1685. Battle of Dawn (3)


In any case I would be happy to pay tribute to anyone, no matter who he is, with war. ——Tang Xiao, the founding emperor of the Fourth Reich, "Emperor's Quotations", Chapter 38, Section 9.


Hearing Tang Xiao's answer, Casio Tag was stunned, and then a surge of anger surged into his heart. He said loudly: "Are you crazy? Didn't you see the fleet I brought? Do you think you Can you fight me? I gave you the simplest path, why do you still have to resist?!"

Tang Xiao shook his head and smiled, "Have you ever thought about it, General Tagg. You think you are giving me the simplest path, but in fact, this path means the path of destruction for me? "

"I just think you're crazy!" Casio Tagg said through gritted teeth.

"So you are just a major general." Tang Xiao's smile faded, and his tone became extremely cold. "You think I can't compete with you? No, you just don't understand. During the years when I was in charge of Dawn Planet, what exactly did I do? It’s just so many seeds that have been sown. I hope we have a chance to meet again.”

"You only need to hand over the Hell's Angels and Disaster-level blueprints! I will withdraw my troops immediately!!" Casio Tag was worried that Tang Xiao would make an irrational decision, so he spoke out his conditions first.

However, Tang Xiao didn't want to talk to Casio Tagge at all, so he sneered and closed the communication.

Bang! ! Casio Tagg punched the wall next to him, feeling increasingly angry!

Why? Why are you so stupid! ! Casio Tagg yelled in his heart, all he needed to do was hand over the blueprints of the two active battleships! This is already my minimum condition! Why refuse! !

Just two battleships currently in service! The war has been going on for so long, and the Republic can learn a lot even by studying the wreckage! There is no such thing as confidentiality anymore, right? Why refuse! !

He roared in his heart while punching the wall hard, punching again and again until his fists were dripping with blood.

"You want to die... Then I will help you! I will help you!!" Cassio Tagg roared out the anger in his heart.

Then he opened the door of the communication room, pushed aside the adjutant and several staff officers who were waiting at the door at some point, and rushed out quickly. In his rage, he couldn't hear clearly what the adjutants and others were saying.

Before returning to the bridge and entering the door, he loudly shouted in his loudest voice: "Adjust my target! First clear all the facilities around the Dawn Planet! Leave no one behind!! I will blow them back to the Stone Age!! "

However, before he finished speaking, he was shocked by the scene on the bridge.

The bridge was busy, sirens were blaring everywhere, communications officers, radar officers, staff officers, intelligence officials and technical personnel at all levels were running around, and everyone's face was filled with panic!

"Quick! Determine their number immediately!"

"Where did it come from? Where did it come from!! What are the people from the Intelligence Department doing?!"

"The captain asked whether to adjust the formation!"

"We can't continue to get closer to the Dawn Planet! We will be attacked from both sides!"

Casio Tagg looked to his left. An angry officer was banging the table and yelling at the intelligence department.

He looked to the right again. Each of the hundreds of communications soldiers in the communications department was busy, as if countless communications were being sent at this moment.

Tag was a little dazed. At this time, an increasingly loud and piercing siren drew his attention to the other side - the direction of the holographic star map.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were almost blinded!

That's a large area of ​​red color!

A big piece! Almost everywhere! Completely fill up the outer orbit around the entire Dawn Planet!

"What happened?" Cassio Tagg grabbed an officer who was walking quickly.

The officer waved his arm and seemed a little impatient, but then he realized it was General Tag and quickly stood up and saluted. The personal terminal in his hand fell to the ground with a click and broke.

"General! We are surrounded!" the officer said eagerly, "You are finally back! What should we do?"

"Surrounded? How is this possible!!" Casio Tagg didn't believe it at all.

"General! General!!" The adjutant ran over quickly, grabbed Tag's sleeve, and shouted: "We are surrounded!"

"This is impossible!" Cassio Tagg said loudly, "Where did the fleet come from on the Dawn Planet?"

"I don't know! These spaceships are popping up from everywhere! Space stations, star rings, mines, and satellites... they are everywhere!!" the adjutant said loudly.

Only then did Casio Tagg look at the bright red on the holographic battlefield star map again, "Are these...their spaceships?"

"More than 4,000 spaceships! Almost all of them are small ships...but...but there are too many of them!" The adjutant's eyes were full of despair.

As for Casio Tag, he was stunned as he looked at the blood-red battlefield star map.

At this moment, countless spaceships are flying out, surrounding the Republic's fleet!

The number of these spaceships is very large, and there is no formation at all, and there is not even a unified system. There are all kinds of paints, and many spaceships have undergone various illegal modifications at a glance! There were even many spacecrafts that were originally cargo ships and flew over after being equipped with turbolaser cannons with excessive power!

CR-70 frigate, Oro-class cargo ship, Gozanti-class transport cruiser, DP-20 gunboat, Spitfire-class frigate, Fall-class gunboat, YT-1000 spaceship, YG-55 exploration ship, Cobalt alloy-class frigate, Javelin-class missile Frigates, Guard-class air defense destroyers, Marionette-class drone carriers, Hammerhead-class cruisers...

This is completely a world exhibition of various spaceships! You can find almost every kind of ship in the galaxy here!

There are even several Hiigaran-class battlecruisers, Generosity-class communications frigates, and Defiant-class light destroyers that were eliminated by the Confederation of Independent Systems!

I only saw a formation of at least hundreds of spaceships. A man with a scar on his face and a sinister expression shouted in the communication: "Bloody Dawn! Dryden Voss! Come for reinforcements!"

Another formation with hundreds of spaceships was also approaching at high speed. Among the first Apocalypse-class light cruisers, a man wrapped in protective clothing said gloomily: "Morlock, representing Mrs. Vixi and White Worm, the front Come for reinforcements.”

In a dark Hammerhead-class cruiser, Big Boss held a cigar in his mouth, blew out a column of smoke, and said in a deep voice: "The Scourge Legion is in place, Mira Han, it's your turn!"

"The smuggling fleet is in position and ready to attack at any time." Ni Yongxiao lit a cigarette for himself and stood on the bridge of a Generous class communications frigate with a wine glass in his other hand.

"Of course you can't do without me at times like this, hahahaha!" A disgusting laugh came, and a pale-skinned Hutt appeared in the communication projection!

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