The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1758 ‘New Life’ (Part 1)

1758. ‘New life’ (Part 1)

Ah~~~! ! ! The shrill screams...

There was chaos all around, with many people crowded together and running away.


Phew~~~~A blood-red blaster beam was launched and exploded on a vague figure around him! Followed by more blaster beams! And the terrible footsteps that sounded like steel treading the ground...

In the distance, a figure wearing a black cloak was approaching step by step.

Buzz... The blue lightsaber poked out from the hand of this figure.

That refreshing color now seems as scary as hell!

"Run!! Carl, run!!!" a hysterical shout.

"Hiss..." Karl Kestis opened his eyes suddenly.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep...the sound of the electronic alarm clock also sounded at this time. Karl then breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. Countless thoughts returned to his mind, washing away the terrible memories of the scene just now.

He looked around. It was a small room that was simple but very clean and looked new. There is a table, a chair, a bed, a cabinet, and a holographic projector in the room.

‘Is it going to start again? ’ Carl Kestis sighed.

Sure enough, the holographic projector next to it automatically turned on, and a lush field of crops was projected from the projection, as well as farmers working with advanced agricultural machinery.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles of happiness and satisfaction. The scene switched to a warm family. The farmer just now was holding his two or three children, enjoying delicious and natural food and having family fun together.

[Good morning, respected workers, enthusiastic pioneers of the Dawn Principality. Today is the 7th day of your short inspection period. After the next 63 days of pleasant labor, you will officially become a member of the Principality of Dawn and start your wonderful new life! Today, we will appreciate together the purely natural agricultural production system of the Principality of Liming...]

Carl Kestis ignored the noisy holographic projection and got up, washed briefly, put on a set of work clothes, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door was a corridor, and many people wearing the same clothes as him had already walked out. However, the faces of these people were not as happy and satisfied as in the holographic projection. On the contrary, their faces were full of numbness and confusion. impatient.

"I'm here to be a construction engineer! Not a floor-laying worker!" one person complained loudly.

But it was no use. While he complained, he kept walking towards the canteen.

Karl-Kestis also sighed softly, followed the flow of people to a huge canteen, and received two bowls and a set of cutlery at the door. You can choose cutlery, a knife and fork, a spoon or two strange wooden sticks. Karl took a fork and came to the dining opening in front.

Breakfast is very simple, with nutritional supplements. You can choose from one to three tubes depending on your food intake, and there are four flavors to choose from. Then there was a piece of fried egg, with various sauces on the side that could be sprinkled on the egg. Carl chose a sauce made from minced red fruits. The spicy feeling in his mouth made his numb nerves more awake. Some.

Then a bowl of seaweed soup in another bowl and that's all.

But in Karl Kestis' opinion, this kind of breakfast is already very good. Natural foods like fried eggs and seaweed are simply not available on other planets with worse conditions. In many places, in addition to protein-synthesizing nutrients, what civilians can find are highly compressed and highly fermented hard foods, which basically can only guarantee that they will not starve to death.

At least now in the Principality of Dawn, the situation seems to be very good.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that many people who come here can endure the almost continuous brainwashing education every day and the boring life that is completely different from what was promised.

That's right, take Carl Kestis for example. Although he was promised a job as a maintenance technician in a machine shop affiliated to the United Mining Group, after he stepped off the spacecraft, he only simply asked After a few words, I was assigned to the current labor camp.

This labor camp is called Semi-Manual Skilled Workers, a strange name. However, later in life, Karl realized that this labor camp was really literal, and it really allowed them to do manual labor for half a day and learn skills for the other half. So there are all-labor labor camps and all-skilled labor camps?

I looked around, there were people everywhere, and I couldn't find an empty table. So Karl came to the stairs, sat down, put the seaweed soup in front of him, and unscrewed a tube of pineapple-flavored nutritional supplement.

At this time, a large black shadow enveloped him.

Karl said hello without raising his head, "Hey, Furman, good morning."

"Good morning, Karl." A big man two meters tall came over and sat down directly side by side with him.

This big man turned out to be the big man with two children who thought he was blocking the way when they were catching the spaceship at the space port. He was also in the same labor camp as Karl, which was quite a coincidence. As a result, the two became friends.

"How is it? Are you used to it?" Although Furman is a big man, he is still very thoughtful. He asked first.

In the previous conversation, Karl learned that he was once an engineer at Corellia Engineering Company, and now he was hired here as a mechanical maintenance worker.

Karl smiled and said, "It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I'm alone everywhere. It's not about getting used to it. I just feel that the life here is different from what they promised."

As he spoke, he pointed to the holographic projection next to him that was still playing various brainwashing videos in a loop. Needless to say, the image of Grand Duke Tang Xiao projected on the projector is promoting the greatness of this Grand Duke.

"I heard some rumors... not long ago, a riot broke out in the Model Star Sector." Furman grabbed a tube of nutrient supplements, put it to his mouth and squeezed it gently before swallowing it all, " So after that, all immigrants entering the Principality of Dawn must live in this temporary city for two months. On the planet Annaji alone, there are as many as 10 such temporary cities."

"I think they're killing people's minds," Carr said.

"You're right, maybe this is what Tang Xiao wants." Furman ate the omelette in another bite, smacked his lips with unfinished content, and took another tube of nutritional supplements.

"Where is your son? Is he settled?" Karl asked.

"There is a nursery that can take care of them. I completed the procedures yesterday and sent them there." Furman replied.

"There is no doubt that you will see these things when you go to the nursery." Karl pointed to Tang Xiao's image over there.

"I can't care about so much now..." Furman finished his breakfast in a few bites, "Let's go, the shuttle has arrived."

Carl had also finished his breakfast, walked out with Furman, and got into a passenger suspension vehicle. Breakfast time is only 10 minutes in total. If you exceed the time, you will be punished.

The punishment is to extend the inspection time in this temporary city, and if the time is extended to a certain length, they will be sent back.

For many, deportation means homelessness. (End of chapter)

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