1745. Heir

Tang Xiao looked at the serious young man in front of him, nodded, and said: "Of course there is a big difference between the two. As you just said, those so-called liberals in the Model Sector, they don't know at all What should be done, they don’t know how to do. For them, autonomy is the end of it all, but not the beginning. In fact, this problem is true for liberals across the galaxy."

The New Republic is such a product... Tang Xiao secretly thought in his heart.

In the original plot, the Rebel Alliance successfully overthrew the new regime established after the Galactic Empire. They had no idea what kind of regime they should establish. So the result is that after the establishment of the New Republic, it is basically a mess, because all the participating planets want is planetary autonomy, which makes the New Republic unable to do anything.

If you want centralized governance, then you are a remnant of an empire, if you want a parliamentary system, where everyone sits down and talks, then you are trying to repeat the mistakes of the old republic.

The entire regime talks more about ideals and beliefs than about administration and management. Everything is just slogans but cannot be implemented in concrete terms. How to do it?

The result is that all planets speak and do their own thing. Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 were fucked up, but at least one thing was correct - when the capital of the New Republic was destroyed, the regime fell apart instantly.

This is not an exaggeration, because considering the situation of the New Republic at that time, this seemingly exaggerated result was actually inevitable.

To put it bluntly, everyone reluctantly came together to form the New Republic out of comradeship and comradeship. In essence, no one wanted to join this seemingly unified regime.

In fact, Tang Xiao has already begun to instill in his leadership team the dangers of liberalism, which will be very important in the near future, has a very far-reaching impact, and most of it has negative effects, and how to deal with it.

He looked at Hari Seldon and said: "So actually, this is the state of those liberals at this time. They do not have a complete theoretical system to guide their actions. And to do this, it is necessary to It has been accumulated over a long period of time. The biggest key is that the races, cultures, and economic systems of different planets are different, so it is difficult to really achieve a theory that can run through the entire galaxy."

Hari Seldon nodded while writing furiously in his notebook. Unlike the personal terminals and universal tools that others widely used, this young man preferred to use pen and paper to record.

"But the Model Sector is different. Because there, the liberal trend of thought is just used as a tool. The real behind-the-scenes forces are those powerful forces who followed the immigrants. They either have strong strength in the first place, or It developed rapidly during the process of pioneering and became the overlord of one party. For these people, autonomy is a step to a higher level." Tang Xiao added, "However, if we hadn't let Volgograd - If Canidi took the initiative to detonate this bomb, those people would not choose to suddenly explode at this time if the status quo was maintained."

Hari Seldon nodded and said: "So, on the one hand, those people saw that after the battle, the strength of the Dawn Principality was at a low point, but if it digested and absorbed the resources of the Rendily System, its strength would develop rapidly. They were worried that if they missed this opportunity, they would no longer have room for bargaining after the Dawn Principality's strength expanded. On the other hand, Governor Canidi's speech at the victory celebration made them discover a very stable link in the original autonomy plan. It collapsed suddenly, so I could only choose to fight to the death before complete failure..."

"You are right." Tang Xiao nodded approvingly, "So, we cannot use the situation in the Model Sector to judge what we are about to face in the future, the more mature and more hidden liberal thought trend. We must develop in many aspects Be prepared to avoid being caught off guard later.”

Francis Underwood frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Because he discovered that Tang Xiao seemed to be vigorously cultivating this young man named Hari Seldon. And it was hard to imagine that Tang Xiao would be so patient in explaining and analyzing the political situation to a young man. You must know that Francis watched Tang Xiao grow up and transform step by step with his own eyes. Under the influence of the dark side, Tang Xiao's temper was very violent. Although Tang Xiao's dark side power has become much more restrained and his temper has changed a lot in recent years, it does not mean that he is an easy person to get along with.

It is hard to imagine that such a monarch, whose heart is shrouded in darkness and murder, would personally cultivate a young man! This is simply unbelievable!

And forget it, after all, as the prime minister of the Dawn Principality, he would not compete with a young man. But the problem is that Tang Xiao directly arranged for Hari Seldon to study under him...

This is a very dangerous sign... Francis Underwood narrowed his eyes. He is just sixty-three years old this year and is not an elderly person for the position of prime minister. And with the current medical level of the Dawn Principality, he still has at least thirty years to be active in the political arena.

But at this time, Tang Xiao seemed to be posing as a successor to the prime minister. What did he mean? Threaten yourself? Suppress yourself?

"Will liberal thoughts be our enemies in the future?" Chief of General Staff Qi Jian asked, "I think it shouldn't be the Galactic Empire that will cause them greater harm? The enemies of our enemies are our friends, right?"

Tang Xiao shook his head and said: "You have to know that liberals are not a country, but a trend of thought. You cannot judge the behavior of these people based on the country's way of thinking. For liberals, and even the later rebels In other words, they only talk about ideas but not about politics or diplomacy. All entities whose ideas are inconsistent with theirs are enemies. So yes, we will also be targeted by the rebels."

Qi Jian nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay." Tang Xiao nodded and ended the meeting, "The next actions in the Model sector should be as low-key as possible. The effect of killing chickens to scare monkeys has been achieved. If we continue to expand the strike area and continue to cause more killings, then there will be It may cause panic among the people of the Haven Sector and the Sethwenna Sector. Therefore, the next work will focus on publicity and education. For the millions of political prisoners imprisoned on the planet Sonel, first block their news. Then deal with it slowly.”

"Yes!" (End of this chapter)

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