The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 950: Weird giant tree

Currently, there are only five Star Knights who have successfully transplanted gray marrow, Bahram is one of them, but gray marrow has not shown an obvious effect on them for a long time.

   I didn't expect that this time it would be silent, and it was a blockbuster, and Talos also secretly thanked him that he had asked Bahram over from Soshyan, otherwise this time it might be overturned in the gutter.


Talos glanced at Bahram, whose face was covered in gray veins, and took another measurement of the other's body temperature. Then he took out a miniature syringe from his back and took out a pale yellow potion from the storage box in his thigh. After installing it on the syringe, inject it into Bachram's neck.

   With the injection of the medicine, Bahram's face gradually returned to normal. Talos checked the opponent's temperature again and confirmed that it had risen before putting the helmet on the opponent again.

   "Company commander, Bahram he—"

   After hesitating for a while, Sablin asked in a low voice:

   "Is it a think tank?"

   "Don't ask this, you will know when you know it in the future. Now you only need to know one thing. When you encounter subspace troubles that cannot be solved, it is the right thing to find him."

   About thirty seconds later, with a slight moan, Bahram woke up.

   As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Talos and Sablin staring at him.


   "Can you stand up."

"it should be OK."

   Bahram struggled for a while, and finally stood up swayingly.

  Talos patted him on the shoulder, then whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

   "I know you have a lot of questions, but I can't answer you. You have to find Soshyang. Only he can answer you."

   Hearing what the other party said, Bachram nodded and pressed down the full of questions.

   "What are these animals?"

   Sablin probed one of the corpses with a halberd.

   "A native creature affected by the power of chaos."

  Talos said, nudging one of the dead bugs with his boots.

   "Subspace is not only useful for humans, it is useful for almost any life, so if you go to a chaotically polluted world, you must be alert to any creatures you encounter."

   "So, those who are missing were eaten by bugs?"

  Talos did not answer. He carefully checked every dead insect and finally got a conclusion.

   "No, these things have only undigested other insects in their stomachs, not a bit of human remains, and the disappearance of all those people has nothing to do with them or their stomachs."

"I heard--"

  Bahram suddenly spoke.

   "Some insects have the instinct to store food, I guess...Is there anything taking advantage of this instinct?"

   Sablin glanced deep into the passage.

   "That means they have a nest here."

  Talos checked the number of bullets on the pistol, then put it in the holster, and drew a fragmented grenade from his belt.

   "Throw the grenade first, and then charge, is there any problem?"

"of course not."

The soldiers in the squad received the order and immediately prepared their weapons.

   The team quickly walked down the passage. After experiencing the situation just now, Bahram's senses became more acute. He felt more corrupted bugs ambush at the other end of the corridor, so he raised his gun and slammed the monsters.

   A series of terrible screams resounded through the darkness, and strong, carapaceous bugs emerged from the concealed roots, thumping in the pain of death.

  Talos held the fragmentation grenade in his hand.

   "Throw a round!"

   he shouted and threw it into the hallway.

   After a while, five more grenades flashed over his head, in a flat and precise arc, and detonated at the end of the tunnel.

   More screams cut through the air, shrapnel roared through the animals hidden around the entrance, the Astartes also answered each other with a roar of their own, and then began to charge.

   A group of giant insects are waiting for their charge, ready to defend their nest.

   Li Lin picked up the rapid-fire plasma pistol and sprayed a torrent of hot rain into them, instantly burning more than a dozen insects, and the rest were shocked.

  The battle began.

Talos swept the insects in front of him with a crackling arc, killing two insects that came towards him from the right. At this time, another monster came from the left and tried to bite his armor with his jaw. Quickly drew the pistol, aimed at the target, and shot the guy headshot.

   Around him, chainsaw swords roared, explosive bombs roared, and angels of death slaughtered their enemies.

   Soon, they crossed the passage and entered a room.

The    room is a huge man-made cave. There is a curved domed ceiling 30 meters above their heads. The air exudes heat and the stench of rotting.

At the center of    is a grotesque statue, like a giant stone tree, but the tree is covered with fruits that resemble eyeballs, which is disgusting.

   The air around the statue shimmered like a mirage, and a strong sense of dislocation threatened everyone present, especially Talos.

   A strong sense of crisis burned Talos' head, and although the tranquilizer that Valer had prepared had some effect, he still felt a faint pain in his mind.

Here, the barrier between the ether and the material world is weakened, and the feeling of madness and depravity is almost within reach, like a layer of oil covering everyone’s skin in the center of the room, just At the foot of the statue, lying a large pile of corpses, most of them wearing green uniforms stained with blood, piled up into an ominous mountain of corpses——

   "This is not like a human creation."

  Talos endured the severe pain in his skull and tried to analyze the situation in front of him.

   "It's more like some kind of alien altar...It's not right, there should be no other races on the star."

   Suddenly, the guards here hissed and screamed, attacking the Astartes from all directions.

Talos fired two shots in the air with his pistol, and swiped with his sword to blast the two insects into flaming shells. The Astarts kept their formation, facing the enemy, and used the chain saw sword at any point. The approaching monster chopped off.

   Those who were selected were good players in the company, and they were more disciplined. The bodies of his enemies began to pile up at their feet.

   But every time they killed a monster, Talos felt the invisible energy spinning around the room, becoming more chaotic.

   No matter who starts any dark plan here, their actions will only make it more vibrant.

   "Struggle forward! Destroy that statue!"

  Talos decided to hit the core of the problem, and the soldiers reacted immediately. They moved towards the statue step by step.

   The surviving bugs increased their attack strength. They jumped to find a breakthrough in the formation, but every time they tried, they encountered a chain saw blade or a flash of muzzle.

   traversed the huge space relentlessly for eleven, leaving only a string of shattered, bleeding twitching corpses behind him.

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