The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1753 Reorganization of the Intelligence Department (Part 2)

1753. Reorganization of the Intelligence Department (Part 2)

Tang Xiao looked at the name with satisfaction and selected 'Confirm' on the wake-up button.

The current Principality of Dawn can easily meet all the conditions Solomon Lane wants. He wants state-level support, the ability to act without any constraints, and he wants to serve the powerful.

Solomon Lane is the leader of the Syndicate in the "Mission: Impossible" series and the biggest villain.

In fact, there is nothing much to say about the Syndicate organization. The purpose is to create chaos and promote the plot. However, Solomon Lane is indeed a very charming figure. In his introduction, Tang Xiao liked one sentence very much——

"Killing used to be about maintaining order, but now it's about changing the situation."

In fact, this sentence clarifies Solomon Lane and his purpose of establishing the Syndicate. He yearns for power and hopes that the world will be ruled by absolute power and absolute order. At the same time, he also hopes that he can become the person who can take life and death among this power.

The first half of the sentence points out his purpose, and the second half explains his method.

Is there anyone more suitable for the Secret Intelligence Service? Even if Tang Xiao doesn't speak, I'm afraid Solomon Lane will be intoxicated with such power and take the initiative to expose the shady stories among the internal officials of the Dawn Principality.

As for Solomon Lane's ambition, this is not an issue that Tang Xiao needs to consider. He is just an ordinary person, Tang Xiao can crush him to death with one finger, not to mention Gabriel Tosh as the deputy minister and the ghost agent as his minions.

After so many battles and events, Gabriel Tosh's loyalty to Tang Xiao is naturally unquestionable, and this will also form a good balance.

And in the subsequent conversation between Tang Xiao and Solomon Lane, it was also proved that his judgment was good.

"Solomon, Ryan..." Tang Xiao sat on the sofa, looking at the middle-aged man in a suit with eyes, about forty years old, and elegant appearance, and said slowly.

Solomon Lane adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly, but his expression did not reveal any clues. Even in Tang Xiao's perception, his superficial emotions were very stable, and they were not affected by the appearance of someone beyond his own understanding. Frightened by the times.

But this emotion is what most of the people in the hibernation cabins of the mothership will appear after they wake up.

"You are the manager of the mothership. I have also received some information. It seems that you can meet the conditions I once wrote." Solomon Lane said lightly.

"I am no longer the manager, you can call me Grand Duke Liming." Tang Xiao said.

"There is no need to emphasize your status, His Excellency Grand Duke Liming." Solomon Lane bowed slightly and expressed his compliance. "Serving you is my premise. And the only question is whether we can cooperate happily. Just now During my research, I have learned a lot, the Galactic Empire, the Confederation of Independent Systems, the Principality of Dawn... are very... grand."

He straightened up and opened his hands, "I can't wait to join in an era like this! The strong are respected, and strength is respected! Rule everything with power, conquer the galaxy with iron blood. And what's even more wonderful is... the Galactic Republic's destruction……"

The expression on his face became a little excited, "It's just a pity that you thought of me too late, His Excellency the Grand Duke. My only regret now is that I was unable to witness the fall of the false peace and false democracy to the order of power. feet."

Then, he bent down again, put one hand on his chest and made a very formal gentleman's salute, and then asked, "So, what do you need me to do? Your Majesty the Grand Duke."

"Help me maintain this order, Mr. Lane." Tang Xiao felt endless ambition in his heart, and this was also the best food for the dark side.

As if he had inhaled spices, Tang Xiao became excited, and the smile on his face looked a little twisted and ferocious.

"Help me maintain order in the empire!" Tang Xiao said directly, he was so forceful that every word seemed to be shouted out.

"Not a principality, but an empire? Very good... This is exactly what I hope for." Solomon Lane said.

Tang Xiao stood up directly. He no longer suppressed the power of his dark side and walked over step by step. His whole body was shrouded by the substantial dark side power, like a terrifying demon from hell!

Under the pressure of such power, no matter how good his mental quality was, Solomon Lane could not help but retreat step by step until his back was against the wall.

Tang Xiao stretched out his hand and gently placed it on his throat. His voice became low and terrifying, "I will let you lead the most powerful, cold-blooded, and most efficient killer under my command! And you need to maintain this order for me!" I will have the most powerful fleet ever to sweep across the entire galaxy, but right now we are still growing! I don’t want anything from within to hinder my progress! Can you do it?”

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Solomon Lane's forehead, and he nodded vigorously.

"You will get everything you want! There are countless planets under our rule, and the wealth and resources are not worth mentioning! And all I want is your loyalty and the order of the principality!"

Solomon Lane nodded again.

"Very good, go to work." Tang Xiao put away all his strength in an instant, patted Solomon Lane lightly on the shoulder, and said, "In a week, I hope to see your first internal affairs report, Mr. Lane .”

"As you wish... Li... Grand Duke." Under Tang Xiao's terrifying power, Solomon Lane couldn't help but change his title.

After letting Solomon Lane leave, Tang Xiao once again selected another person from the list of awakened characters. This person is completely opposite to Solomon Lane. She is upright, smart and capable, and also has good management skills. She is also one of the founders of a famous intelligence agency.

For such a person, Tang Xiao was so sinister now that it was naturally not easy to see her directly.

After all, he was facing Solomon Lane just now. For him, he must be stronger and more ruthless than him, otherwise he will always feel that he has a chance to replace him.

If anything, this is really a common problem among these villains. They always have ambitions and ideas that are beyond their capabilities, which makes it more difficult to manage these people.

Take Doctor Octopus for example. One of his biggest problems at Tyron Heavy Industries is that he is too ambitious.

After the dark side power in his body calmed down, Tang Xiao returned to the office with a cheerful face and shook hands with a woman who was already waiting there, "Hello, Ms. Margaret Page Carter."

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