The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 951: Ancient Demon

However, with each step, the air seemed to be filled with more and more electric charges, strange halos crackled along the fruit on the statue, and mysterious moans echoed around Astarte.

   When they approached the pile of corpses, Talos discovered that they were buried in a huge spiral.

  The curved lines are composed of a series of carefully crafted runes, each rune is carved on the floor with a plasma torch, and it is filled with coagulated blood.

   These symbols pierced his eyes, and when he tried to concentrate, there seemed to be jagged needles pierced into his brain.

   The longer he stares at the spiral, the stronger the effect.

   The surviving bugs have given up their crazy attacks, retreated from Astarte in an irregular circle, lurking outside the attack range of the chain saw sword to wait for the opportunity.

The members of the    squad continued their **** work, carefully shooting monsters with their blaster pistols.

   The death energy continued to fuel the vortex, further igniting the invisible flame.

   Talos gritted his teeth, endured more and more severe pain in his head, and led his team forward step by step.

   They are now ten meters away from the pile of corpses, and he can see that each corpse is coated with its own rune, coated with a layer of translucent mucus, and glows slightly in the strange energy flashing above the head.

   When the ball lightning flashed, the prophet caught a glimpse of a certain mark on the side of a statue that was ten meters high above the pile of corpses.

   But before he could focus on what it was, the bugs suddenly turned and rushed towards his team.

   An ominous premonition grabbed Talos.

"not good!"

   However, before he could give a warning, all the remaining bugs were blown to pieces.

   The next second, their death energy hit the ether like a hammer, and the suppressed power in the room exploded.

   When the barrier between reality and the ether began to collapse, Talos felt the sense of spatial dislocation sharply intensified. He staggered, as the mental shock absorber was about to be overloaded, and the painful spikes pierced his brain.

   In front of him, the pile of corpses seemed to be held by a pair of invisible hands, piled up in the shape of an arch.

  At the same time, Talos finally sounded what that symbol was--

   "...Holy Blood Angel!"

   At this moment, in the distant Barr galaxy, Mephisto, who was looking down and flipping through the scrolls, seemed to feel something.

This is his holy hall—a grand anti-psychic hall. The huge plasma generator suspends thousands of banned books from the most dangerous think tanks in the air, and the buzzing of its operation stirs the air. It's like the engine room of a battleship.

   And he himself is sitting in a relatively quiet corner of the hall, with a brass desk in front of him.

   The brass candlestick placed in the center of the desk, the bright light swept away the haze and darkness around it-the desk shone on the flat surface after thousands of hammers.

   Suddenly, a blood slave appeared from the darkness. He was wearing a red robe, his face hidden in the shadow, and he bowed and whispered:

   "Master Dante is here."

   "Invite him in."

   The bent blood slave nodded, and quickly stepped back to the shadows.

Later, Mephisto turned his attention to the ancient book in front of him. This was a secret scroll he accidentally discovered when he was sorting out the archives of the battle group. There was no signer on it, but there was one that made him very uneasy. symbol.

   Although he didn't recognize this symbol, Mephisto's instinct told him that it was dangerous.

   Then he flipped through the ancient books, and was surprised to find that it actually recorded an old event from the Legion era. At the same time, he also realized what the symbol represented.

   This secret volume is not without a signature. The symbol is its name. It has an extremely special status in the Holy Blood Angels. People usually call it "San Guillero."

   Soon, Dante in a robe walked into the sanctuary.

"What's up?"

   After making a call, Dante sat in the chair opposite Mephisto and leaned back into the chair.

   Mephisto nodded and pushed the secret scroll in front of Dante.

   "I found this while organizing files."

   Dante frowned and opened the secret scroll. As he gradually looked back, the expression on his face became more and more astonished.

   "This...there is such a thing!?"

   "There is no record in the history of the battle group. Obviously, the original body did not want anyone to know it."

   The reason why Dante is so surprised is that this secret volume actually records a demon, a powerful demon that was active during the Horus rebellion—Madell.

It turned out that at the end of the Great Rebellion that year, the Triplasma San Giles, Giliman, and Ryan, who converged at Mackulag, tried to break through the storm of destruction and head for Terra. On the way, they encountered the "Road of Destruction" controlled by the demon Magdalene. , And then the fighting broke out in the Davin galaxy. As a result, San Gilles was trapped in a portal on the altar that caused Horus to fall.

   In the portal, the angel saw the illusion of the emperor congratulating him on defeating Horus and saving the empire, but the angel defeated the illusion.

   After the trick was revealed, Madell summoned his demon army and tried to force San Gilles to serve the Chaos Cthulhu. They gave him a choice: replace Horus as the Chaos Warmaster, otherwise he will die.

San Giles resisted the temptation and fought a fierce battle with Madell. Eventually, the battle was interrupted by the intervention of the Primarch Gilliman, Johnson, and the Holy Blood Guard Demon Army was killed Defeated, but San Giles and Madell were also hit hard and trapped in the portal.

   At a critical moment, someone appeared and replaced San Giles at the portal, released San Giles, and disappeared with Madell.

   Then according to the way this secret volume was written, it is obvious that this person is San Guillero, and the book finally states that it has sealed Madre back to its "place of birth".

   "This place is..."

  The last part of the secret scroll is a bit scribbled, but Dante hasn’t seen it for a long time without knowing what it’s called in Balvin.

   Mephisto leaned toward the copper table and waved his hand to call out a holographic image: The detailed star map leaped into everyone's eyes.

   "Panel Star, a dead world located in the Pandora Galaxy in the extreme star field."

   Dante glanced at the star map, trying to outline the distance from the Hades galaxy where Barr is to the Pandora galaxy.

   There is no doubt that the two are very far away.

   "Very good, this will be very useful information for the battle group."

   "Team commander, this is not as simple as a piece of information."

   Dante looked at Mephisto suspiciously.

   "Is there any secret in this?"

   "It's not a secret."

   Mephisto knew that Dante had just gone out to perform the task and returned shortly after he had not received any news from there, so he took out a data board.

   "The Star Whisperer received a briefing from the Naval Zone Base a week ago that there was an accident in the Dispatch Star."


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