The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1417 Perfect Platform

1417、Perfect platform

A beam of light shot straight into the sky, and the huge energy directly penetrated the clouds that were blackened by gunpowder smoke through a huge hole. In that short moment, you could even see the starry sky behind the clouds!

Then came the second shot!

There was a dull explosion, like a muffled thunder. Immediately afterwards, countless burning metal fragments fell from the clouds like rain. These metal fragments were large and small, and there were even a large number of human body stumps in the middle!

A huge black figure fell down, it was a cheerer-class assault landing ship!

I only saw that the huge and expensive landing ship hull was hit with two burning holes, one was directly penetrated at the front end of the hull, and the other was directly penetrated at the rear end. Although it was not penetrated, the hole's The location is the engine of the spaceship!

This cheerer-class assault landing ship is obviously trying very hard to adjust its falling posture and try its best to prevent the spacecraft from falling, but it is futile.

As the hit area continued to burn, the damaged area continued to spread, and one could even see continuous explosions along the energy transmission line. The explosions became more and more violent, and finally the entire battleship was full of flames. , thick smoke billowing!

The cheerer class began to disintegrate gradually during the explosion, and many crew members could even be seen jumping directly from the hatch in despair.

In just a few minutes, the Cheerer-class assault landing ship fell down and smashed into pieces in the direction of the outer industrial area of ​​the City of Steel. The crash site even formed a sea of ​​flames with a radius of nearly two kilometers!

"This...what is this...?" Looking at this hellish scene, Anakin-Skywalker and the others were stunned, and Rex looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

"Why does Separatism have such a powerful weapon?!" Anakin Skywalker roared, "Bastard!! How much are they hiding!!"

At this moment, the air power of the Galactic Republic in the sky also launched a fierce bombardment of the place where this powerful beam was fired!

A large number of fighter jets swooped down, firing missiles and ground rockets. And the other two Cheer-class assault landing ships in the sky also turned their muzzles, lowered the power of their weapons to avoid accidental damage, and then fired back!

The powerful sensor also immediately clearly conveyed the picture of the target to the terminals of every battlefield commander—this is a very bloated mech, about 20 meters high, and more than ten meters long and wide. A spherical device is installed on the back.

Thor Mech!

At the same time, these forces that launched a bombardment against the Thunder God's mecha encountered a crazy counterattack!

Around Thor's mecha, the anti-aircraft firepower that had been hidden before had no reservations this time! The near-anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles fired at full force, and the deflector shield rose to protect the small area where the Thor mecha was located.

At this time, in the cockpit of Thor's mecha, Dr. Zhang Jiarui also activated the air defense system of the mecha, and the standard scattering anti-aircraft missiles were continuously fired, blasting a large death net in the air.

At the same time, he quickly entered instructions on the console, reduced the weapon output power, increased the cooling speed, then aimed again, and slammed the fire button, "Come on! Bastards of the Republic! Try the sharp knife of our fourth civilization! ! Extractor cannon! Fire fire fire fire! Hahahahaha!!"

The spherical device continuously emits light beams. Compared with the powerful power that knocked down a cheerer class with two shots before, the light beams fired this time are smaller, but the speed of fire is also faster!

And his target is not the other two cheerers that have reacted and quickly activated the deflector shield, but the one that is entering the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite densely, preparing to reinforce the Republic Army that has just suffered a heavy loss transport ship!

In order to complete the reorganization of the army on the planet Dexon as soon as possible and launch the final offensive as soon as possible, Wilhof Tarkin sent almost all the transport ships instead of entering in batches as before.

As a result, more than 500 transport ships are now densely packed in the atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite!

And these spaceships, including the three Cheer-class assault landing ships, entered the planet's atmosphere and were captured by the planet's gravity, when their maneuverability was the worst!

So at this moment, the spherical device on the back of Thor's mecha became a terrifying butcher's knife!

Wherever the light beam passed, the transport ship was directly pierced by a single shot, there is no possibility of surviving! Can't dodge, can't resist, can only wait to die!

This is the extractor cannon, Zhang Jiarui's ultimate weapon installed on Thor's mech!

Extractors, actually this is the Galactic Republic's own technology, it is Wookiee scientists who discovered that they can stimulate powerful lasers that break the law of energy conservation through the reaction of kyber crystals. Afterwards, they conducted research on the Alaris satellite and built three prototypes, named - Extractors.

But early in the war, Severance Tann launched a daring raid that took her all the way to Sarabine, the energy planet at the heart of the galaxy.

During this military operation, Tann discovered the ongoing secret project of the Galactic Republic, so she led troops to capture the Alaris satellite, seized all the data of the extractor and took away all three prototypes.

At that time, even the power of these prototypes was extraordinary. The spherical excitation device installed with the Kyber crystal array was charged and fired, and a single shot could open a gap in a Republic military base!

Severance Tann also relied on the powerful power of the extractor to capture Sarabine's energy base, causing a major blackout in the core circle of the Galactic Republic.

After the prototype and data of the extractor were brought back to the fourth civilization, Tang Xiao, who was worried about the lack of powerful weapons, immediately organized the research and development.

Later, in the research of Arroyo, the chief engineer of the Salarians, he successfully combined the technology of the extractor with the data of the particle light spear in the mothership database, thus overcoming a lot of problems, and solved the problem of energy loss through the Kyber crystal. In the link of focusing and magnification, the particle light spear that is at least 50 years ahead of the Galactic Republic has been successfully developed!

At the same time, the Extractor, as a weapon originally installed on heavy tanks, has not stopped researching on its miniaturization, and Zhang Jiarui is one of the members studying this subject.

So after coming to Planet Onderon and getting news that the Technology Alliance refused to export the J-1 proton cannon to Planet Dawn, Zhang Jiarui decided to install the powerful beam cannon of the Extractor on the Thor mech.

And, he succeeded!

The Thor mecha with the Extractor Cannon installed has become an almost perfect firepower platform, with powerful firepower that can destroy even large battleships!

This is a terrestrial version of the Particle Lance!

I am taking leave today, there is nothing below.

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