The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1721 The end of the Galactic Republic (2)

1721. The end of the Galactic Republic (2)

So after these two unprecedented defeats, the accumulated conflicts within the Galactic Republic began to emerge uncontrollably.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the extremely bad impact on public opinion caused by the failure of the battle!

The failure of the Yago-Durr system battle was not bad. Most of the Galactic Republic naval officers and soldiers who returned after the defeat remained silent in accordance with confidentiality regulations. And even if there are some rumors, most people actually believe that this failure in the Yago-Dur system was more due to astronomical phenomena.

After all, they encountered a rare star change in decades, which caused the planet to also change its orbit violently.

In fact, the official media of the Galactic Republic also promoted it this way. Anyway, the failure of the Yago-Dur system has nothing to do with our great Galactic Republic Navy. It is all because the Trisolaran galaxy is too weird and the Separatism is too cunning.

Such remarks are as stupid and funny as saying that the Seven Flooded Army has nothing to do with Guan Yu and it is all the fault of the flood.

It's the same sentence from the same book - a general who doesn't understand astronomy, doesn't know the geographical advantages, doesn't know the strange gates, doesn't know the yin and yang, doesn't understand the formation map, doesn't know the strength of the army, is mediocre.

But the Galactic Republic no longer cares about so much. Now the senior officials and nobles of the Republic have only one thing on their minds, and that is how to get over this fiasco smoothly.

So all the media in the Galactic Republic were mobilized to arrange various interviews, records, and analyses. To put it simply, this battle was just one step away from completely defeating the Principality of Dawn. Moreover, under the command of Admiral Gideon Tarkin, the Republic fleet was overwhelming and beat the Separatists to tears. Call me mother...

Not only that, because the fleet was annihilated, Tang Xiao, one of the leaders of the separatism, even cried and begged for mercy. As a result, the stars in the Yago-Dur system derailed...

Then the cunning Tang Xiao immediately turned his back and used his evil power to command the fleet to launch a desperate counterattack. As a result, the heroic Galactic Republic navy worked hard to fight the enemy. Unexpectedly, the stars changed their orbits and the planets were flying around. The Republic's fleet happened to be passed by the flying planet, causing the formation to be messed up and the shield to be lost.

Moreover, these media continue to exaggerate how big such a galaxy is, and how small a planet is... Even if the Yago-Dur planet is wandering around, the chance of hitting the Republic's fleet is only one in a billion. One or the like.

These are typical Spring and Autumn writing styles. Although the planetary system is very large, the planets in it are certainly very small. This is correct. But one issue was intentionally or unintentionally ignored - that is, the Republic fleet was originally heading towards the Yago-Dur system, and it must have been deployed near the planet. If the planet suddenly changed its orbit, who would it hit if it didn't hit you?

But these are not important. In short, the separatism was severely beaten before the planet changed its orbit, and the chance of this orbit change was so accidental.

In the end, the Republic Navy even prepared to hold a medal ceremony!

Because in the constant exaggeration, fleet commander Admiral Gideon Tarkin and 20th Army Governor Octavian Grant have been promoted as war heroes!

As a result, this ridiculous awarding ceremony actually took place!

However, Admiral Gideon Tarkin simply did not come, and Octavian Grant also said that he would stick to his post and not come. It is even more impossible for the Speaker of the Republic, Sheev Palpatine, to participate in this clown-like event...

As a result, at the medal ceremony, a few naval officers who had escaped from the front line of Yago-Dur and came back disgraced were temporarily invited to take the stage and hang up the medals.

As the saying goes, when a country is about to perish, there must be monsters, and sometimes these monsters don’t actually have to be monsters...

But after so much trouble, if there is one reason that can be justified for the fiasco of the Yago-Dur system, then the raid in the Model sector was a complete disaster!

No matter from which angle you look at it, it’s a disaster!

Because this miserable failure could not be hidden from everyone’s eyes almost from the beginning!

As a company, Quat Power Shipyard naturally does not have as strict a system as the Galactic Republic's military, so it was impossible for them to hide the secret of this defeat from the beginning.

Although none of the 324 battleships sent to the front line of the Model sector came back, it does not mean that no one from the Model sector returned.

After all, in the previous battles, the staff on the transport ships who came back to deliver supplies, and some wounded soldiers who were sent to the rear when the traffic was still smooth... these people naturally know the situation on the front line very well.

As a result, things about the front line of the Model Sector spread like wildfire, and began to spread at an extremely fast speed.

What's even more terrible is that in order to build the huge military base in the Dawn Galaxy, Kuat Power Shipyard not only used an extremely large amount of funds and materials, but also used a huge amount of manpower.

The number of workers involved in the construction of the Dawn Galaxy has reached millions, and the families of these workers have also been taken to the Dawn Galaxy. In this way, the number of people involved in the construction will be close to tens of millions!

At the beginning, Kuat Power Shipyard still had strong control capabilities, so the Dawn Galaxy was still kept secret at that time.

But later, as the frontline continued to fail, people in the Dawn Galaxy surged, and everyone was in danger, so more and more people wanted to plan a way out. As a result, a hole gradually opened up, and this hole got bigger and bigger. In the end, a lot of news from the Dawn Galaxy was actually leaked to the outside!

The reason why Nova and the others were able to contact the dark broker at that time was actually at this stage, and then they could take advantage of it.

And at that time, the two top leaders of the Quat Power Shipyard responsible for this battle - Onana Quat and Lila Blissex, had begun constant internal fighting, and their minds were not at all. On the battlefield. In other words, in their opinion, it doesn't matter what happens in the Model Sector. What really matters is the super giant Quat Power Dockyard!

So they thought that since the battle had started anyway, let's just leak the secrets. Everyone knew that we were going to attack the Model Sector. And if we want to solve the problem of leaks, we must strengthen management, and strengthening management may cause those staff who are already under great pressure to collapse faster...

So they chose to ignore it.

It would be nice if this battle was won, but what they were waiting for was the news that the expeditionary force suffered a disastrous defeat and the entire fleet was annihilated!

Then the news spread throughout the entire galaxy in less than three days... Now everyone knows that the Galactic Republic's expedition raided the Model sector, resulting in a loss of troops, and not a single one of more than 300 capital ships came back...

That's right! Those rumors were so accurate that even the losses were clearly known!

Now that things have happened, it is no longer possible to hide it. Therefore, in desperation, the Galactic Republic chose the method that could protect themselves to the greatest extent - passing the blame!

But blame-shifting is also an art.

First of all, you can't throw the pot around. If it falls on someone you can't afford to offend, you won't know who will take the blame!

Therefore, the next wave of operations of the Galactic Republic can be called 666...

The first cauldron that bore the brunt was Laszlo Dolit, the fleet’s frontline deputy commander!

That's right! It's the adjutant, Laszlo Dolit... not even the fucking Commander-in-Chief Casio Tagg!

As for why? Just ask the powerful and powerful Tagg family why Casio Tagg is not the first to make the decision.

The reason is naturally high-sounding - Laszlo Dolit is a veteran who participated in the Stark Hyperspace War, and was also recruited to make up for Casio Tagg's lack of combat experience.

Then analysts and military experts began to find reasons. As a rare top student in the military academy, Casio Tagg naturally had very solid theoretical knowledge. However, after graduation, he mainly engaged in exterminating pirate operations. For large-scale fleet operations, he Still not very skilled.

Therefore, Laszlo-Dolit's opinion is very important during combat.

And our poor little Casio, because he respected his elders and fully considered the opinions and suggestions of the veteran Laszlo Dorit, made an immature mistake. Ultimately leading to the failure of frontline operations.

Even if the frontline battle failed, Casio Tag realized that something was wrong and naturally wanted to reverse the defeat and maintain the tradition and glory of the Republic Navy, so he chose to raid the Dawn Planet!

Let us not forget here that after more than a thousand years of peace, the Republic Navy, which has just dismantled all weapons with a caliber larger than 10 mm, still has traditional problems. The raid on the Dawn Planet alone would seem to a normal person to be an extremely reckless and irresponsible choice, but it was actually promoted by the Republic as maintaining the tradition and glory of the navy? !

Then faced with Casio Tagg's heroic and glorious move, Laszlo Dolit actually gave up! Not only that, he also relied on his old age and forcibly left more than half of the fleet behind, leaving only Casio Tagg to lead a small half of the fleet to raid the Dawn Planet!

To be honest, if Laszlo Dolit knew better, he would have seen that his hard work leading a group of old, weak and sick warships to defend the rear for Cassio Tagg and suppress the separatist fleet on the planet Annaji was being distorted. If it's like this, maybe even the titanium alloy coffin plates won't be able to hold it down!

Then, Casio Tagg bravely led his fleet to launch a desperate raid on the separatist leader Tang Xiao, beating Tang Xiao until he cried and begged for mercy...

As a result, due to insufficient strength, Casio Tag's fleet finally reached the end of its strength. Even at the end, he was still shouting: Give me another battleship, and I can penetrate the armor of Tang Xiao's ship! Heaven and earth...

It seems like I have seen this statement somewhere?

Didn’t the separatist leader Tang Xiao cry and beg for mercy once during the battle on the planet Yago-Dur?

In short, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the biggest culprit, Laszlo Dorit, is not running away!

And the second person most responsible, well, is still not Casio Tagg. It was the late leader of the former Quat Power Shipyard, Quat of Quat—Onana-Quat!

Yes, deceased.

Three days after Onana Kuat was abandoned in her own temporary residence, Little Kuat, who had regained control of the situation inside the Kuat Power Dockyard and became the new Kuat of Kuat, sent people to pick her up again. The aunt is back. As a result, the people he sent found that Onana Quart had hanged herself alone in the dark mansion.

Onana Quart is a bit stupid, but she is not really without IQ. Of course she understands that she is at the end of her rope, all the blame will be piled on her head, and she will lose everything as a result.

In addition, she was betrayed by her once 'loyal' servant, who left her alone in the mansion to starve, and turned off all the lights, leaving her alone to tremble in the darkness...

In this way, it is not surprising that Onana Quart, who was already on the verge of a mental breakdown, chose to commit suicide.

A dead person, a person who has lost power, will undoubtedly become the person who takes the blame.

For her own benefit, Onana Quart bribed a large number of officials, and even bribed some people in the military, insisting on participating in this combat operation.

Moreover, she also asked Quarter Power Dockyard to write a blank check, claiming that all battleships would be borne by Quarter Power Dockyard. However, in fact, her promise was not fulfilled at all. All battleships are still provided by the Galactic Republic Navy...

Well, quietly, the Republic Navy wiped out another large deficit. Of course, all of this was a transaction between the new Kuat of Kuat, Little Kuat, and Dunn Wessex. The Kuat Power Shipyard itself covered its nose and acknowledged the money, and pretended it had never happened. However, all expenses for the campaign were funded by the Republic Navy.

So with Onana Quart's behind-the-scenes intervention, this wrong expedition began. As a result, Casio Tag was tricked by this old witch and became the first victim in this corrupt battle.

The treatment of Onana Quart is, of course, to pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. All those who were bribed by her, manipulated by her, and facilitated this expedition were all arrested and tried!

Of course, Onana-Quat's people are all dead, and who she bribed and manipulated was naturally decided by the Republic's military.

To put it bluntly, this is a purge with the purpose of eliminating dissidents!

During this cleaning, pots No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 were naturally thrown out...

Then when the pot was counted to double digits, it was the turn of the expedition fleet commander Cassio Tagg.

Boy, you are still too young. Although he was extremely smart and powerful, and once defeated the separatist leader Tang Xiao, he was still immature after all. He was led by several veteran criminals and made mistakes that young people would make.

Therefore, Casio Tagg's poor performance in this battle will naturally be criticized, but he still made an indispensable contribution to reaching the door of the Dawn Planet. He should be awarded the title of a general...

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