, subspace like snake-like lightning leaping between the focusing blades on their backpacks, and each lightning finally split into a hissing sound in anger.

They wore an unknown Terminator armor, and their faces were hidden in knight-style helmets, each holding a halberd full of aura.

Subsequently, one of the giants strode towards

Admiral Karasovo walked away, while the demons yelled endlessly.

The giant snorted, and a sky-blue spiritual light passed over his armor, and then a thunder spear appeared in the giant's outstretched hand.

"Get down, now!"

The silver giant screamed, and all the people crouched on the ground.

In the next second, the spear flashed over everyone's heads like a sacred lightning, pierced the first leaping demon, tore its body and painted a thick layer of dark gray blood on the deck.

The sound of its death echoed in the arched passage, and then disappeared completely, leaving behind a stench.

The death of the same kind angered all the demons, all of them pounced on the silver giant, preferring to bear the violent energy released.

"Let them stop."

The other giants obeyed the order and used the storm blaster on their arms to aim at the demons, confirming their respective targets.

The next moment, the explosive bomb shattered nothingness, and more screams filled the corridor.

The leading giant threw a string of lightning and threw another creature back to the subspace, then raised his hand to set off a curling flame, destroying the third one attached to the wall.

The last demon turned and escaped from the bite of the flame, but it was baptized by explosive bombs, and its body began to quickly reorganize.

It grew fresh eyes, and a circle of curly tendrils grew from the end of the head. These tendrils became hard, clawed limbs.

Just when people thought he was going to attack the giant, the snake-like tongue was pulled out of its mouth and directly penetrated Admiral Karasovo, who was struggling to get up from the ground.

"Do not!!"


The giant was also enraged and hit it with a burst of white flame.

The demon was blown into a **** mess on the deck, and then slowly disappeared in the clamor.

The distortion of the space disappeared, and the reddish shadows from the emergency lights refocused. The Chief of Staff climbed to the side of Admiral Karasovo and lifted him up, only to find that his hands were full of blood.

The devil's tongue pierced through the admiral's heart, taking away his last vitality.


Looking at the tearful chief of staff, Admiral Karanswo grabbed his arm with his last strength.

"Convey me.... The last order.... The commander is... Neo... everyone must..."

After speaking, Admiral Karanswo took his last breath with unwillingness.

As the war was going on, the empire suffered the most serious blow since the war began. The highest commander of the Pandora Strike Group, Admiral Calancevo, was killed!

Time returned to half an hour ago, after the Reliable Servant came out of the subspace with difficulty, it rushed to the fighting position without stopping, and the propeller in the stern was burning as much as it could.

The imperial cruiser headed for the long-awaited Hurst. The engine shifted its power to the port side and slowly turned around the stern shaft until its side was still running.

The azure light flickered on the flank of the Faithful Servant, and a few seconds later, her light spear shot fiery anger.

The explosion rippled on the armor shell of the Endless Wrath and was accompanied by a huge impact, but it was just a sting to such a huge beast, and the Chaos giant ship responded with a devastating salvo.

The Reliable Faithful tried to maneuver, aiming the torpedo tube at the bow of the enemy ship, but the subsequent slams quickly disintegrated its shield, the stern deck was swallowed by deadly flames, and the explosion produced a shock that caused fragments to kill. Large crew.

Despite this, the Reliable Faithful Persevered, and the maneuver just now kept her away from the fatal blow.

Subsequently, the torpedo was launched from the bow, followed by a second salvo of light spears.

The Endless Rage was stung again, so he responded with a bombardment again.

The shell hit the bow of the Reliable Faithful, and the armor of the cannon peeled off, but it still persisted.

The original **** ship such as the Reliable Faithful was not suitable for main artillery battles, but she was eager to share the firepower for the Vengeance, desperately to drag the enemy's flagship, and the soul messenger not far away hated the Red Pirate. The Heart was engaged in a fierce artillery battle-neither side engaged in gang fights, the Star Knights were due to lack of troops, and Sarpedon was concerned about new enemies that might appear at any time.

Reliable Faithful, the little wasp's stubbornness annoyed the endless resentment, it turned its head and used all its strength to deal with the intruder.

The damage suffered by the Reliable Faithful slowed it down, but even so, as long as it wanted to, it could still escape.

But on the contrary, the imperial warships held their ground and made the last resistance.

The light spear is The torpedo keeps launching, and the Reliable Servant launches everything it has left.

But this is not enough.

The Endless Rage turned a corner, and now it decided to end the battle.

Paka Ainglaspel observed this short battle on the bridge. He had been observing the reliable loyal servant, and he was amazed by the tenacity of the opponent.

"Crush them!"

The roar of the Lord of Chaos made the entire bridge tremble.

"grown ups!"

Hearing the voice of the adjutant, Lord Chaos turned to face him.

"What's wrong?"

"The enemy has released a large number of carrier-based aircraft, which are heading towards the port side of our ship."

Paka Ainglaspel was very confused.

"how many?"

"One hundred and fifty, my lord."

The first officer explained carefully, and tried not to offend his master.

"They hide very well. As an aircraft carrier, they released their carrier-based aircraft formation at such a distance. Now our point defensive weapons may not be able to respond."

Ain Glaspel paused for a while, his silence frightened everyone.

The last move of the empire is indeed very dangerous. After all, a large number of bombers may submerge a huge ship. Even a battleship like the Endless Rage is surrounded by hundreds of torpedo planes. Basically lost combat effectiveness.

"They want to die together."

The Lord of Chaos seemed to understand the enemy's plan to counterattack.

"Do you need to activate all air-to-air vigilance, my lord?"


Ain Glaspel said sharply:

"All weapons give priority to those carrier-based aircraft, and send signals to let the devil destroy that sad warship."

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