The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1660 Another Shirley Birkin

1660 Another Shirley Birkin

"You mean, they eat corpses?" Volgograd-Kanidi said.

"The corpse is only a part of it. The products made by the T virus can absorb almost all organic matter, and they can even perform photosynthesis." Shirley Birkin said, "The ancestor virus, the predecessor of the T virus, was derived from a species called the solar ladder. The RNA virus substance extracted from the flower of the plant, so the T virus will have the characteristics of plants in some aspects."

"So, as long as there are people around, animals or even plants, they can continue to survive. And because they are biological weapons, their destructive power comes from themselves, and they don't depend on external supplies at all." Canidi shook his head, "Indeed , In this way, B.O.W has become the best choice for direct delivery to the enemy's rear. However, after all, biological weapons cannot fight against tanks and armored vehicles, so how to solve this?"

"Variability is the biggest trump card of T-virus biological weapons." Shirley Birkin said, "T-virus biological weapons basically rely on instinct, and biological instincts are determined by DNA and RNA. Evolution and reproduction are the two highest instincts of creatures. Therefore, for T-virus biological weapons, once they are fatally hit, they will instinctively evolve in this direction."

"What do you mean? They were killed by blaster guns, and then they evolved into blaster guns?" Canidi didn't quite understand.

"No, this means that if they are killed by a blaster, they will absorb the damage attribute of the blow and evolve in the direction of countering this attribute. Therefore, the main damage of the blaster is high temperature and explosion. Then they evolve to counteract that damage."

"That is to say, even if they are eliminated, they can still be resurrected, not only resurrected, but also stronger than before?!"

"That's right, as I said, if the DNA structure of the T-virus biological weapon cannot be destroyed, then as long as they can get energy, they can continue to mutate." Shirley Birkin said.

"Then these biological weapons continue to evolve, won't they be able to destroy a planet in the end!"

"It's not so exaggerated. I said that the extent to which they can evolve depends on how much energy they can get. Once the demand for evolution exceeds the supply of energy, then that evolution will become a collapse, and then everything will start from scratch. Only But in the process, they've done enough killing."

She began to play various hideous and terrifying T-virus monsters that mutated in some experiments.

Volgograd-Kanidi looked at the girl in her early 20s. Her long blonde hair was simply tied up, and she wore a pair of eyes. She had a beautiful and delicate face, and her fair and delicate skin seemed to be seen only on dolls. .

She was wearing a white coat and a brown skirt, and she was sitting on a small swivel chair with her legs crossed, calmly telling them about this extremely terrifying murderous monster.

"This weapon was developed by your Umbrella company? What are you thinking about? What kind of person can make such a thing?!" Volgograd-Kanidi found it difficult to accept such a thing.

When those armored lickers, trackers, and Talos tyrants were sent over, they looked at those biological weapons. Although they were still scary, they were at least relatively normal.

Only now did he know that once these monsters mutated, they would be so disgusting and terrifying! It seems that countless organs are mixed together in various distorted ways, which is completely challenging the bottom line of being a human being!

But this young woman who looks very beautiful, actually calls this evolution? !

Tang Xiao was also beside him at the moment, but he didn't say much, just listened quietly. He is not surprised at the current state of the T-virus biological weapon. After all, in the original plot of "Resident Evil", Umbrella Corporation was as unacceptable as a street mouse, but even so, they can still continue to develop and develop a large number of biological weapons.

But now, with the support of the fourth civilization, the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group can carry out research and development in an aboveboard manner, so they can naturally come up with even more terrifying biological weapons more smoothly.

This kind of characteristic that can continuously mutate and evolve according to the attacks received must be the final form they are pursuing.

But this is far from over. Tang Xiao knows that he has given Shirley Birkin a lot of things, even including those super weapons that are almost unsolvable in the original plot of "Resident Evil".

So compared to this, he was quite interested in Shirley Birkin's changes.

It is not accurate to say that it is a change, because the reference object is Shirley Birkin in the original plot of "Resident Evil". In the original plot, Shirley was implanted with the G virus by her father William Birkin, and with William's death, no one knew what effect it had.

After Shirley came out of Raccoon City, she has been under the strict surveillance of the United States. It can be said that she spent her childhood and youth under house arrest. And all the education she received was the education that the US government wanted her to receive, so she formed the character in the plot.

She is kind and brave, willing to work hard to fight against the proliferation of biological and chemical weapons.

However, in Tang Xiao's case, Tang Xiao did not give her such a growth curve. Shirley was awakened as an appendage of William Birkin when she was only about 10 years old.

In the subsequent growth environment, she grew up in an environment where there was no limit to the development of biochemical weapons, and after William Birkin's death, Tang Xiao directly let her take over the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group.

Controlling such a huge pharmaceutical group, coupled with the countless core biotechnology that Tang Xiao gave her, Shirley Birkin at this time can be said to fully display her genius wisdom and become a calm woman. Calm, you can even say that he is indifferent to life in power!

Just like now, she can talk about that terrifying biological weapon very calmly. Canidy only thought of the possible killings these biological weapons could cause, but he didn't think deeply enough, because during the testing and manufacturing process of these biological weapons, how many human experiments have been done, it is impossible to count them all!

So the current Shirley Birkin and the one in the original plot are completely two people!

"Do you know which direction of evolution I like the most?" Shirley Birkin said with a smile, "I think you will soon see the battle reports of those trackers against the armored forces of the Republic."


Two TX-130 Saber suspension tanks were driving slowly in Kabo Town, and the drivers were watching the surroundings very vigilantly.

"Car No. 7 has lost contact... Where did those monsters come from!?" The captain's voice was full of fear.

"It's the giants with the bazooka!" The gunner said tremblingly.

"How is this possible? Those mutant giants have been wiped out!"

"But they came back to life again... These monsters can't be killed at all!"

"Wait a minute! The target is found ahead! Fire!" The commander suddenly saw a heat source reaction on the detector screen.

boom! ! The gunner pressed the button almost instinctively, and the laser cannon of the saber tank fired instantly! A beam of light shot out, and the ultra-high temperature compressed air caused combustion the moment it hit the target.

"No! The target is not eliminated! It is approaching at a high speed!!" (End of this chapter)

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