The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1096: Project of the Night——The Fall of Eliadu (Part 1) (Two Chapters in One)

1095. Project of the Night——The Fall of Eliadu (Part 1) (Two Chapters in One)

"The topic discussed by the parliament just now is this." Palpatine said coldly, "Under my strong orders, the Republic Fleet has always kept an A powerful fleet. Even if General Grievous attacked the Dron galaxy, and the sudden appearance of the mechanical civilization Geth attacked the Ord-Mantel galaxy, it would not have been used."

He paused, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "In today's parliament, people like Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala are trying to pass a bill to save civilians. They hope and The separatists have reached an agreement, and after the hyperspace storm is over, civilian rescue activities will be launched immediately... Hehehe, how naive! The moment the hyperspace storm subsides, only powerful warships can enter the Eliadu galaxy! "

"It was separatism, Severance Tann, and Tang Xiao that caused most of the deaths of civilians. Why should the Galactic Republic pay for the separatist mistakes?" Tarkin sneered.

"That's right, I told them in the council, don't they want to see that when the separatists' fully armed warships poured into the Eliadu galaxy, what we sent in was a food ship?" Palpatine said , "Those guys who are still advocating peace are really stupid! Hehehehe... Don't worry, my friend, you will definitely retreat from the Eliadu galaxy."

"I never worried about your promise, Mr. Speaker. What I care about is how to get back everything I lost in Eriadu!" Wilhuff Tarkin said viciously.

"This day, it won't be too long...not...hahahahaha! Everything is in my plan!" Palpatine laughed and turned off the communication.


21BBY, July 31.

After leaving more than 500,000 troops on the periphery to resist the reinforcements coming from all directions, the Fourth Civilization Army assembled more than 700,000 troops and launched an attack on the capital of Eliadu planet Elisian City from five directions.

For a while, the sound of cannons rumbled, and the sound of killing shook the sky! At least 10 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers in the sky flew over the city and launched continuous bombing on the city!

This huge city that was built into a fortress by Wilhof Tarkin also exploded with incomparably powerful fighting power.

Countless anti-aircraft artillery, missiles, and even heavy artillery rose above the city's buildings, attacking the Fourth Civilization's fighter jets and warships in the sky with powerful firepower.

At the same time, at least 2 million troops are already in full swing in the city. These troops are the most elite troops, not only the well-trained and experienced veterans who have accumulated from the beginning of the war until now, but also more than 20,000 clone soldiers on the planet.

These elites will never simply back down!

Because even their leader, Governor of the 18th Army, Willhuff Tarkin, is fighting alongside them in the city!

...or so they themselves thought.

In this super city with a total population of more than 300 million and a length and width of more than 150 kilometers, an extremely tragic street battle finally broke out.

The number of troops of the Fourth Civilization is at an absolute disadvantage, but they have played their own characteristics of strong firepower. No matter what is ahead, as long as there is a little trouble, it will be covered by a burst of artillery fire.

The Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser is their first line of firepower preparation. The Dreadnought-class will carry out coverage bombing based on pre-determined buildings that are likely to have firepower points, and continue to carry out all-round artillery strikes on all possible moving areas.

The vulture robot fighters cover the Coyote robot bombers and cruise over the city almost around the clock. As long as they find a moving target on the ground, they will swoop down and drop powerful bombs and rockets from the sky like locusts.

The artillery positions composed of siege tanks are stationed on the high ground outside the city. They will not fire at will, but will carry out precise bombing according to the artillery fire requests of the army soldiers entering the city.

And if it is a target that the siege tank cannot hit, the task of precision bombing will be handed over to the Banshee fighter.

Under the impact of such multi-unit three-dimensional firepower, a large number of firepower points deployed in Elixiang City were completely destroyed shortly after the war started. But the defenders here are very tenacious, and there are more firepower points hidden underground, reinforced or even protected by deflector shields, which cannot be destroyed in time.

They started playing hide-and-seek with the Fourth Civilization army in the city.

However, the commander-in-chief of the campaign army, Major General Ling Liang of the Fourth Civilization Army, did not intend to play games with them like this. What she wanted was to complete the battle as soon as possible!

The duration of the hyperspace storm is not far away.

Everyone didn't believe that she could take down the city of Allison within a month, including the commander in chief of the campaign, Admiral Severance Tann, who was also waiting to see her joke.

However, she just wants to make the impossible possible!

At this moment, she has also come to the planet Eliadu, and established her own headquarters on one of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, overlooking the huge city planned into a circle from a high position, and then continuously issued instructions.

Although Baher-Banach, a national treasure-level mathematician of the Ji Wen people, has returned to the planet Yago-Dur, there is still a mathematics team of the Ji Wen people who follow her at all times and provide advice for her command.

Ling Liang was originally a representative of the academic generals. Maybe her talent was not as good as Severance Tann's unrestrained imagination that day, but that didn't mean her talent was mediocre.

After being awakened by Tang Xiao, she began to study cosmic warfare and fleet command. At that time, when she was stationed in the Yago-Dur galaxy to command, she used the zero-mode probability and Combat command combined to form its own unique command mode.

Moreover, if Severance Tann is better at conducting raids with elite troops, then Ling Liang is best at commanding large-scale legions, especially the combat mode of multi-armed mixed three-dimensional strikes.

She prepared a very detailed battle plan for the Fourth Civilization Army's tough battle, and used every strength and every firepower to the maximum.

Based on the previous reconnaissance and continuous calculations, she divided the entire Erisian City into more than 13,000 areas, and different areas have different data for calculation and analysis.

Just to complete the overall planning of these areas, she used 20 T-series tactical robots to assist in command.

After completing the division of more than 13,000 areas, Ling Liang began to implement his long-planned battle plan.

Standing on the bridge of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, overlooking the huge area of ​​​​Elixiang City, Ling Liang said coldly: "The time is ripe! Telegram combat units at all levels! The night plan officially begins!"

"Roger, combat units at all levels have been notified that Project Dark has officially begun." A T-series tactical robot said.

"The order has been issued, and the details of the combat plan have been sent to the commanders of combat units at all levels according to the authority. The night plan has begun." Another T-series tactical robot said.

There was no roaring artillery fire, no sea of ​​flames filling the sky, and the battlefield remained the same, as if the beginning of the so-called Dark Night Project was just verbal talk.

But soon, only a dull cannon was heard.

From these Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, a large number of shells were fired. These shells did not explode after landing, but spewed out endless black smoke! !

The special smoke bombs fired by 10 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers filled the entire city in a short period of time. Not only that, there were also several formations of ghost fighter jets passing over the city, and the smoke devices hanging on the rear of the fighter jets also continued to emit smoke. Black smoke came out, completely covering the sky above the city!

As the black smog continued to permeate and spread, within less than an hour, the entire Erisian City was completely shrouded in black smog!

This black smog is obviously not an ordinary smog. This smog condenses in the air and is difficult to be blown away by the wind. Moreover, the density of the smog is similar to that of the air, so it gathers within the range of 500 meters from the ground of the city. .

Under the shroud of smoke, almost all electronic signals cannot be sent out!

Right now, the entire Erisian City is shrouded in darkness, no matter whether it is visually or through instruments and equipment, it is impossible to know anything that happened inside!

The whole city has completely become a blind spot!

On the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser where Ling Liang was located, the staff department had overlaid the previously designed zoning map of more than 13,000 blocks on the holographic projection of the city, and then the Ji Wen team of mathematicians immediately started calculations.

"Based on the city structure, terrain, previous fire reconnaissance, and the underground pipe network coverage map scanned by the instrument, there are 3,744 points where the probability of the defender's garrison exceeds 60%." One of the Giving mathematicians clicked on the projection Suddenly, dense red dots appeared on it.

"Except for the exposed fire points, there are 24,412 fire points and fire teams that may exist in the city with a probability of more than 60%." Another mathematician projected another patch of denser marks on the hologram, if not Computer-aided calculations are simply impossible to handle.

"We have designed a dedicated zero-mode formula based on the political, economic, humanistic, and military conditions around Elixiang City, and now we are bringing it into the calculation." A Jiwen mathematician beckoned, and a T-series tactical robot Come over and start to perform auxiliary calculations on the battle situation.

"Then according to the calculation result of the formula, after the city is shrouded in black mist, the garrison points that may respond are as follows..." The Mathematician of Ji Wen said while clicking on the hologram, and the densely packed marks on it immediately began to change. , and the direction of movement is drawn.

Ling Liang drew a few lines on the hologram and said, "Carry out selective bombing to induce their actions."

"Roger." The T-series tactical robot replied, and immediately issued an order in the network.

Just outside the bridge where they were, a turbolaser turret was slowly turning, aiming at one direction and bombarding it! boom! Just a few shots in a row!

The green turbo laser beam exploded in the target area in an instant. Even if the power was reduced, the powerful power still set off a huge fireball hundreds of meters high.

The turret adjusted its angle slightly, and then a few more shots fired!

At the same time, other warships also began bombing as planned.

"Let the army troops enter the city." Ling Liang gave the order.

In the hologram of the city in front of her, the countless marks are constantly changing and moving. This is based on further simulation calculations based on the bombing situation, and the possible moving directions and methods of these targets are obtained.

Hundreds of thousands of Army soldiers of the Fourth Civilization began to enter this city shrouded in black mist. Commanders at all levels had a device that could carry out minimum contact and communication in the black mist. According to the instructions, they began to purposefully Clear every building.

And among the first army soldiers to enter the city, there were no Injorians. At present, these most powerful fighters are still fighting fiercely on the periphery with several Eriadu defenders who want to break out and come to reinforce, and this night plan is not suitable for them to play.

Ling Liang's night plan is to use black fog to completely turn the city into a blind spot, a blind spot that will become blind for both the enemy and us!

However, she has zero-mode probability and a team of mathematicians from Ji Wen people! She uses the fuzzy model established by this probability to predict and calculate the garrison location and possible movements of the defenders, and then completely uses mathematics to command the battle! !

Obviously, if her calculations are correct, then compared to the blind defenders of the Republic, the Army of the Fourth Civilization under her command is actually planning to fight!

But if the calculation is wrong, it will be a disaster for the army of the fourth civilization entering the city!

But it is not so easy to make mistakes, after all, the urban environment and terrain are here. A building with a good view and a solid structure. As the defender, instead of deploying a troop here to control the surrounding area, but instead deploying the troop to hang out in the eight squares, there is no way, I really count it not come out.

But such a stupid person will not appear, at least not in the commander of the Republic in the battle for Erisian City.

From a normal situation, or a high probability situation, there must be forces deployed here, so this will be included in the calculation! What's more, in the previous fire reconnaissance, Elixiang City has exposed many firepower arrangements, and these firepower deployments have been brought into the formula to improve, which makes the accuracy of this calculation actually not low!

Standing in the sky above Elixiang City, a huge city with a length and width of more than 150 kilometers, Ling Liang looked like a huge Go board in front of him!

She closed her eyes, picked up her own black chess piece, and through her own calculations, kept placing pieces on the board, and then pushed the invisible white piece into a desperate situation bit by bit, and then completely devoured it!

Maybe she will make a mistake and drop the black piece into the grid where the invisible white piece already exists, then the result will be that the black piece will be overturned and shattered on the spot.

But the more chess pieces she dropped built a huge net in the darkness, covering the entire city!

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins that I rewarded from big e! ! !

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