The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1370 Tarkin's Fist

1370: Tarkin's Fist

Two months ago, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic, the Central Command Center.

A combat report has been placed on the table of the command center, which is a huge combat organization plan.

It involves 31 galaxies, 9 industrial planets, 17 agricultural planets, and 42 interstellar mines, with a total of more than 200 billion tons of huge material supply. Covers the detailed process planning of production, transportation, loading and unloading, receiving, etc.

It even includes the transportation route map, the number and arrangement of the escort fleet, the defense change at each stage, the advance arrangement and detection of the hyperspace channel, etc. Everything is for this huge batch of materials to be transported to the target location.

The establishment of the combat fleet has also been submitted. There are a total of 170 transport ships, and the troops that can only be transported by 5 cheerer-class assault landing ships are escorted by 40 hunter-class battlecruisers to ensure that they can reach the target safely.

This huge fleet will undoubtedly be undertaken by the Kuat Power Shipyard, and the name of the chairman of the Galactic Parliament, Heev Palpatine, was impressively signed on the administrative order for the deployment and manufacture of the fleet. This administrative order involves an order for hundreds of warships, and the allocation of these warships is also directly related to the future fleet allocation and offensive planning of the Galactic Republic.

It's just that in the final approval process, the escort battleship plan was rejected, and only 5 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and some Karak-class light cruisers that had already withdrawn from the front-line combat order were approved for them.

The main reason for being dismissed was that the separatists were near the attack target, and there were no organized fleets left.

But other than that, other material requirements and personnel requirements have been approved! An army of as many as 7 million natural persons has begun to assemble on the four planets, and has built a simulated environment for the topography of the target planet for enhanced training.

At the same time, a large number of armored units, including AT-TE walkers, TX-130 Saber suspension tanks, AV-7 self-propelled artillery, and Zephyr-G suspension motorcycles and turbo tanks, have also begun to be equipped by Rosa. That heavy engineering company provides fabrication, and begins shipping.

This is the most recent large-scale landing operation of the Galactic Republic, and for the smooth development of this operation, the Galactic Republic has paid great efforts and costs in all aspects.

At least for the funds needed for this battle plan, the Minister of Finance of the Republic fainted on the spot after seeing the list of funds.

You know, this is a super-large-scale landing operation involving 7 million troops. Before that, when the Galactic Republic used clone soldiers as the main force, they generally rarely organized operations with more than 500,000 troops.

Because such a huge army is fighting on another planet, and the resources needed to eat, drink and scatter for just one day are also astronomical figures!

If the navy and logistics personnel are included, the number of combat personnel in this battle is close to 12 million!

Such a battle plan, if put in the past, it can be said to be a crime! The person who proposed this plan, let alone be arrested immediately, but dismissal on the spot is absolutely indispensable.

But this time it was different, because the signature on the battle plan was—Wilhuff Tarkin!

But now two months have passed, and this battle has reached the moment when the arrow is on the string.


The inner ring of the galaxy, the planet Alderon, the capital of the Fourth Army of the Galactic Republic.

A staff officer quickly walked into the office, "Your Excellency!! The Supreme Strategic Command is urgent! The battle plan will be launched 49 standard hours in advance!"

The lights were not turned on in the office, and the acting governor of the Fourth Army, Wilhof Tarkin, stood in the shadows. When he heard the report, he just said coldly, "I see, step back."

"Yes!" The staff officer gave a military salute, turned and left.

Click, the office door closed, and the interior returned to darkness. In this dark space, only Tarkin's heavy breathing could be heard.

The communicator rang, and after it was connected, the projection of the chairman of the Galactic Council, Sheev Palpatine, appeared in front of him, "I hope you are ready, my friend."

"A quick and cruel victory." Wilhof Tarkin seemed to be a little bit out of place, "As I said in the early days of the war, during the Battle of Bespin - fear and deterrence, this is what the Milky Way is now What the Republic doesn't have... That's why we have to spend more energy to use realistic force to deter those young people."

"I very much agree with you, Governor Tarkin." Palpatine said with a smile, "It's just a pity that we missed a lot of opportunities."

"It doesn't matter, this is exactly what the Galactic Republic can't provide." Tarkin said lightly, "But this time, I must achieve this goal! Beat the separatism thoroughly! Disable it! Let other hostile galaxies in the Milky Way Don't dare to look at us again!"

As he spoke, he shook his fists vigorously.

"I will give you all the support I can, my friend. This is what I should provide you as a comrade with the same philosophy." Palpatine said, "It's just a pity that when it comes to the allocation of combat ships, I In the end, it still failed to convince the council. Because they think that the fleet needs to be used in places where it is more needed...such as the Yago-Dur galaxy."

"I will never make irresponsible remarks on the support you gave me, because I understand that what you give me must be all you can give." Tarkin said, "It's just that the Republic...hehe, we all know what's going on."

"The timing is still a bit late. In the current parliament, there are still many people who still have illusions." Palpatine said, "I believe that if you can complete the battle perfectly this time, the voice of opposition in the parliament will be even smaller. And at that time, you will become the governor of the Fourth Army in a legitimate way."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Speaker. Planet Onderon, as well as the production line of the behemoth-class battlecruiser, will be crushed under the iron hooves of the empire!" Tarkin said ferociously.

"Oh~~ I think you used the wrong word, my friend." Palpatine understood.

"But in my heart, this is the truth of this galaxy. Power! It's the truth!" After bowing to Palpatine, Tarkin turned and strode out of the office.

Outside the office door, two guards in black robes stood there motionless. The black robes covered their faces, but even ordinary people could feel the terrifying aura emanating from around these two guards. aura.

"Go, to my flagship, Tarkin's Will." Tarkin said without looking back.


Onderon's planetary attack plan, the operation code name - Tarkin's Fist!

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