1754. Agent Carter

"Hello, Grand Duke Dawn." Margaret Page Carter replied very officially.

Tang Xiao, who already knew her previous resume very well, naturally knew that this was a sign of her resistance to him. But this is normal. In his current state, all positive characters would be like this when they first came here.

For example, Rory Swann and Zelakas were relatively resistant when they first felt the power of his dark side. But later on, on the one hand, the stage provided here was indeed big enough, which was beyond their reach. On the other hand, it was also because of the continuous pressure from the Galactic Republic that they did not have so much free time to think about other things.

However, although the Galactic Empire has been established, it has signed a peace agreement with the Principality of Dawn. Then when the external pressure is not so strong, some internal contradictions will gradually emerge. This is why Tang Xiao did what he said and immediately started reorganizing the intelligence department.

"What are your plans for the position I am about to hand over to you?" Tang Xiao asked.

"National Security Agency? Indeed, this is something I am capable of. But I still need some time to learn more about the situation in this country. After all...you know..." Peggy Carter smiled bitterly and patted her head. Wearing a military green Blue Star 1960s-style military uniform, he pointed at a spaceship that had just taken off outside the window.

"No matter what era we are in, the situations that intelligence and security work face are the same, and you don't have to belittle yourself too much. The development of science and technology will bring us more convenience. I believe that in the environment of the 1960s, You can create an existence like SHIELD among them, so now, when you have countless times more resources than before, you can definitely do better." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

Peggy Carter shook her head, "I only have some vague memories of S.H.I.E.L.D. and other things. However, there is still a big difference between you and what I imagined."

"What do you think I should be like?" Tang Xiao asked.

"As a dictator, you should be more dictatorial instead of talking to me like this." Peggy Carter said with a smile.

Tang Xiao looked at the elegant woman in front of him and felt that she did have the kind of aura that could infect people around her. Obviously, she is very sunny and cheerful, and she should be in her early 30s, which should be the beginning of her peak period. After all, from this time until she was in her 40s, she had already created S.H.I.E.L.D.

Peggy Carter has brown hair with big waves, bright lipstick, wide cheeks, and a heroic spirit between her eyebrows. This also shows her talkative personality and strong ability to act.

He chuckled and said, "Everyone has two sides, Ms. Carter. I just think I should talk to you in this way, not my other side that is intimidating."

He raised his hand and the potted plant on the table withered instantly, and even the soil inside became lifeless. However, when he turned it over again, the dead potted plant instantly came back to life and even sprouted some buds!

Peggy Carter looked at Tang Xiao's performance with some surprise, but her expression seemed a little solemn and her words became fierce, "So, do you want me to help you maintain your dictatorship?"

"If it were my other side, you would have learned a hard lesson for what I just said, Ms. Carter. One thing is for sure, I am a dictator, and definitely the type with a bad temper. However, I also I can assure you that my dictatorship is for this country and this civilization. Because I know better than anyone else that if I want to reach a higher peak of power, the strength of civilization is my only way." Tang Xiao said.

"Many dictators will use the country to cover up their ambitions." Carter said calmly.

"I have never concealed my ambition." Tang Xiao smiled slightly and said patiently: "Everything exists for a reason. To use something you are familiar with as an example, Hitler appeared because His own choice? No, I think this is the common choice of the times. Similarly, maybe you should also know that the Galactic Republic just turned into ashes and became the dust of history just six months ago, why?"

Peggy Carter tilted her head slightly to show that she was all ears.

"Because in this world where every planet has different races, different civilizations, different habits, different languages, and even different body structures, but also has a long history of tens of thousands of years... How should democracy survive? What?" Tang Xiao sat in front of the desk, folded his hands on the table, approached Carter, and said slowly: "The ending of the Galactic Republic tells us, no. The countless hands from within the Republic completely tore him apart—— It was those who chanted the slogan of freedom after the establishment of the Galactic Empire..."

He smiled sarcastically, "Isn't it ironic? Ms. Carter. When democracy existed, they crazily resisted the call of the republic for their own selfish interests and refused the obligations of the republic. However, when democracy was replaced by autocracy, they jumped again Come out and shout for freedom. Do you think what they yearn for is democracy or freedom?"

"Then you should know that this is also not a healthy social form. Everyone should have the opportunity to choose." Peggy Carter answered very cautiously.

"Times also chose me. I stand here and stand to this day. Under my leadership, the Fourth Civilization repelled the extremely powerful Galactic Republic, walked out of the small Endor galaxy, and became one of the overlords that could shake the galaxy. 1. This already shows where the right choice is, Ms. Carter." Tang Xiao said, "You are about to serve a great civilization that is enlightened, efficient, clean, tolerant, and wealthy, but at the same time, you will also be strong, Cold, centralized, authoritarian, survival of the fittest. So tell me, Ms. Carter, do you intend to use democracy as a weapon to plunge such a civilization back into chaos and civil war?"

Peggy Carter smiled slightly and nodded, "I understand what you mean. I sincerely hope that the fourth civilization can further develop and grow, and I can also do my best to maintain a stable and peaceful country. Likewise. , I also hope that you will not forget what you said today. Take the strength of this country and its people as the highest priority."

Tang Xiao stood up, shook hands with Peggy Carter again, and said: "In that case, the next thing will be much easier to handle. I have arranged two lieutenants for you, you should go and meet them first. "

Someone asked before why it wasn’t Black Widow, but I’ll give you a rough idea. One of the reasons for not choosing superheroes is because the addition of these people will affect the overall style of the book. After all, the style of superheroes is that individuals prevail over the country, but this book is the opposite. On the other hand, most superheroes, including Black Widow, are only relatively powerful individually and do not have the ability to manage.

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