The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1371 Eventful April (Part 1)

1371. Eventful April (Part 1)

April of 20BBY is destined to be an eventful time.

In this month, the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Galactic Republic was finally completely wiped out after being trapped in the Semiles galaxy for more than a month.

With the last four dilapidated hunter-class battlecruisers, those naval officers and soldiers who hadn't eaten for several days and had run out of ammunition and food finally lost their resistance and chose to surrender, Semir In the Si galaxy, all wars finally stopped.

But the loss was very heavy. Whether it is for the planet Semiles, or for the Galactic Republic.

After the seasonal hyperspace channel was disturbed by an unknown force without warning and became unnavigable, the main fleet of the Galactic Republic, which is one of the most powerful and top-ranked, was finally cut off from all return paths.

It was not the navy that collapsed first, but the more than 900,000 natural ground troops who landed on the planet Semiles.

After the Clone Legion was inexplicably wiped out in the city of Semirron, the capital of the planet Semirth, this force could no longer hold on.

Because at that time, in order to ensure the military operations of the clone army against the city of Semirron, most of the air support was mobilized in that direction. And having lost most of the air support, they were left with only ground troops, and they were completely unable to prevent the separatist counterattack.

Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, who was aided by Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui from Dawn Planet, commanded a group of Scorpio tanks. Those hundreds of Scorpio tanks were almost invincible.

These natural army, from the commander to the soldiers, are very uncomfortable with the concentrated assault tactics of this high-speed armored cluster, because in the past tens of thousands of years of the history of the Galactic Republic, the army tactics have always followed the theory of infantry and tank coordination and slow advancement.

Therefore, after encountering Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui who lit up the theory of blitzkrieg, natural troops obsessed with the width of the battlefield were naturally unable to resist.

Their last hope was to be able to hold the Separatist armored swarms to a halt after the success of the clone troopers. This hope had already been fulfilled, and the clone army did capture the governor of the Semirth people.

But an hour later, the clone army was inexplicably wiped out by genetic weapons, and all hopes were dashed.

After the resumption of the separatist offensive, these natural person troops of the Republic surrendered in an organized way. In the end, the Semiers actually took more than 700,000 prisoners!

However, compared to the smooth sailing on the ground battlefield, on the space battlefield, the Separatist Admiral Trench is facing a very bad situation.

The main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic was already much stronger than Admiral Rench's fleet. The reason why the battle situation can persist until now is all due to the powerful firepower of the Agonev-class interstellar base located in the high orbit above the city of Semirron.

But now, although the back road has been cut off, the strength of the Republic's fleet has not weakened at all. On the contrary, as the Republic promotes Admiral Davis to be the Admiral of the Navy, and raises a level for each naval officer, their families also After the promise of generous compensation, the cohesion of this fleet became stronger.

Davis, the first admiral of the Galactic Republic, immediately commanded the fleet to launch a crazy attack on the dock of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier!

Fortunately, when the battle broke out, the Semiers had already moved the dock barges of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier between the Agonev-class interstellar base and the planet Semiers. If the Republic fleet wants to attack here, it will be attacked from both sides by the interstellar base and the planet's ground firepower.

This is why the battle lasted for 10 days, but the Republic Fleet never attacked the dock.

But now, the Republic Fleet is desperate!

Under the leadership of Marshal Davis, they besieged the dock of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier for two full days, and after paying the loss of more than a dozen Hunter-class battlecruisers, the Republic fleet stopped.

During these two days, Admiral Trench fully demonstrated his ability as the best defensive player in the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Under his command, he finally withstood the crazy attack of the Republic fleet. Although the dock of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier was still severely damaged during the battle, at least the half-built prototype ship remained, and the structure of the dock was still there and did not disintegrate.

However, the fleet in the hands of Admiral Trench also suffered heavy losses, even more than the warships lost 10 days after the war started.

Of course, the loss of the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic in the hands of Marshal Davis was even more severe. After realizing that he had no chance to destroy the dock of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier, Marshal Davis began to retreat.

He retreated the fleet towards the outskirts of the galaxy, and after a brief rest, he started guerrilla tactics. The Republic Fleet was divided into several small squadrons by him, and began to wander around the Semiles galaxy.

Davis also specially assigned a formation of high-speed light cruisers to hunt down the formation of battleships with ultra-long-range laser weapons-he hated the battleship that broke the balance of the battlefield.

The other combat formations ran around, attacking the transport fleet entering the planet Semiles. After all, after encountering such a tragic battle, the planet Semirs is also in a state of ruin, requiring a large amount of material input.

Admiral Trench also reacted quickly. He immediately ordered a large number of hyperspace blockers to be deployed on several major hyperspace channels around the Semiles galaxy to prevent the Republic fleet from leaving the galaxy. He left only a few shipping lanes for the transport fleet.

And for the warships of the Republic that started to fight guerrillas everywhere, there was no other way, they could only chase them one by one.

The high-speed formation that wanted to attack the lance-type disaster-class battlecruiser did not achieve any results. These high-speed light cruisers were quickly wiped out by the two Hells Angel-class battlecruisers escorting them without any threat.

The rest is time for hide and seek.

Marshal Davis' flagship was destroyed 20 days later. Before the battleship sank, he sent an impassioned telegram to the Galactic Republic military, and then he died generously.

After his death in battle, the Speaker of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, declared a moment of silence across the galaxy at half-mast.

The flames of the war on the Semiles planet gradually subsided, and news began to come from the Mandalorian planet. After the main fleet of the Second Galaxy Army approached the planet Mandalore, it issued an ultimatum to the planet, requiring the planet Mandalore to be reorganized. All government members must be appointed by the Galactic Republic. At the same time, the planet Mandalore must abandon its neutral position and join the war .

The prime minister of Mandalore, Almek, who finally climbed to the position of supreme ruler of the planet, naturally rejected this ultimatum.

The flames of war are on the verge of breaking out again!

Thanks to Elvy Lana Hilfes for the 3,000 starting coins! !

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