The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1526 Grand Duke Liming (3)

1526. Grand Duke of Liming (3) [Race Chapter]


I must study politics and war so that my descendants may study music and philosophy. ——"The Legend of the Stars of the Fourth Reich", Volgograd-Kanidi Chapter, p. 1.


(These chapters are actually a summary of the current situation of the Fourth Civilization through this enthronement ceremony. This article is about race.)

Among the gifts of the core race, it is worth mentioning that the one who made the gift on behalf of the human race was Bangira Ulan. Although he had already handed over the Rendili Interstellar Power Company to his granddaughter Adele-Ulan in name, it was naturally impossible for this huge industrial group to be given away directly, and he was still the actual controller.

It's just that Bangira Ulan is now turning a blind eye to Adele Ulan's little tricks, and even secretly supports them. He knew that he was getting old and it was time to surrender power gradually. And Adele Ulan's approach to establishing his own power actually suits him well.

Moreover, because of the joining of the Lundili Interstellar Power Company and the Lundili Planet, the political and economic ecology in the Dawn Territory has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, the Lundili Interstellar Power Company has directly become the largest industrial entity in the Dawn Territory, and even the entire Confederation of Independent Galaxies. Secondly, the 600 billion people on the planet Lundili also have a huge influence.

Among other things, before Rendili joined the Dawn Territory, even if they occupied the Havan star area and the Saiswena star area, and opened up new colonies in the Kuna star cluster, the total population of the Dawn Territory at that time was no more than 100 billion of.

Now the population has directly increased by 600 billion, and the impact of this is self-evident. Moreover, among the 600 billion people, at least half of them are deeply influenced by the Lundili Interstellar Power Company, and have a good impression and even loyalty to the Ulan family.

That's why Tang Xiao agreed to marry Adele Ulan at that time—if he didn't do so, then due to the huge population gap between the Dawn Territory and Lundili, various conflicts might break out soon. conflict, and even war.

So this time, Bangira Ulan made a gift on behalf of the humans of the Liming Territory, and also declared his status as the most powerful person in the Liming Territory under Tang Xiao.

But for Tang Xiao, in fact, he is also very supportive of Adele Ulan's small actions to establish her own power. Because compared to Bangira Ulan, all he can ensure is his control over Adele Ulan. With the help of his wife, he divided the huge power of the Lundili faction, and then gradually digested the huge population base of the Lundili planet through the immigration policy. After the dispersion, these people's feelings for the Lundili Interstellar Power Company will naturally gradually faded.

By that time, Rendili Interstellar Power Company will be just an ordinary enterprise.

After the gifts of the four core races are completed, it is the gift of the subordinate races. In fact, there is no such thing as a subordinate race in the Dawn Territory, but these races do have a big gap with the core race in terms of political status.

Among the affiliated races, the most important ones are naturally the Semiers and the Jiven, and they were also the first races to board the Fourth Civilization's chariot.

Among them, Semiles is extremely large, has a large population, and has a strong industrial foundation. The Jiwen people are proficient in mathematics and scientific research. With the support of Tang Xiao, they also have a very developed industrial system, which can be said to be the most powerful race under the core race.

In addition, the Grans whose home planet is on the planet Golden Rock, the Dags who are on the planet Marathal, and the Sullests who are on the planet Sullest, these three races also have strong industrial strength . Among them, the Sullest people even own a large industrial group such as the Solosub Company, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Then there is the Vathian, an insect race that was liberated by the Fourth Civilization when it had a war with the Ailu very early on. The Vasian people work even harder in the Dawn collar. They are really an honest race who bow their heads and be willing to be oxen. Their talents in large-scale industrial buildings and their body structure that are very suitable for engineering construction also make the Vasian people gradually become Dawn. A very popular worker among the collars. And Planet Vasian itself has also received many benefits. Not to mention the population has doubled, and the living conditions have improved a lot.

The Kali people, this is one of the very active races in the Dawn Territory. Although the Kali people have a small population and do not have any industrial system, they have excellent fighters, and their loyalty to Tang Xiao can be said to be dead-hearted.

The Injoli, the most powerful fighting race in the galaxy, have the strongest physical fitness, and even the Force cannot affect them. This means that fighting them can only be fought head-on, but looking at the average height of 2.6-2.8 meters and the appearance of a dinosaur, almost no one dares to fight them head-on.

Now this strongest fighting race is also an important part of the dawn army, but the only thing that affects their performance is their population. The current total population of the Injoris does not exceed 5 million, and their fertility rate is very low, so even if all of them are soldiers, the number of troops they can send is limited.

The Injoli people have also gained a lot of benefits from the Liming Territory in this war. Not only are their living conditions much better, but they also have many opportunities to participate in the battle, so they are also loyal to Tang Xiao. It's just that this loyalty is mainly based on mutual benefit and does not mean surrender.

The Ewoks, this is the first race contacted by the Fourth Civilization, and this bear-like race is very spiritual. The Ewoks are amazingly talented in engineering, and they are also very good at fighting in the jungle. There is even a special jungle troop in the Dawn Territory, all composed of Ewoks.

In the past, the Ewoks were still somewhat dissatisfied with the fourth civilization, because they believed that the humans of the fourth civilization had invaded their territory and destroyed their environment. But with the continuous expansion of the Fourth Civilization, this contradiction is naturally eliminated.

At the same time, the Ewoks have always regarded Tang Xiao as their great elf, that is, a god, so they are also one of the most loyal races, at least loyal to Tang Xiao himself.

Gnolls, they were awakened as a servant race, mainly to accept the orders of the Salarians, and now many gnolls are divided to serve other races.

Jackals are ferocious by nature, and they are excellent fighter pilots and snipers, so they often appear in the Dawn Army. But their intelligence is not high, so they can only be used as tool people and cannon fodder.

Next, there are races such as Tibulin, Seria, Ailu and so on. These races are very weak, and basically have no other contribution except to provide some labor force and colonies. But at least these races still have some potential for development. When the Dawn Territory is developing rapidly, their strength is also gradually growing.

Finally, there are many races that do not even deserve names.

The entire range of the Dawn Territory includes more than 1,700 galaxies with habitable planets and intelligent races. There are hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy, and more than half of them have their own planetary system, so if you want to calculate it like this, there are tens of billions of galaxies in the Dawn Territory!

But many of the galaxies in it are uninhabitable galaxies, at best they are mineral galaxies. Even many mineral galaxies are not qualified, because ordinary resources are basically as much as they need, and what is really needed are those rare minerals. In the Milky Way, this kind of planetary system is generally not even qualified to count.

Among these tens of billions of planetary systems, there are more than 1,700 galaxies where intelligent races live. In fact, this proportion is still very small. Moreover, many of these intelligent races are very backward, and basically can't provide anything other than population, and the racial characteristics are nothing special, so it's just a number.

Thanks to 213teenager and the 200 starting coins for listening to the giant whale breathing! ! Thanks to Taiwei Yutu for donating 100 starting coins! !

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