The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1659 The Newborn Shirley Birkin

Chapter 1659 The Newborn Shirley Birkin

1659. Newborn Shirley Birkin

Before the clone trooper could see clearly what was in front of him, he heard a roar!

boom! ! A rocket exploded immediately, and several clone soldiers around were immediately blown away by the shock wave of the explosion! Fortunately, the polymer alloy armor on their bodies absorbed most of the impact of the explosion and blocked the shrapnel flying around, otherwise it would have been an extremely tragic scene.

With the light of the flames, they finally saw the terrifying figure in front of them clearly.

That was a giant nearly five meters tall! It is equipped with a very complete set of armor, and what is even more conspicuous is the large quadruple rocket launcher installed on the giant's right shoulder! And its left arm is even more exaggerated, the length alone is close to four meters, and its size is extremely large. An oversized big palm grows on the arm, making people feel that this hand alone is heavier than the body.

Talos Tyrant (T-A.L.O.S)! The ultimate weapon produced by the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group on the T virus! This is a super biological weapon that perfectly combines chip implantation, mechanical control, and virus mutation!

Such a terrifying monster made those clone soldiers lose their resistance almost instantly! Although they are clones, they are not heartless, and they are still fearful in the face of almost hopeless situations.

What's more, these Spati clone soldiers are not particularly mentally stable.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The clone trooper shouted loudly, and at the same time fired all the weapons in his hands at the giant!

Blaster rifles, grenades, and even a clone trooper with a six-barreled blaster machine gun! But such intensive firepower had no effect at all on this monster.

The Talos tyrant blocked almost all attacks by raising that incomparably huge arm! The armor on it is Frick alloy. If the purity of this alloy is high enough, it can even withstand the slashing of a lightsaber!

Thanks to the good relationship between the Duchy of Dawn and the Interstellar Banking Association, the Duchy of Dawn also has a lot of super alloys that are almost monopolized by the Interstellar Banking Association.

Due to the scarcity of Frick alloy production, it is naturally impossible to use it to build warships, and it seems too extravagant to manufacture tanks. Therefore, the Interstellar Banking Association was mainly used to produce the high-voltage electric wand of the IG-100 guard robot in order to compete with the Jedi Knights.

But it is only used to make high-voltage electric wands and some robot armors, and the output is completely inexhaustible.

So now, with the appearance of the Talos tyrant, these Frick alloys finally come into play.

The Talos tyrant blocked the clone soldiers' strafing shots, and rushed up with big strides, and the speed was very fast! It rushed over, knocked all the clone soldiers into the air with a sweep of its huge arm, and grabbed two soldiers in its hands. With just one force, the two people in the palm were crushed into a lump of flesh under the armor!

Facing this rampaging monster, this group of clone troopers fled in all directions. They simply didn't have enough firepower to deal with the Talos tyrant equipped with Flick alloy armor.

All I saw was this monster rushing over quickly, leaping several meters high, and then punching down with a huge arm! A small building nearby was directly knocked down by this punch!

After all, the clone soldiers were well-trained, and they quickly withdrew from the battlefield with the help of a large amount of smoke and dust rising into the air.

I don't know how far I ran, boom! Boom! Boom! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the footsteps of the Talos tyrant gradually receded.

The remaining soldiers gathered together again, and a sergeant said: "We need to join the big army! We can only be eaten by those monsters in the current state!"

"Do we still have a large army here?" The clone trooper next to him asked.

Everyone fell into silence.

"Hiss..." Suddenly, a slight roar came from the shadows.

Hearing this sound, all the clone soldiers seemed to be drenched by a bucket of ice water, and everyone froze.

"The corpses of those monsters with long tongues just now, are you sure they are destroyed?" The sergeant asked in a low voice, his voice visibly trembling.

"I threw three grenades up..." The soldier who threw the grenade just now survived, so he also replied in a low voice.


The soldier hadn't finished speaking when suddenly another roar came from ahead!

"What!" A soldier immediately lit up a tactical flashlight and pointed it forward.

I only saw a ferocious and terrifying licker standing there, as if provocative, in the middle of the road! The reason why it is said to be ferocious and terrifying is because it has obviously undergone drastic mutations. From under the damaged metal armor, a layer of horny skin grew, and this layer of horny skin had some reflections under the light of the flashlight!

"Quick! Kill him!" Everyone opened fire immediately.

However, this time, the blast energy beam fired by the DC-15S blaster rifle had little effect. The horny layer growing on this licker has a good reflective heat insulation effect, which can greatly reduce the power of the blast energy beam!

This licker sprints forward, even faster than a car.

"Quick! Kill it!" Under the intensive firepower, the cuticle on the licker's body was finally broken, and then fell to the ground and slid forward a few meters by inertia before it stopped moving.

"It's... over?"

Before these clone troopers could breathe a sigh of relief, roars came from their heads again!

They suddenly turned their heads and took a photo with their tactical flashlights, only to see dozens of lickers lying on the outer wall of the building above them! All of their bodies have also mutated, growing a layer of cuticles that can resist blasters!


Terrible screams echoed in the dark night, and gunshots, explosions, and screams could be heard everywhere in this dark city...


"As the document I gave you shows, the biggest selling point of the B.O.W produced by our company is not their combat capability." In the holographic projection, Shirley Birkin in a white coat pushed her Glasses, said lightly: "They can play a role on the battlefield, mainly relying on two points - first, self-sustainability, and second, variability."

Volgograd-Kanidi looked at this very young, beautiful woman who looked as cold as an iceberg, and even he felt a chill in his heart.

"Self-sustaining, does that mean they don't need resupply?" he asked.

"That's right, although B.O.W is difficult to be an opponent of aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles, compared to those equipment that leave the logistics and are a pile of scrap iron, they don't need supplies at all." Shirley Birkin said, " On the battlefield, they eat almost anything, and any organic matter can be their energy source. So, you can throw them in the enemy's rear and leave them alone, and then go back in a few months to see if there are any surprises."

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