1416、The Last Knife

boom! boom! boom! !

In a violent explosion, the two proton cannons became ruins. This kind of cannon is basically a pipe more than 30 meters long, 4 meters in diameter at the thickest part, and a muzzle diameter of about 800mm. Then four mechanical legs are installed on the pipe, which is very ugly.

But it is also this kind of weapon, which has powerful firepower that can directly destroy the cheerer-class assault landing ship!

In fact, if it weren't for the tycoons of the major franchise companies of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies to carry out centralized mass production of these effective war weapons, the life of the Galactic Republic would be even more difficult now.

Fortunately, in order to take care of the interests of the corporate giants that joined, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies adopted a distribution method when placing weapons orders. This allowed the inefficient and expensive weapons produced by the Interstellar Banking Association, the Enterprise Alliance, and the Business Alliance to enter the Confederacy's army in large numbers.

At the same time, corporate giants like the Technology Alliance, who have mastered extremely high engineering technology, are not willing to mass-produce such low-profit weapons as the J-1 proton cannon.

And now, the only two remaining J-1 proton cannons on the Dirksen satellite were all destroyed under the surprise attack of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano.

Anakin-Skywalker walked up, and hugged his old comrades Rex, Echo and others tightly, "It's great to be able to fight side by side with you again on the battlefield!"

"It's really not easy to get in and survive the first few meat grinder-like offensives." Rex said, "We are very lucky, the separatism just used genetics at the beginning I irradiated the weapon once and found that all the soldiers who came were natural soldiers, so I gave up and never used it again.”

"But even so, you shouldn't take such a risk, it will make you die without dignity." Anakin said.

"But this is our duty! General Skywalker!" Rex said firmly.


"Your Excellency the Governor! We have received a communication from General Skywalker that they have destroyed two J-1 proton cannons!" The adjutant came over and reported to Wilhuff-Tarkin.

"Are these two J-1 proton cannons the only ones on the Dirksen satellite?" Tarkin asked.

"According to the information sent by our insiders in the Technology Alliance, they only sold two proton cannons to Tyron Heavy Industries, and they were forced to do so at the request of Earl Dooku." The adjutant said in a low voice.

"Since this is the case, then send the Cheer-class assault landing ship into the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite as soon as possible! Those separatist counterattacks are very sudden, and we need the firepower of the Cheer-class to stabilize our position." Tarkin said.

"Yes! I'll arrange it immediately!" The adjutant gave a military salute and responded loudly.


The huge body of Thor's mech slowly rose from the underground hangar under the load of the gantry. Dr. Zhang Jiarui sat in the cockpit and made the final adjustments to the mech's system.

The image of General Kalani appeared on the small screen in front of him, and he said: "Our counterattack has reached the end of its strength, and soon we will lack enough troops to stop the advance of the Republic's army in every direction. There is not much time left for you , After completing the battle plan, evacuate as soon as possible.”

"Okay." Zhang Jiarui nodded. He drove the Thor mecha out of the gantry, and stopped at a relatively complete anti-aircraft firepower point near the command center.


At this time, on the planet Onderon, the chaos caused by the Fourth Army has subsided, and the spaceport has resumed operation.

At the same time, in the city of steel on the Deksen satellite, the Fourth Civilization Army's final counterattack also came to an end. They came to a halt, surrounded by dozens of Republican troops, and it was only a matter of time before they fought to the last man.

And the Army of the Galactic Republic, which fell into chaos during this sudden counterattack, also began to reorganize, preparing for a new round of offensive.

They are very sure that there are no more elite troops hiding in the City of Steel.

After all, this place is a huge factory city, and there is no arbitrary door.

But in this counterattack, the Army of the Galactic Republic suffered a very serious attrition, and the army suffered more than 600,000 casualties! A large number of wounded are waiting to be treated urgently and sent back to Onderon.

At the same time, because one of the landing sites was destroyed by a group of Scorpion tanks, the Army of the Republic, which had lost a large amount of supplies, urgently needed more supplies and ammunition.

After the spaceport on the planet Onderon resumed operation, Wilhof Tarkin immediately ordered all the spaceports to take off as many transport ships as possible to the front line of the Dexon satellite to deliver supplies and bring the wounded to the front line. go back.

He ordered the cheerer-class assault landing ship to enter the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite to fight in order to cover the take-off and landing of this large number of transport planes.

Regarding this point, Tarkin is quite impressed with Anakin Skywalker who can destroy the proton cannon in time, because the achievement of this combat goal has given him great convenience.


"According to the radar scan, a large group of spaceships are approaching the planet Dexen. Judging from the current fleet configuration of the Galactic Republic here, this number of spaceships may be transport ships." General Kalani said in the communication, "Then this means The sabotage of the IV Corps has been quelled."

"They bought us enough time, and I believe that even in the end, they gave the Republic enough damage." Zhang Jiarui said, "It's you, you don't command the battle, why do you start to communicate with me single-line?"

"There is nothing to command in the current battle situation. Liu Zhichao is enough to complete this job. You are our last sharp knife." General Kalani said, "Whether it is the destruction of the Fourth Army or the counterattack of the Dawn Star Army, the real The purpose is all for the knife you are about to stab."

Zhang Jiarui's eyes sharpened, "Your judgment is correct. After the spaceport is destroyed and the ground troops encounter counterattacks, the Galactic Republic will invest all their transport ships."

"There are large objects entering the atmosphere of Dirksen," General Kalani said.

"Ah, I don't need radar, I can already see it." Zhang Jiarui looked up at the sky through the holographic projection. In the unreachable high sky, a large cloud of fire is spreading.

This is the sea of ​​fire created by friction when a large warship enters the atmosphere!

"Is it the cheerer class, or the hunter class?" Zhang Jiarui had a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and he began to operate on the console in front of him. After pulling down the levers one by one, there was a humming sound from the entire Thor mecha.

All I saw was that the spherical device on the back of Thor's mecha began to rotate slowly, and an extremely powerful energy was gathering!

Looking at the ever-increasing energy readings in front of him, the expression on Zhang Jiarui's face became more and more excited and ferocious. He looked at the fire clouds in the sky, pointed the camera in front of him, and laughed wildly, "Hahahahahaha! Luo Rui - Swan, show me! This is the highest masterpiece of our energy weapon! Hahahahahaha!!!"

With a snap, he slammed the fire button!

At the same time, the spherical device on the back of Thor's mecha emitted a dazzling light, straight into the sky!

Thank you for the 100 starting coins that I don’t know what it’s called! !

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