The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1095: Eliadu of Hell (Part 2)

1094. Eliadu of Hell (Part 2)

On the battlefield of Planet Eliadu, although it appeared that 100 million people fought against the 1.3 million people of the Fourth Civilization, which was a hundred times the difference in military strength, the actual result was that the Fourth Civilization relied on 100% One of the forces defeated the defenders of Planet Eliadu retreating steadily.

The carrying capacity of a battlefield is limited. If too many soldiers pour into it, in addition to increasing the personnel density of your own front, so that units such as siege tanks and Banshee fighters can slaughter more freely, it will also bring more serious problems. The difficulty of logistics supply is not beneficial at all.

Therefore, Wilhof Tarkin could only throw that huge army into the past one by one, fighting against the elite army of the Fourth Civilization.

But the problem is, in front of the violent and bloodthirsty Inchori and the secretive and cunning Kali, this kind of refueling tactic is completely a delivery!

Even if they don't come across the armies of these two races, whether it's the Robot Legion or the Army of the Fourth Civilization, none of these temporary recruits who have been trained for a month at most can compete with them!

Perhaps it was the B-1 battle robot army that was vulnerable to the clone troopers on the previous battlefield, which gave people some undue illusions, making them think that the robot army was actually easy to deal with. Anyway, they don't even know how to hide. They only know how to line up and shoot while moving forward. At most, they stand behind the cover and shoot while standing still. This is the maximum concealment they can achieve.

But when facing such an army on the battlefield, I realized that I was wrong before!

Why do ordinary soldiers line up in skirmish lines when fighting? Because I am afraid of stray bullets, I am even more afraid of artillery bombing. But the robot is not afraid of this at all, sporadic firepower hits the body and it will sway. Unless the shells fall very close to the artillery bombardment, the shock wave will not be able to cause any damage to the robot at all.

In addition, their marksmanship is actually very accurate. Although they are a bit rigid and easy to be lured by false targets, as long as they are locked by their electronic eyes, it will be a real headshot!

Under such circumstances, the robot army lined up in a neat queue and fired while advancing. In fact, it was not a queue to be shot, but a torrent of steel!

Now, the army of the Fourth Civilization has surrounded the capital of the planet Eliadu, Erisian City, from five directions, set up more than 500 siege tanks, and bombarded it day and night indiscriminately.

In the sky, 20 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers also penetrated into the atmosphere, providing powerful fire support for the Army of the Fourth Civilization.

Although the anti-aircraft firepower on the planet Eriadu was completely desperate to attack these dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, it also severely damaged several of them. However, these warships also immediately lifted off to leave the planet after discovering that the damage exceeded expectations, and then carried out maintenance on the two fully deployed Dawn Glory-class motherships in outer space.

After that, several new warships were sent into the atmosphere to take over.

In short, it is necessary to ensure that there are 20 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers on the planet at all times. This is the most reasonable number, which will not cause waste of firepower, and can cover a wide enough area, covering the entire battlefield within the firepower range of these warships.

And in the city of Elixiang, which was recovered, there is now a terrifying atmosphere.

Not the horror of war, but... a different kind of horror.


Boom! Boom! Boom! ! clatter clatter...

In the night-shrouded Elixiang City, there was a sound of heavy footsteps, accompanied by the sound of iron chains colliding.

I only saw a huge figure walking on the deserted dark street, and the footsteps came from under its feet.

Wherever it passed, everyone, whether they were civilians or soldiers, hid in the shadows, not daring to come out.

Although many of these people also had weapons in their hands, they didn't even have the courage to shoot at this black shadow!

In fact, a few days ago, there were still many people who wanted to shoot at it and kill it.

But these people are all dead now...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ! The figure was still walking aimlessly on the street.

When it passed a burning TX-130 saber suspension tank, the swaying flames illuminated its true face!

The height is close to 4 meters, and it barely has a human figure. The muscles on the body have been completely alienated, and a large number of mutated tissues have grown out, making the muscles look undeveloped, as if they were kneaded by countless muscles. Very disgusting structure.

Some parts of its body with relatively less severe mutations were still hung with thick armor plates. The iron chains connected to some armor plates broke, and they dragged on the ground making a rattling sound.

Its small head has also undergone serious mutations, as if the head has been cut in half from the middle, the left half is still normal, while the right half has been severely mutated, with countless mutated tissues growing out, and the volume is almost the other half More than five times the size of the head.

On the mutated half of the head, a bulging eyeball without eyelids was rolling around.

What's even more chilling is that a metal object was inserted into its heart, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the hilt of a lightsaber! The metal hilt was inserted into the mutated tissue, and it could no longer be pulled out, and at the end of the hilt, there was actually a rotten severed hand still hanging on it!

This terrifying monster is the Educator!

Out-of-control pedagogue!

Not long after the Fourth Civilization landed, Army Major General Ling Liang issued an order to parachute the Indoctrinates directly into the core of Erisian City.

Originally, Erisian City did not have the conditions for landing at all, and even the conditions for orbital airborne were not allowed. Because this city is completely a fortress! There are turrets and emplacements everywhere, as well as fortified buildings.

But educators don't need it.

Because this is a super monster created by Darth Malthael with the Dreyer virus and the extremely evil Sith alchemy!

This monster, ordinary firepower, even tank artillery can't cause effective damage to it!

General Ling's purpose is very clear, before officially launching an attack on the urban area of ​​​​Elixiang City, first throw the indoctrinates into the urban area as a shit-stirring stick. Throw the city's defenses upside down before the rest of her ground troops have a chance to attack.

The Indoctrinate did a good job at first, destroying several patrols, and even a few clone troopers among them. Even the tanks sent by the defenders were directly destroyed by it! In terms of air strikes, his height of about 3 meters at that time was just a little giant, so it was difficult to be hit by fighter jets.

Thus, the indoctrinate really becomes a terrible shit-stirring stick.

Finally, stationed on the planet Eliadu, the only remaining Jedi master-Master Ovalier finally made a move.

That's right, Ovalier is already the last Jedi Master. His apprentices and companions have all died heroically in previous battles. When Gabriel Tosh's assassination plan against Governor Tarkin was disintegrated before, Ovalie had several companions, but now, everything has come to naught.

Master Ovalier led a group of elite clone troopers with rocket launchers and other heavy firepower, and set off to destroy this terrible monster.

After fighting between them for a whole day, Master Ovalier finally pierced the lightsaber directly into the heart of the pedagogue—he has already sensed through the force that this is the core of the pedagogue, and it is also its deadliest place.

This sword will kill the enlightener!

And he himself paid the price with his life for this...

The Educator is infinitely powerful, quite resistant to the Force, and is not afraid of ordinary firepower at all. Being able to pierce this sword is already done by Master Ovalier burning his life.

Such a monster must be killed!

This is the last insistence of Master Ovalier, whose Force has been infiltrated by the dark side after witnessing countless human tragedies in the past few months.

But what no one expected was that the enlightened person who was supposed to perish had mutated! And it's out of control!

The mutated indoctrination became extremely crazy, and it began to eat people on a large scale! Eat corpses! As more and more people and corpses were eaten, its body became bigger and bigger and bloated.

After organizing a few more siege campaigns, but in the end it was only to add food to the mutated indoctrinates, Eliadu's military completely gave up, and could only allow the indoctrinates to wander around in the city of Elysian.

They'd seen the Indoctrinate attack a squad of robots dropped from orbit anyway, confirming the fact that the beast was completely out of control.

The out-of-control indoctrination will no longer attack those strategic locations. Its only goal is to eat, and keep eating.

So this is relatively less of a threat, anyway, eat a few people, and now billions of people have died on the planet Eliadu, so what if you eat a few people. As long as it doesn't threaten the city's defense system, it doesn't matter.

So the commander of the defending army issued an order to let all soldiers and civilians who had no time to evacuate avoid the out-of-control indoctrination as much as possible, and try not to make any noise, because according to observations, the mutated indoctrination responds most sensitively to sound, followed by Just the smell.

The continuous explosions in the distance made the indoctrinate very anxious, and it shook its body impatiently as it walked. It still has the most basic ability to judge. It knows that these explosions are far away, and it is useless to run there. It is better to continue strolling around, and maybe with luck, you can find something to eat.

After walking a few steps, the indoctrinates noticed the smell of corpses on the ground floor of an office building. It bent down, squeezed in through the already very narrow gate, grabbed a few highly decomposed corpses from the ground, and began to eat them.

There were still some civilians and soldiers in the corner of the office building. Seeing this scene, their stomachs twitched for a while, and finally one person couldn't help but vomited out with a wow!

The educator suddenly raised his head, and let out a terrible roar towards this side! Then it broke through the metal wall and hit it!


It rushed over, grabbed a person, tore off the head effortlessly, and stuffed it into its mouth.

Others were so frightened that they collapsed, and some people didn't bother to shoot, and ran away, but the sound of running away attracted the indoctrinate, who rushed over at a speed that didn't match the bloated body, and slapped This man was made into meat sauce!


"The separatist army is about to attack the city of Elisian?" Wilhof Tarkin, the governor of the 18th Army of the Galactic Republic, stood in front of the window of the manor with his hands behind his back, looking at the bright sunshine and the beautiful scenery outside the window. Landscape, asked lightly.

"Yes, Governor. Their frontmost army is only 5 kilometers away from Erisian City. And they have carried out several orbital airdrops in the city, but because of insufficient troops, they were quickly wiped out by our defenders. "The staff officer nodded and bowed his head.

"That's just a firepower test. If I'm not mistaken, the orbital drops are all robots?" Tarkin said.

"Yes, Your Excellency Governor is wise, the ones left behind are indeed robots."

"This shows that their final general attack is already very fast. Tell me the commander of Erisian City, and at all costs, even if the civilians are armed, you must hold back the separatism! There is still a month at most, The hyperspace storm will be over! At that time, we will have reinforcements again!" Tarkin raised his head, looked at the cloudless sky, and said viciously.

"Yes Yes!"

"Also." Tarkin turned around, with a stern face, "I must ensure the safety of my retreat route! And I must also make a good disguise, so that these separatists believe that I am still in Erisian City!"

"No problem, we have already arranged it. Coruscant also gave a positive answer. As soon as the hyperspace storm subsides, 50 Jaeger-class battlecruisers will rush into the Eliadu galaxy immediately. At this time, you can leave safely." The staff officer said.

"Moreover, the camouflage plan has been going on. Every command you send is passed through the wired line, and then forwarded through the underground command center in Erisian City. In this way, no matter how the separatism scans and detects, it can only It can only detect the signal sent from Elixiang City." The staff officer said quickly.

Tarkin nodded, and waved his hand to let the staff officer go out.

He continued to stand in front of the window for a while, still feeling uneasy, so after opening the electromagnetic barrier, he turned on the communication and connected to a highly confidential frequency band.

The figure of Palpatine, the chairman of the Galactic Council, soon appeared in the holographic projection. However, unlike usual, Palpatine in the projection now has a sinister and fierce expression, which is his true face.

"This communication of yours is timely, my friend. The Council was just discussing your matter." Palpatine said grimly.

"The separatists should begin their general attack on Erisian City within a day," Tarkin said.

"Oh, then you must have left, right? Dear Governor. It's not your job to live and die with those untouchables," Palpatine said.

"I did leave Erisian City very early. But now there are separatist fleets outside the entire planet, and it is not easy to leave here." Tarkin said.

Thank you for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded by the devil ghost! !


I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ! Five more bursts on Monday.

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