The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1722 The end of the Galactic Republic (3)

1722. The end of the Galactic Republic (3)

Although the two disastrous defeats in the Model Sector Assault and the Yago-Dur Battle, and the subsequent emergency public relations, made it seem that the senior officials of the Galactic Republic had weathered this crisis as usual, but in fact, it's not true.

The Battle of Yago-Dur was blamed on a sudden astronomical phenomenon, and in the Raid Battle of the Model Sector, although the first cauldron belonged to Laszlo Dolit, the one who really took all the responsibility for this battle was still Quart Power Boat Yard.

Everything seems to have nothing to do with the Galactic Republic, however, it is far from the case!

The defeat of these two battles caused a trend of defeatism among the Republic Parliament. They began to believe that the Galactic Republic could no longer end the war as a winner. This war seems to be going on for a long time, and in the process, the Galactic Republic is likely to be overwhelmed.

However, there are other people who believe that the reason why this war has reached this stage is entirely because the war has been artificially escalated. Now the war between the two sides is no longer in the nature of a civil war. In many cases, they even have the will to destroy the other side's country and species.

Therefore, they called for the war to cool down and strive to get both sides back to the negotiating table to discuss the future of the galaxy while deeply reflecting on the serious consequences of this disastrous war.

This group of people is headed by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma.

It should be pointed out that their ideas are different from those of the defeatist congressmen before. Their loyalty and belief in the Republic are very firm, but they are also keenly aware of some clues of human intervention in the war process. They also see that if the war continues, it will definitely lead to more serious consequences.

So they called for the negotiation process to be reopened.

More and more congressmen have gathered around Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, and most of these congressmen are wary of the abnormal trend of the current parliament.

Because as the war progressed, more and more power was concentrated on Sheev Palpatine. He started with the "Emergency Judgment Power" at the beginning, and later the "Military Creation Act". Until now, many bills and affairs of the Republic, large and small, have actually bypassed the Parliament, or in other words, many bills are being submitted for discussion. , execution has already begun. And Palpatine only told the parliament the result during the meeting.

And some of the policies implemented by Sheev Palpatine are also very worrying.

For example, in his previous motion, he strengthened the voting proportion of MPs from the core circle and inner-ring planets, while weakening the voting ratio of MPs from the middle-ring and outer-ring planets. As a result, those planets in the central and outer star regions have fewer and fewer opportunities to fight for their reasonable rights and interests in the parliament.

Every time in the parliament, looking at the few votes on the electoral machine, the members of the planets in the middle and outer rings felt more and more powerless. They could only watch as stringent laws were promulgated, making their planet bear an increasingly heavy burden of war.

This is no longer the era before Palpatine came to power, when the Central and Outer Rim sectors could unite to form the Rim Faction and form a powerful force. The current Parliament of the Galactic Republic has truly become a world where the weak eat the strong, and it is the dining table where those powerful planets eat the big cake of the Milky Way!

The power of the Republic is concentrating on the core circle and inner ring planets, and with the support of the MPs in these sectors, Palpatine's power in the parliament is also growing!

During the course of the war, Palpatine also gathered those members who were loyal to him to form a group called the Loyalist Council, which initially fought against the Ring members.

Later, after the Ring faction collapsed, the Loyalist Council became increasingly influential in parliament. And on this basis, the Commission for the Protection of the Republic (COMPOR) was established.

The scope of the Republic Protection Committee is not limited to members, but a broad organization covering almost the entire Galactic Republic.

This organization advocates Palpatine's wise leadership, builds momentum for the war, and travels among the major planets to win their support for Palpatine and the Galactic Republic.

In the past year or so, the Republic Protection Committee has taken more and more frequent actions. They began to hold marches and speeches on many planets. Driven by them, Palpatine's support rate is getting higher and higher, and no one can shake it.

This is not all. On the basis of COMPOR, a new organization has been established in the past six months - the Sub-Adult Group of the Republic, or SAGroup for short.

The members of the Republic Youth League are all minors. Under the targeted brainwashing education and indoctrination, they have almost fanatical loyalty to Sheev Palpatine! Their enthusiasm for Palpatine even surpasses that of their parents and elders, and even surpasses the Galactic Republic itself!

The Youth League of the Republic has been very active since its establishment and often organizes public events such as Youth League speech contests. In order to express his support for the Republic Youth League, Sheev Palpatine often appeared at these events in person.

For example, at the finals of a Republic Youth League speech contest, Sheev Palpatine suddenly arrived in a shuttle without warning, then personally hung a medal on the stunned champion, and appointed him on the spot as a reserve cadre of the Republic's Propaganda Department.

The scene at that time was so heated that it got out of control!

In fact, from the perspective of the Principality of Dawn, you would think that the Galactic Republic must be a gloomy and doomsday scene, but in fact it is far from that.

There is gloom and gloom, but it is limited to parliament. But the true ruling core of the Republic, the planets in the Inner Ring and Core Circle, are still full of joy. After all, although the Galactic Republic is surrounded by enemies on all sides, no enemy can threaten the inner and core circles!

Therefore, the Loyalist Committee acted in the Parliament, the Republic Protection Committee acted in society, the Republic Youth League widely mobilized the youth of the Republic, and the support of the entire Galactic Republic for the current Speaker Sheev Palpatine has reached a very fanatical level.

And from the perspective of those in the middle and outer ring star regions, there is another very worrying thing - whether it is the Republic Protection Committee or the Republic Youth League, it seems that intentionally or unintentionally, most of its members are humans!

If we consider that the human race, who are the descendants of philosophers, does have a numerical advantage in the core circle and the inner ring, while most of the middle and outer ring star areas are non-human races, then the power of the Republic is now concentrated in the core circle and the inner ring. is a very dangerous signal! (End of chapter)

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