The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1543 Inquiry (Part 2)

1543: Inquiry (Part 2)

"So, you are eager to obtain the technology of the particle light spear of the Separatism?" Onana Quarter asked coldly.

"Yes, dear Quarter of Quarter," said Lila Blissex.

However, at this time, a member of the Kuat family standing next to him came over, raised his hand and threw a data disk over, saying, "The Galactic Republic is very grateful to you for recovering the technology that was stolen two and a half years ago for them."

Lila Blissex froze for a moment. She knelt down, picked up the data disk and pressed the button. All I could see was a series of data and images suddenly projected from the miniature holographic projection on the data disk.

"This is... Zhang Jiarui's... the pre-technology of the particle light spear?" Lila looked at the data, but felt very familiar.

"This is the Republic's secret project, the Extractor, which was snatched from the Alaris satellite by the separatist general Severance Tann two and a half years ago." Onana Quarter said, "It took so much trouble. , and almost put the entire Kuat planet in crisis of destruction, and finally just got such an outdated technology?"

There was anger in her tone, "I've asked our best engineer to simulate it! This energy weapon called an extractor has such a short range that it can't even be used on a battleship! And what is a particle light spear? Yes Weapons that can strike across the galaxy!! That's what I got for two full days in planetary shelter!! Palpatine didn't even give a shit! Just told me good job! Thank you! "

Lila Blissex was sweating profusely. She lowered her head and said, "This is my oversight..."

At this time, Little Quarter spoke, "Dear Quarter of Quarter, in fact, even the technology of the extractor is of great help to us now. In fact, if we can get the extractor's technology earlier In terms of technology, at least we can go further in this technology focused on using kyber crystals."

"Is this the reason why the Eclipse class was stopped? Energy focus problem? You should be thankful that the Separatists blew up the Eclipse class prototype ship in this operation, which gives us something to say before the Republic investigation team. Otherwise, If the eclipse level cannot be completed as scheduled, we Kuat will suffer a lot." Onana Quart spoke to her nephew in a tone of lesson.

Only then did Lila Blissex breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that her previous actions to take the blame for her crimes were rewarded by Little Quart.

"At least the plan of the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer has given us enough time to re-examine the main gun technology of the Eclipse-class. According to the battlefield data we have obtained so far, at least the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer is capable of It can cause enough damage to the Separatist Titan Battleship Xuanwu," said Little Quarter.

"Executor level? Xuanwu..." Under the light, Onana Quarter's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she said slowly: "I don't know if you and the engineering department you are in charge of have realized Such a reality? Even if we scoff at the Titan battleship Plague before the Separatism, thinking that the Titan battleship is full of outdated technology. But in fact, the Executor class we have high hopes for is only barely able to reach the Plague. Degree?"

"We really have to admit that the Separatist warship manufacturing technology is already an era ahead of us." Little Quarter shook his head and said, "Now when we look back at the Titan battleship Plague, we must also admit a fact—— It is not difficult to build an electromagnetic gun, but it is necessary to build a 10,000-meter-long super-giant electromagnetic gun, and to install an engine on it so that it can fly. It is also far ahead of us."

Onana Quarter turned to Lila Blissex again, her tone became cold again, and asked: "There is also the Knight-class Star Destroyer! This is our solemn promise to become the main force of the new generation of the Republic." The design of the battleship! But until now, every battle the Knight-class Star Destroyer has participated in has slapped us in the face!! Especially in the battle of the Kira galaxy! It was actually destroyed by an unknown torpedo frigate! You How do we explain to the speaker!!"

"There is no problem with the performance of the Knight-class Star Destroyer! Even in the confrontation with the separatist Hell's Angels, it can have an advantage!" Lila Blissex loudly distinguished, because this field can be regarded as a Her bottom line is, if she loses her halo as a genius battleship designer that day, then she will be useless to Kuat Power Dock.

After leaving Kuat, she doesn't think there is any place that can give her a nine-figure salary every year!

So she can only fight to the end.

In fact, even if the Knight-class Star Destroyer is compared with the Hell Angel class, the reason why the former can have an advantage is actually because the Knight-class Star Destroyer is a 1,600-meter-long battleship, and its volume is actually more than 1,200 meters long. The Hell's Angel class is an order of magnitude higher!

If the knight class can still lose in such a weight comparison, then everyone in the Quarter Power Dock can find a piece of tofu and crash to death.

"Then tell me, where is our problem?" Onana Quarter asked.

"The problem is that we only have the Knight class! But Separatism has the Hell's Angel class, the Disaster class, the Doomsday battlefield class, the Dunov class, the Behemoth class, and the Kethoff class..." Lila Blisser Kex said, "Haven't you thought about this problem? There are so many warship models, each of which has unique functions and functions! Each of them has the same stability that seems to be honed! Is this possible? ?During the period when we were developing the Knight-class and Consul-class Star Destroyers, the number of thousand-meter-class capital ship models added by the Separatists has reached as many as 6! Could it be that their research and development capabilities are more expensive than their research and development investment? Are we 6 times stronger?"

"Indeed, this is the biggest problem we face." Little Kuat also chimed in, "Technical backwardness is only one aspect, and what is even more desperate is the lagging behind in R\u0026D speed. This is what prevents us from even participating The main factor in this competition, and because of this, we are extremely interested in every technology that comes out of the Separatists."

When he said this, he was actually justifying himself and Lila with what he said. Reminding myself of that high-ranking aunt, the reason why she was in such a hurry to bring Zhang Jiarui back was also to make up for the technical gap between the two sides.

Onana Quarter was silent for a long time this time before saying: "Now, there is an opportunity in front of us."

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