The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 935: Boulder Fortress and the Gray Knight

The latest website: "For the emperor, we will fulfill our duties."

Captain Neo sits on the command seat in front of the blast door leading to the bridge. The bridge has been completely blocked by the hatch to prevent damage to the bridge by the second explosion, but under the premise that the entire ship is on the verge of destruction , Such measures are of little significance.

Suddenly, another huge explosion sounded from the generator deep in the stern. Neo sighed slightly. The Reliable Servant couldn't hold it for too long. The damage to the engine area made it lose the strength to hit the enemy.

But fortunately, all the carrier-based aircraft formations have been released, and they will bring imperial punishment to the enemy.

At this moment Neo felt very calm, although there was still a hint of intuition, but it didn't matter.

When he conceived this plan and talked about sacrifice with the pilots of the carrier aircraft, everyone already knew that this would be the last mission of the Reliable Servant.

He calmly put on a full set of admiral's ribbons and instructed all personnel on the bridge to do the same.

In the final battle, honor cannot be discarded.

They had fought an evil giant called the Endless Wrath. They failed, but like a fly angered the bison, this might be enough to distract the enemy and let the pilots do what they have to do.


While talking, Neo stared at the screen and space ahead, and the scattered debris of the battleship was slowly circling past.

"Disband the crew on the bridge, including you, immediately evacuate the remaining crew and take them to the rescue cabin, and wish good luck to everyone forever."

"Sorry, Captain, I cannot speak on behalf of other crew members, but I will not obey orders."

The helmsman answered with his back, he was still trying to control the posture of the battleship.

Neo turned his command seat and looked at the helmsman coldly.

"I am your sir. You have to do what I say,"

The helmsman turned his head and met the opponent's gaze fearlessly.

"Sir, I request to stay here and sink with the ship."

For a while, Neo was angry because of this disobedience, but the helmsman's determined expression gradually dissipated his anger.

The helmsman saluted him.

"Thank you, sir, you gave me a great honor."

Judging from the behavior of the surrounding crew members, they agreed.

"I am also honored."

Neo stood up and raised his hand in response to a navy salute. At this moment, he suddenly fell to the ground holding his stomach, his face turned pale, and his body convulsed unnaturally.

The first officer stood by and went to help him immediately.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a deep chill filled the entire ship bridge, as if the middle ship bridge had become an ice cellar.

Neo opened his eyes and kicked and kicked, reaching for his weapon,

But it doesn’t matter whether they have weapons or not, it’s too late for them—

Suddenly, a flashing mark appeared on the screen of the bridge——

At the critical juncture of the battle, the navigators in both fleets received a subspace broadcast message indicating that one or several ships were about to jump out of the subspace into the galaxy.

The navigators could hardly believe that showing up so close to the asteroid belt was almost suicide.

Nevertheless, this feeling did not lie: there was nothing left in the first second, and 4 capital ships and half a dozen frigates appeared in the next moment.

What's more terrifying is that

A few seconds later, a super huge figure appeared, which made the asteroids used by Ain Glaspel to attack the Vengeance to be small.

It is the Boulder Fortress!

In the darkest moment of despair, the dark angels arrived.

Megalithic Fortress, also known as the Tower of Angels, is the home of the Dark Angels and the fortress monastery. This is a huge and extremely powerful super space fortress. The size of it is larger than any conventional battleship or even a space fortress. To be big, and the huge weaponry in her is enough to wipe out the entire fleet.

As for who is bigger than the mountain formation of the Fist of the Empire, there is no clear statement yet.

However, unlike the complete mechanical structure of the mountain array, the main body of the boulder is actually a whole piece of planetary debris. The public generally believes that this is the remnant of the broken planet of Caliban, but the dark angel does not directly respond to this question.

In other words, the essence of the megalith is a space meteorite equipped with a subspace engine and shield system. Her overall operation status is supervised by the master of megaliths and is also the casting master of the dark angel. Connected together.

The appearance of the dark angel completely changed the situation of the battle.

While Boulder and its frigate were moving to meet the Chaos Fleet, the battle barge of the Dark Angel, the Infinite Fury and the three Hunter-class destroyers quickly slid towards the attacked Vengeance.

At the same time as it was approaching, Endless Fury launched a round of landing torpedoes to hit the chaotic asteroids, followed by them and arrived with an array of Terminators.

A whole company of Terminators was teleported to the rocky surface of the asteroid. Their gray armor was like a beacon on the surface of a boulder, representing their mysterious and glorious identity, the Deadwing Company.

The Deathwing Terminators were full of righteous anger and killed the Thousand Sons Wizarding Order inside the asteroid. Before they knew what the attack was, they were killed and wounded several people, and then the dark angels landed torpedoes.

Soon, the entire asteroid was swallowed by the flames of war.

Helping hands also reached out to the Vengeance, and a silver assault cruiser arrived with the fleet of Dark Angels.

Another more mysterious battle group appeared.

They are wearing silver terminator of unknown model. The symbols and logos on their bodies are little known. Only the highest figures of the empire or the high-ranking members of the Demon Inquisition know their existence, but they have been active in the dark history of the empire for thousands of years. Among them, the meaning of their creation is to eliminate heretics and demons.

They have almost no official names. 666 is their code name, but people who know them usually choose to call them—

Grey Knight.

The Purifier Gikfried Mayner was still meditating in the teleportation room for a second, and the next moment his boots collided with the metal floor and echoed.

Wearing a silver Baroque power armor and a white helmet, Astarte walked out alone, and was immediately shocked by a strange sense of emptiness.

There is no life in the corridor, no crew members can be seen, but this is another thing that exists: a feeling that shouldn't exist, with a supernatural taste.

Gikfried raised his psychic halo, and the psychic shield protected his head like a helmet.

Then he drew out his crystal-like power sword, and the burst of energy attached to it seemed to be a strange reaction to the surrounding There was an evil spirit on this ship.

In the Order, the Purifier represents the core spirit of the Grey Knights. Unlike other combat brothers, the Purifier's dedication to the sacred goal makes them a role model for the warriors of the warband.

Nearly fanatical black flames burned in their eyes, and at the same time they showed a low-key and silent attitude. The innocent soul is not only their most decisive feature, but also their ultimate weapon.

Through the combination with spiritual power, the purifier can generate a burning flame that surrounds not only their bodies, but also their souls. Those evil-hearted and malicious beings will be burned by this flame and purified. The person himself will remain unscathed in this flame.

Only those gray knights who have been soaked in blood and displayed infinite courage and outstanding skills will become one of the purifiers.

This is also the reason why Jiekefried dared to come to this ship alone.


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