The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1525 Grand Duke of Dawn (2)

1525. Grand Duke Liming (2)


War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength. ——"Secret Records of the Emperor of the Fourth Reich", Conquest Chapter, p. 79.


Tang Xiao also bowed slightly, nodded to Earl Dooku and said, "The Dawn Territory will also continue to be a member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and work hand in hand with the Confederation to fight for the freedom and justice of the Milky Way!"

The so-called Liming Territory is the abbreviation of the territory of Grand Duke Liming. It is also the fourth civilization that has not really been put on the table yet. It is the official title of the Milky Way (until Tang Xiao becomes king, the title of the fourth civilization will be temporarily replaced by the dawn collar. It should not take too long. The Galactic Empire is established Soon Tang Xiao will become king, as long as everyone knows it).

Then the two made a very official declaration, which was basically the relationship between the Federation of Independent Galaxies and the Dawn Territory, cooperation, joint resistance to the Galactic Republic, and grievances for the Jedi Order.

However, with the support of the top writers, the top soundtrack and the atmosphere, these scenes still make people excited.

Countless audiences in the audience burst into tears when they heard such a speech, raised their arms and shouted, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely warm.

Then Tang Xiao's wife Adele Ulan also flew into the air on the anti-gravity platform. Although it has very complete security facilities, but it is still a few hundred meters high on this small disc less than one square meter. It made Adele Ulan turn pale with fright.

But she still came to a place slightly lower in front of Tang Xiao, bowed her head and bowed gracefully.

Tang Xiao nodded, helped Adele Ulan up with his hands, and held her white catkin tightly. At this moment, under the control of the lighting special effects artist, the phoenix on Adele Ulan's dress seemed to come alive, spreading its wings and about to fly, and behind Tang Xiao also appeared a golden dragon, baring its teeth and claws, ferocious and terrifying .

Under such an effect, Tang Xiao held Adele Ulan and stood in the air, receiving the worship of countless people.

Only the people of Liming Territory will understand the meaning of this effect, and also know the ambition contained in it. Anyway, a mere grand duke is absolutely not qualified to use the ritual of dragon and phoenix.

After that, the three of them flew back to the ground together. Tang Xiao personally welcomed Earl Dooku to the top seat, and then he and Adele Ulan stood on a slightly lower stage.

The next process is that the main races in the Dawn Territory come to present gifts.

First of all, the four core races, humans, Salarians, protoss, and Vasari, their representatives came up one by one to present Tang Xiao with gifts representing the highest etiquette of their own races.

It's just that the attitudes of the four core races are still slightly different. The representatives of humans and Salarians expressed their loyalty to Tang Xiao wholeheartedly, while the Vasari people were second, and they were willing to use Tang Xiao as their leader. , but he was unwilling to put his race under Tang Xiao's feet. Finally, there is the Protoss, the representative of the Protoss, the leader of the Sirak tribe, Zekalas, has a very clear attitude towards Tang Xiao, that is, the relationship of allies.

These different attitudes actually have their own reasons. Needless to say, humans, as the race with the most extensive number of divisions in the Milky Way, are also the race with more than 90% of Tang Xiao's mothership. Although they cannot speak for the races in the entire Milky Way, the humans in the Dawn Territory must be wholeheartedly loyal to Tang Xiao's.

Now in the Dawn Territory, the number of human beings has reached an astonishing 630 billion, and most of them are from the planet Lundili. After all, this planet has brought a human population of more than 580 billion. The addition of Lundili not only doubled the population of the Dawn Territory several times in an instant, but also changed the racial structure, allowing the number of humans to once again occupy an absolute advantage.

The Salarians, on the other hand, thrived on the ocean planet Cave-Bill, and have also begun to establish their own colonies and cities on many Dawn Territory planets.

Under the leadership of Professor Modine, the population of Salarians who had lifted birth restrictions has skyrocketed, and their total population has reached nearly 200 million, and they have already had a very deep connection with Liming in all aspects of production and life.

Therefore, the Salarians have long been bound to Tang Xiao's fate and will never betray him. Their home planet, Cave-Bill, is the neighbor of Dawn Planet, and the relationship between the two parties is naturally unbreakable.

As for the Vasari, although they have a very brilliant civilization, and there are many kinds of black technologies that can be said to be scary in the mothership database, they are the youngest race in the Dawn Territory after all. They have taken root, with a population of just over one million at present, and their contribution to the construction of Dawn Territory is limited, and their participation is not high.

But after all, the Vasari rebel factions that were awakened were all factions that were willing to let go of their pride and engage in extensive diplomacy and cooperation with other races. Therefore, they did not have much resistance to cooperating with the Dawn Territory, or even focusing on Tang Xiao.

Finally, there is the protoss, a race whose arrogance is engraved in their bones and souls. They are unwilling to be inferior to anyone, no matter how the strength is compared. Even if there is only one Protoss left, they will never bow their heads.

You can call them obstinate, or you can say they don't know the times, but that's what this race is.

Coupled with the protoss who is very sensitive to psionic energy, they are very disgusted with Tang Xiao who is deeply involved in the dark side of the force, and even became the incarnation of death. At this moment, they are still willing to join the Dawn Territory as an alliance, which is already the biggest concession for the Protoss.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be surprising when a protoss suddenly rushed up and wanted to chop Tang Xiao off with a sword.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: The current sphere of influence of the Milky Way, I will directly color the block. Red is the sphere of influence of the Dawn Territory, pink is the sphere of activity of Geth, blue is the territory of the Galactic Republic, yellow is the sphere of influence of the Federation of Independent Galaxies, green is the Hutt Space, and orange is the general area of ​​the activities of Master Windu's Second Army . A large unmarked area in the west is an unknown star field.

In addition, the three red dots at the core of the Republic are the planet Cato-Neimoidia, the planet Balmora-Neimoidia and the planet Lundili who are loyal to Tang Xiao. The two yellow dots are the planet Skako and the planet Castel, which are loyal to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

By the way, the pincer-shaped protrusion on the east side of the Dawn Territory is the Ennaco galaxy where the battle is currently taking place. And the small area next to the Hutt Space is the planet Christofsis and the nearby star area, which is also part of the Dawn Territory.

In addition, the northeast direction was originally the control area of ​​the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, but in the recent counterattack of the Republic, this direction was basically defeated, so it is now the territory of the Republic. The truncated part of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies in the east was also caused by the counterattack of the Republic. 】

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