The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1757 Young Wanderer (Part 2)

1757. Young Wanderer (Part 2)

[Dear passengers, the R-A-3399C spacecraft from the planet Rendili to the planet Annaji is about to arrive at its destination, the planet Annaji. We have exited the hyperspace lanes, entered the planet's gravity, and are now sailing with sublight conventional engines. It is estimated that we will arrive at the Annaji planet spaceport in 10 minutes. Please pack your luggage and disembark in an orderly manner without crowding...]

The sweet female electronic synthesized sound on the radio woke Karl Kestis from his sleep. He opened his eyes suddenly and subconsciously checked his surroundings. He found that there was nothing abnormal and then reluctantly relaxed.

He checked the backpack he used as a pillow to make sure no one had touched it, then stood up and put the backpack away, took off his sweat-soaked clothes, and opened the zipper of the backpack.

There were a few simple T-shirts in his backpack. He took out one, smelled it and felt that the smell was not so strong, so he put it on. He gathered up a few more clothes hanging at the foot of the bed and stuffed them into his backpack.

This whale-class passenger spacecraft can accommodate a full 50,000 passengers, but Carl Kestis felt that this trip was definitely overloaded, with at least 60,000 or even 70,000 people packed in it. And although there is no shortage of food and drinking water, and the living conditions are okay, they are limited to this. If you want to provide bathing services on the spacecraft, there is absolutely no such thing.

Only a few who are willing to pay a considerable amount of money for a bath are entitled to enjoy this luxury. Others, during this six-day journey, could only simply wipe their bodies with a wet towel, or else just like Karl, keep changing clothes.

After packing his things, Karl came to the porthole with his backpack on his back. Many people have gathered there, all looking at the beautiful blue planet that is gradually approaching in front of them.

And you can also see that there are now more than ten ghost fighters escorting their spaceship, and some large warships can be seen in the distance.

Ordinary people can't see clearly, but Karl Kestis can see it under the force. They are several Cole-class battlecruisers.

He has not been on the battlefield, but he has received relevant military training. He has boarded the Jaeger-class battlecruiser more than once. He also has some knowledge of the main battleship models on the Separatist side.

The Cole-class battlecruiser, as there are many battleship models in service on Dawn Planet, is naturally deeply imprinted in his mind.

A very ridiculous feeling came to his heart, and Carl Kestis sighed... If it were before, if he saw several Cole-class battlecruisers, his first reaction would be to hit them with one shot. Bar……

Yeah...back when the Jedi Order still existed...

At this time, a group of incomplete wreckage suddenly appeared in front, but it was still clearly visible that it was a destroyed Jaeger-class battlecruiser! And that's the red and white striped paint, which is the paint of the Galactic Republic Navy. Now after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, this painting has been abandoned, and the overall silver-gray painting is used.

At the same time, the sound of the radio rang out at the right time.

[I believe you have also seen that we are passing through the debris area. Please don't panic, the spacecraft's shields can easily block the impact of debris. As everyone knows, six months ago, the evil Galactic Republic invaded our homeland, but was repelled by the heroic Dawn Principality warriors...]

[During that battle, more than 300 capital ships of the Galactic Republic were destroyed, and millions of soldiers were killed. The Principality of Dawn has proven with facts that we have enough power to defend our homeland! And the Galactic Empire had to sign a peace treaty with us, because they also understood that the Principality of Dawn was invincible. 】

The holographic projection began to play a large number of images during the battle, most of which were images of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser being destroyed. Masterful editing and post-production, paired with electrifying music, make these images look stunning and inspiring.

Some children even clapped and shouted loudly that it was wonderful, but their mouths were quickly covered by frightened parents. After all, everyone here is an immigrant who has left their hometown. They lack the most basic sense of security and are naturally unwilling to make any overly high-profile behavior in such a public place.

‘This is not the case with the propaganda from the Galactic Empire. In their propaganda, the Principality of Dawn was directly invaded from its hometown and then begged for mercy as a last resort. In order to destroy the decadent and backward remnants of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire had no choice but to agree to their peace proposal. ’ Carl Kestis thought to himself.

'Now it seems that both sides are claiming victory, and then the other side is suing for peace. But regardless of this, the battle that took place here must have been very tragic. ’ Carl’s mood began to fluctuate a little, because he felt the wail of the Force from this airspace.

That was a phenomenon caused by the deaths of countless people. Such fluctuations constantly impacted his Force, and countless negative emotions seemed to drag him into the dark side with countless hands.

However, although Karl Kestis was very young, he was very determined and was not affected by this.

At this time, the whale-class ship had entered the planet's atmosphere and began to fly towards the ground. Due to the air resistance of the atmosphere, the spacecraft vibrated violently, and the windows were surrounded by endless flames. But after a moment, the flames disappeared instantly, replaced by a vast expanse of land, and a very huge space port in the distance. .

After docking, the crowd began to move out under the guidance of the broadcast. Karl Kestis didn't want to be noticed by others, so he didn't walk very fast, nor did he wait until the end. Instead, he followed the crowd and squeezed out at the time when there were the most people in the middle.

There are also guides inside the spaceport to divert the huge crowds.

[Dear passengers, thank you for taking this flight. Please follow the guidance on your tickets to report in your respective areas. There you will be arranged to temporarily settle in temporary accommodation, waiting for further arrangements. Thank you for your cooperation. ],

"Temporary accommodation? Aren't you going directly to the place of work to report?" Carl Kestis followed the flow of people in the direction of his ticket arrangement and said to himself.

Soon, he came to a gate marked D-5. Outside the gate, there were several large passenger suspension vehicles waiting. Boarding the hovercar, Kal Kestis headed towards his new home.

Along the way, he could see that this was a city under construction. Many people are smoothing the road, laying floor tiles, and planting greenery. It's a bit strange, because although these people are assisted by robots, the work they do is very primitive, as if these people were deliberately arranged to do things. (End of chapter)

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