1684. Battle of Dawn (2)

Casio Tagg commanded his fleet to advance at full speed against the firepower of the Dawn Planet's star ring in the distance, and the heavy turbolaser cannon and heavy pulse laser installed on the Dawn Planet's star ring also opened fire wildly.

Fighters from both sides were also fighting near the surrounding space facilities, but the intensity of the fighting between the fighter formations was not too high.

Dawn Planet took off about 500 fighter jets, while the Galactic Republic only took off about the same number.

The commander of battle group B, who arrived here first, was very cautious and did not take off a large number of fighter jets rashly. Casio Tagg also acquiesced to his decision after he led battle group A to arrive here.

Because what is in front of them can be said to be one of the most notorious planets among the separatist forces currently raging throughout the galaxy - Planet Dawn!

He has ten thousand reasons to treat this battle with the utmost caution, and he firmly believes that the defense of Dawn Planet cannot be taken lightly.

But he also has a reason to attack! Just rely on this powerful fleet he brought!

95 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and 20,000 fighter jets!

And what we see so far is indeed the case. There are no battleships or spaceships on Dawn Planet. Perhaps after seeing the arrival of the Republic's huge fleet, he hid in the space port of the star ring.

"Keep going! Keep firing! Aim at Dawn Planet and fire freely!!" Casio Tagg decided to give Dawn Planet a showdown first.

Under his order, the Jaeger-class battlecruisers lowered their bows and assumed a salvo attitude. The eight XX-9 twin-mounted heavy turbolaser cannons under the bridge opened fire wildly!

Countless blast energy beams fell on the star ring and on the planetary shield of Dawn Planet, causing waves of light blue energy ripples. The Republic's fleet was divided into two parts and headed towards the north and south poles of the Dawn Planet at high speed!

The closer the distance between the two sides, the more frantic the counterattack on the Dawn Planet's star ring became. A large number of missiles and proton torpedoes rose into the sky, raining down on the Republic fleet.

In the constant exchange of fire, the shield of a Jaeger-class battlecruiser was broken, and then exploded and disintegrated in the continuous blows.

At this time, the battle between fighter formations also had a winner. After another 500 fighter jets took off, all 400 Vulture robot fighters and 100 Ghost fighter jets that took off from Dawn Planet were shot down.

Seeing that Dawn Planet seemed to have no intention of taking off more fighter jets, Casio Tag ordered 2,000 fighter jets to take off for escort, and then protected 400 Y-wing bombers to take off, preparing to launch the first wave of bombings on the star ring.

According to the current combat regulations of the Republic Navy, when the Jaeger-class battlecruiser takes off fighter jets, it needs to lift the bow to expose the belly of the battleship, so that the fighter formation can take off without being directly attacked by the opponent's fire.

However, this posture is undoubtedly not a posture for artillery warfare, so the Jaeger-class battlecruiser is actually unable to artillery when it takes off its fighter jets. This also became a factor that led to the backwardness of the Jaeger-class due to changes in strategic and tactical needs of both sides as the war progressed.

Watching a large number of fighter jets take off, Casio Tagg also felt that it was almost done. He stood up and went to the communications room. He could not conduct the next call on the bridge because it might damage morale if other officers heard the communication.

He wants to negotiate with Dawn Planet!

That's right, he doesn't think he has the ability to occupy the Dawn Planet. Maybe his fleet is indeed large enough, but it will still take some time to break the planet's planetary shield. After all, his warships are all Jaeger-level. To truly achieve the effect of 'annihilating stars', one still has to come at the knight level.

The firepower of a Knight-class ship is equivalent to 8 to 10 Chasseur-class ships. Only this kind of firepower can completely burn a planet into glass beads.

But similarly, Casio Tagg doesn’t think he will lose. 95 Hunter-class ships, 20,000 fighter jets, this is no joke. With the current state of the Dawn Planet being on fire everywhere, he doesn't think Tang Xiao has any strength to compete with his fleet.

He took a deep breath, turned on the communicator, and said in as serious and solemn a tone as possible: "Casio Tagg, Rear Admiral of the Republic Navy in our city, Commander-in-Chief of the Republic Expeditionary Force. I would like to ask Tang Xiao, Governor of Dawn Planet, to come and talk."

When Casio Tagg said the rank of major general, he felt a little embarrassed on his face, so he added that he was the commander-in-chief of the fleet. In addition, the Galaxy Republic has never recognized the Principality of Dawn, so it is impossible for him to call Tang Xiao Grand Duke.

The communication side flickered for a while, and after about five minutes, a person walked from outside the screen into the projection.

He was wearing a red coat and a black cloak, with various medals hanging on his chest. A golden ribbon hung diagonally on his left shoulder, and he held a star scepter. Then he came to the holographic projection, sat directly on the sofa, and cast a disdainful look at him.

As soon as the eyes of the two people came into contact, Tag felt like he was being stabbed by electricity. In that simple look, the unruly and ruthless, arbitrary, ruthless and ruthless person who had been in a position of superiority for a long time made people shudder!

For Tang Xiao, who had ruled the fourth civilization for nearly 20 years with the power of the dark side, the Force was not needed at all to intimidate this so-called top student who had just graduated from the military academy a few years ago.

Casio Tagg was taken by Tang Xiao's aura, and he couldn't help but puff up his chest, put his hands behind his back, and his feet were as powerful as compasses, responding in a standard military posture. A drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead...

"Do you know why I met you? Casio Tag." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"You must come to see me! Because this is related to the people of Dawn Planet!" Casio Tag's tone was a little stiff, but he still tried hard to say what he had thought about for a long time and practiced silently hundreds of times before.

"I came to see you because of your courage." Tang Xiao retracted his terrifying gaze and his tone became easy-going, "Not just a random person has the courage to break into the enemy's heart. Even if he brings We have a powerful fleet. So, I admire you very much. Regardless of your ability, but because of your responsibility and bravery, I think you can have a phone call with me."

"Dawn Planet can avoid this military disaster. As long as you come up with something that satisfies me, Dawn Planet will not be destroyed." Casio Tagg said.

"I'm not interested in your conditions, General Tag. I just want to say a few words to you so that you can enjoy the honor of meeting me, nothing more." Tang Xiao stood up and faced the projection screen He took a few steps closer in the direction, and the smile on his face became extremely fierce, "Next, it's time to harvest." (End of Chapter)

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