The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1744 The Death of Liberalism (End)

1744. The Death of Liberalism (End)

19BBY, April 23.

Three days have passed since April 20, known as the "Blood Celebration Day"...

In three days, the Model Sector has undergone almost earth-shaking changes. The originally peaceful and peaceful life was replaced by the terrible white terror. Sector Governor Volgograd-Kanidi seemed to be a different person, commanding a large number of troops and combat robots to conduct a large-scale cleansing operation across the entire sector.

The original public impression of Governor Canidi was that he was approachable, affable, and at the same time a man of great talent and great ambition. He can squat next to the pioneering land and eat lunch with the workers, or he can lead an army of millions to fight to the death with the Galactic Republic.

He led the immigrants in the sector to build the Model sector bit by bit, open up wasteland and defeat foreign enemies. It can be said that his efforts are indispensable for the development of the Model sector to this day. It can even be said that the Model Sector was able to develop so rapidly because of the existence of Governor Canidi.

Almost everyone thinks that Governor Canidi is a native of the Model Sector, and he seems to have never expressed his stance on the issue of self-control in the sector. Therefore, almost everyone believed that Governor Canidi acquiesced to the autonomy of the sector, but his position prevented him from expressing his position publicly.

Therefore, those liberals believed that once the time came, Governor Canidi would definitely follow the general trend and support sector autonomy.

However, they thought wrong...

Volgograd-Kanidy is a man with great flaws in his character. He is indecisive on many issues. Sometimes he would rather be an ostrich and bury his head and pretend not to see it than face those issues directly. But as a soldier, even before boarding the mothership, and as a high-ranking military commander, Volgograd-Kanidi was very clear on big issues of right and wrong.

In other words, when he is forced into a desperate situation, Canidi will burst out with very powerful power.

Tang Xiao actually didn't expect this level at first. He just felt that Canidi was too decadent and should be pushed hard. At that time, the fourth civilization had just started, and there was no way to let him, a master who rarely met the conditions, watch the show from the sidelines, so he was forced to do this and that.

Later, I discovered that this trick seemed to be very effective, so Tang Xiao's strategy for employing Canidi all along was to force him. And Canidi did not disappoint Tang Xiao...

When he was forced into a hurry, he could even close the planetary shield and directly let the Republic troops land on the planet Annaji. He could also take the initiative to expose the coordinates of the waterway and let the Republic fleet raid the Dawn planet. This kind of thing that other people couldn't even think of, he did it with ease, and finally achieved a brilliant victory.

And this time, the same is true.

Those who wanted to seek independence for the sector, including He Yuan and Jin Chen, saw the indecisive Canidi. But what Tang Xiao saw in his eyes was a wise and decisive Canidi!

"Blood Celebration Day" is the bloody result of this misplaced judgment!

Tens of thousands of people were killed on the spot, millions of people were injured, and more than five million people were arrested! This is the answer sheet Volgograd-Kanidi gave to the people of the Model Sector during the "Blood Celebration Day".

This bloody number tells the truth to everyone in the Model sector who fantasizes about sector autonomy. Wanting autonomy will always be just a dream.

Now, this great purge continues. The compulsory census and raids by rebels have made the people of the entire sector panic and shrouded in terror.

However, it is precisely because of such a big purge that some forces behind the scenes have surfaced.

In fact, as a saying goes, the so-called revolution is a combination of a few careerists and the majority of emotional people. This sentence is actually full of loopholes, but in terms of the current situation in the Model Star Sector, it is very appropriate.

In this galaxy, liberal thought does indeed exist, and it is also a very popular thought. However, the Sector Autonomy Revolution broke out only in the Model Sector. In this process, the introduction of a large number of immigrants was certainly one of the main reasons, but there were still deeply hidden factors, which were some powerful factions that emerged during the construction of the Sector. .

For example, He Yuan, who previously served as Governor Canidi's adjutant and had an overview of the internal affairs of the sector, and Jin Chen, who initially followed Canidi to fight everywhere and gradually grew and was promoted to the level of lieutenant general... Once the Model sector becomes autonomous, Then He Yuan is likely to be the Prime Minister of the new government of the district, and Jin Chen is likely to be the Minister of Defense!

This is a leap in status!

So there is a reason why these people support sector autonomy. Star district autonomy can bring them substantial benefits!

Another example is that some mine owners or factory owners, if the star region is not autonomous, then they provide raw materials to the Principality of Dawn, basically at cost price, and the money they make is relatively small. If it is after autonomy, then they can negotiate business with the Principality of Liming on an equal footing, and even raise prices for some products that are in short supply! The profit difference between this is also one in the sky and one on the earth!

After having such a reason, when they see the liberal ideas produced in the Model Sector, they will naturally secretly add fuel to the flames and let the liberal ideas spread widely.

In the eyes of the indecisive Volgograd-Kanidi, these things are just the political leanings of these people and personal ideas that should be respected. He did not expect that it was because these people themselves could benefit from sector autonomy.

By the time he gradually realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

As a result, he once naively thought that it might be okay if the status quo was maintained. This is a typical ostrich mentality-as long as something doesn't happen in front of me, then I can pretend it doesn't exist.

If Tang Xiao hadn't forced him, he really wouldn't have made it this far. This was the reason why Tang Xiao said before that he didn't understand politics at all.

But his indecision does not mean that he is disloyal to Tang Xiao and the fourth civilization. After being forced into a dead end, just as Tang Xiao expected, he took the bloodiest step!

During this great purge, Volgograd-Kanidi, with the Beast Legion as the core, arrested a large number of liberals and rioting people. And Darth Lilim led the ghost agents and caused a bloody storm among the problematic masterminds!

He Yuan and Jin Chen were not killed for their own reasons, but Darth Lilim was never so polite to others! In just three days, hundreds of senior officials, entrepreneurs, and powerful figures were assassinated, with extremely bloody methods. In many places, not even a single person was left alive!

And on the third day, in an industrial area on the planet Annaji, someone finally discovered hundreds of dead bodies inside! And the body of Pikala, a Semiresian entrepreneur, was even rotting and smelly!

Such a scene is shocking to everyone!

Frontal suppression and arrests, coupled with covert kidnappings and assassinations, quickly suppressed the apparent liberal thoughts in the Model sector. For a time, even every household in the Model sector hung the flag of the Principality of Dawn at the door to express their loyalty.

The interrogation of the more than 5 million criminals who were arrested also began. Only a handful of these people could be released, and the others were all imprisoned on the planet Sonnel to work as farmers. These people are held together to prevent them from coming into contact with other prisoners.

These people became the first political prisoners in the Principality of Dawn, and the prison area where they were located became, in a sense, the first concentration camp in the Principality of Dawn.

However, the liberal movement on the surface has been suppressed, but after all, people's hearts are separated from each other, and this trend of thought cannot be completely eradicated. In the future, the suppression work will continue.

At the same time, the existing policies in the Model Sector also need to be adjusted. Strengthen education, strengthen propaganda, and eliminate the infiltration of liberal ideas into the Model Sector as much as possible.

19BBY, April 24th. The Governor of the Model Sector Volgograd-Kanidi officially sent a message to the Grand Duke Tang Xiao of the Principality of Dawn - the rebellion in the Model Sector has been eliminated and all rebels have been arrested. From now on, the Model Sector will Reborn with a new attitude. Long live the Duke of Dawn, long live the Duke of Dawn!

Tang Xiao casually threw the communicator aside and said: "Canidi did not let me down after all. In three days, he calmed down the flames of autonomy in the Model sector."

"It can only be said that the price is still very high. Statistics have come out today. In at least the next year, the Model Sector's contribution to us will be reduced by at least 40%. And society will not be as stable as before... ..." Francis Underwood said, shaking his head.

In fact, although he does not support the autonomy of the Model Sector, he still thinks that Canidi's action went too far this time.

"The so-called stability of the Model Sector was based on the people's belief that they would one day be independent from the Principality of Dawn." Helmut Zemo, the chief minister of the cabinet, said sadly, "And this This kind of stability is the greatest instability for the Dawn Principality."

"Don't worry about production capacity." said the Minister of the Interior. "Now the interstellar shipyard and various factories relocated from the Rendili system have begun to partially operate. In the next few years, we will continue to eat Demographic dividends and industrial dividends from the Lundili system. This benefit is enough for us to ignore the decline in production capacity in the Model sector and the Yago-Dur system."

"The problems in the Model Sector must be solved. We will soon start exploring the unknown star field. At that time, I don't want the Model Sector to hold us back." Tang Xiao said, "New The population must be sufficiently educated before they are allowed to live in the Model Sector."

"I already have a plan for this." Francis Underwood said, "A new city can be built on every planet in the Model Sector. All new immigrants must build a new city on this planet. They will live in the city for half a year before being assigned to other planets in the star region. In these cities, we can focus on the spiritual civilization education of the residents."

"Okay. You can discuss a specific plan and submit it to me. The central finance of the Principality of Dawn will allocate funds to build these new cities." Tang Xiao nodded, "That's it for the Model Sector. Is there anything else? Problem?"

"Your Majesty, are the autonomy trend in the Model Sector and the rebel army you once said will appear the same thing?" A young voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned around, only to find a young man in his early 30s, raising his hand and saying.

"You are just an intern and majoring in mathematics, Hari Seldon. It is an honor to be able to sit in on such an occasion. But your speech should not become the content of our meeting." Francis Underwood looked at Looking at the young man, he said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, this is also one of the important things." Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "What I can tell you is that the two are the same thing, but they can also be said to be different."

The young man named Hari Seldon nodded, looking like he was all ears.

"Before, you told me that you wanted to visit the main areas of the Milky Way and explore the people's sentiments in those areas. It has been six months, what have you gained?" Tang Xiao seemed to have great patience with this young man, he asked in return.

"Liberalism is a ubiquitous thought. Its root is a trend of thought that emerged due to the weakening of central power in the Galactic Republic during more than a thousand years of peace. For those remote planets, it is necessary to gain or lose. With the benefits of the central authority of the Galactic Republic, it is natural for them to choose to become independent and get rid of their obligations to the Galactic Republic." Hari Seldon spoke very methodically, not very fast, but every sentence passed through Thoughtful.

Tang Xiao nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"During the past six months, I analyzed the samples of more than 7,000 people I visited. According to my judgment, liberalism will definitely have an impact on our Principality of Dawn in the future. It can even be said that this is second only to the Galactic Empire Threat, because it will reduce our ability to control the local area." Hari Seldon said, "It's just that I didn't expect it to explode so fast in the Model sector. And it is very different from the model I calculated. difference."

"What's the difference?" Tang Xiao asked.

"In the Model Sector, those liberals lack a program of action, do not know their ultimate goal, and do not know what they should do. They only know that they want sector autonomy, but they have no idea what to do to achieve this. A little. Moreover, their actions are very reckless. Compared with liberals in other parts of the galaxy, they are extremely high-profile, and they almost have this matter written on their faces." Hari Seldon said, "So I am Doubts, are there differences between the two? Also, what kind of situation will our Kingdom of Dawn need to face in the future?"

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