The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1544 Infighting in Quarter Power Dock

1544. Infighting in Quarter Power Dockyard

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Hearing Onana Quarter's words, Little Quarter frowned and asked.

From what he knew of his aunt, it was often not a good thing if every conversation started like this.

In fact, he knew some of the inside story of Kuat Power Dock. At least one thing he understood was that the position of his aunt, who seemed to be high above her, was not so stable under her buttocks.

That was why she put on airs in front of Lila Blissex, and why she cared so much about recent events.

In fact, the design of a mere Star Destroyer, how could it be put on the line to the point where Kuat's survival is at stake. Making her feel her position is threatened, that's the biggest problem.

"As far as I know, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic is preparing to launch a second round of offensive against the separatist Mordel sector. This is our opportunity," Onana-Quat said.

Little Quarter turned pale with shock, "Are we going to intervene in the military's operations?! This is a big taboo!"

"I have already conducted investigations, and the technologies of Dawn Planet must be foreign! It is absolutely impossible for them to develop them step by step!" Onana Quarter said, "Although there are many obstacles, I have investigated a lot of information. In fact, even some Dawn natives have legends of their origins from another galaxy."

"But that's not the reason for us to intervene in military operations!" Little Kuat's face was solemn, "The reason why our Kuat family can come to the present as a rising star is that we have a sense of what we can do. It is very clearly defined. And among the countless restricted areas, the army is something we must never touch."

"I don't need you to remind me of Kuat's tradition!" Onana Quart raised her voice. "Haven't you figured out the point? Now Schiff Palpatine is also eyeing Dawn Planet! He has his own intelligence agency, and he must be more aware than we are of Dawn Planet and Tang Xiao’s incredible technologies that were definitely not developed by himself! Don’t you guys know what Dawn Planet was like 15 years ago?”

"This should be an issue that the Republic's military should consider. We are only responsible for building warships." Little Quarter stood up abruptly, confronting his aunt, completely ignoring that he was committing the following crimes.

"No! This should be for us to consider!" Onana Quarter said loudly, "If the Galactic Republic gets the technical reserves of Dawn Planet, then they can create a second Quarter, a third Quart, the fourth quarter! And then, where is the value of our existence!?"

"This matter is obviously crossing the line, let's go back." Little Quarter said, "At least, it should also be discussed with MP Giddean Danu."

But as soon as he said it, he immediately regretted it.

Gideon Danu, he is the representative of the parliament of the republic sent by the planet Kuat, but at the same time, he is also the political enemy of Onana Quart.

This enemy is not the hostility that replaced it, but the difference in philosophy between the two sides.

Although Gideon Danu was supported by Onana Quarter, but unlike the situation where he just thought that this person was honest and easy to control, Gideon Danu is actually a man with great ambitions and great ambitions. Open-minded and kind-hearted people.

In fact, Onana Quarter, like the previous Quarters of Quarters, is a typical inner-circle nobleman: luxury, corruption, corruption, and pomp are synonymous with people like them.

But Gideon Danu is completely different. He is more consistent with the Jedi Order. He sympathizes with the Jedi Order, the poor people, and even those backward planets in the outer ring. It is precisely because of his efforts that some of the actions of the Kuat Power Shipyard in the late Republic were not so extreme.

Otherwise, with Onana Quarter's character and style, the reputation of the Quarter Power Shipyard in the galaxy may be similar to that of the Trade Federation, and they are all street rats.

It's just that Onana Quarter, instead of acknowledging it, regards Gideon Danu as her greatest threat. She felt that Gideon Danu was fighting her on almost every issue, that she wanted taxes, that she wanted slaves, that she wanted plunder, that she wanted monopolies, and that Danu kept getting in the way every time.

This made Onana Quarter unbearable.

In fact, Gideon Danu can indeed become a threat to Onana Quarter, because as a member of the planet Quarter, what he says represents the entire Quarter. And not only that, he was also very close to members of the faction of Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa.

Once he exerts pressure from the parliament, Onana Quarter's position may really be shaken.

Because no matter what, the Kuat Power Shipyard is still just an industrial enterprise in the Galactic Republic, and the Galactic Republic is their heaven.

Sure enough, upon hearing the name Gideon Danu, Onana Quarter became even more angry, and she said loudly: "Member Danu has nothing to do with this matter! All he cares about is his position as a member. I have never thought about our Kuat! In short, it has been confirmed! Our Kuat Power Shipyard will participate in this military operation in the Model star area! With our unlimited productivity, even if we use warships to pile up, we must take the Dawn Star Completely take it! The technology of their warships should belong to us!!"

Speaking of this, there was even a hint of madness in her eyes.

"If you insist on this, then this will be the beginning of the end of our Kuat Power Dock!" Little Kuat stood up and turned away without looking back.

"Get out! Get out!" Onana Quarter was already in a panic.

Lila Blissex looked at the scene, her eyes flickered, and she began to make calculations in her heart. She bowed to Onana Quart and said: "There is nothing else, I will leave first. I will continue to serve Quart wholeheartedly and design a powerful warship no less than Separatism."

Onana-Quat didn't want to hear this anymore, she just waved her hand and told Lila to go away.


Lila Blissex returned to her luxurious residence. After letting all the servants go away, the mansion looked a bit empty, and she couldn't help but recall the years when she was with her father.

She strolled to a room in the center of the mansion. The room was full of models of various parts and several powerful hosts. After several holographic projections were turned on, it almost immediately made people feel as if they were in the place where she was surrounded. The interior of the designed battleship.

But those things are a thing of the past...

After her father left, she hadn't set foot here for a long time. Even for the design and research of warships, she brought her own powerful design team and equipped them specially for her in the Quarter Power Shipyard. carried out in the laboratory.

But... it's not enough... it's not enough!

She had already begun to have a strong premonition that the battleship she designed could never be an opponent of the Separatists! Even if an eclipse-level plan is brought out now, it will not really turn the situation around.

After pondering for a long time, she connected to a frequency band - Willix-Blissex.

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