The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1760 Battle of Feida (1)

1760. Battle of Feida (1)

boom! boom! boom! ! Intensive explosions set off on the battlefield, dust flew into the air, and fire shot into the sky, dyeing the night red.

Countless light balls shot at high speed, each shot carrying powerful energy, exploding on the solid concrete ruins, blasting out large dark holes.

There were dead bodies everywhere, including clone soldiers wearing white polymer alloy armor and civilians wearing ordinary civilian clothes. But the only thing they have in common is that they hold on to the weapons in their hands even until they die.

Fight to the death! Never retreat!

In the darkness in the distance, flashlight-like lights were constantly swaying, seeming to guide the direction of shooting here. But often after a burst of crazy shooting, those lights are not extinguished much. Instead, they move faster and faster, getting closer and closer!

What follows is a dense ball of light...

Plasma group!

Where is this? This is hell.

Where is this? This is a slaughterhouse.

Where is this? This is the northern border of the Milky Way, the planet Feida!

"500 meters ahead, target E-504! Fire!!" Following the clone commander's order, the heavy multifunctional howitzers behind the two AT-TE all-terrain assault walkers opened fire instantly!

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! The artillery shells loaded with high-explosive ammunition fell, setting off waves of terrifying explosions! Wherever the fire flashed, everything turned into powder!

"Fire! Fire!!" the clone troopers shouted as they fired wildly.

In this position built among the ruins, there were clone soldiers, militiamen wearing civilian clothes, and some even looked like they were members of local gangs!

But now, these people who usually can't get along with each other are standing on the same front, fighting side by side, and working together seamlessly.

Because they are fighting for survival!

The military DC-15S blaster rifle, the A-280 blaster rifle commonly used by gangs, the old EE-3 blaster rifle, and even the DL-18 blaster pistol are better than nothing weapons. Almost all weapons that can be used to kill the target are used!

In the night, explosive energy beams of various colors flashed continuously, red, green, blue, miscellaneous, everything.

But it was precisely this kind of miscellaneous firepower that blocked the enemy's attack!

That's right, their enemy is Geth!

The most dangerous enemy wreaking havoc in the northern reaches of the galaxy! Mechanical life!

"1 o'clock! There's a zombie!" the clone commander said loudly.

"Kill!!!" Several people immediately separated from the position and fired at the darkness on the right. Some hideous and terrifying withered figures flashed through the darkness, but they were quickly killed by intensive firepower.

"E-WEB attention! Heaven!!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ! Before the commander could finish speaking, the team operating the E-WEB heavy blaster machine gun behind him immediately raised their muzzles and pointed them at the sky, firing a violent burst of fire.

There was a sound of flapping wings and terrifying roars in the sky, and then a huge mantis-like corpse fell down.

It’s the Yamriyi Human Corpse Puppet!

The corpse puppet was still struggling on the ground. Several militiamen were so frightened that they quickly stepped forward and fired at the corpse puppet at close range!

"You guys, back off! Back off!!"

Poof! !

Before he finished speaking, one of the militiamen was directly hit by a plasma ball, and the upper half of his body exploded!

"Waaaahhhh!!" The remaining militiamen screamed loudly in fear, but they did not stay in a daze. Instead, they screamed and rolled towards the back, and found another bunker to catch their breath. With.

On this cruel battlefield, all those who did not react quickly enough have long since become corpses!

Almost at the same time, several flashlight-like lights rushed over. Under the firelight, their bodies made of gray-white bionic materials were revealed, as well as their heads that seemed to hold a flashlight.

It's a geth individual!

"Kill!" The clone trooper reacted the fastest. He picked up the blaster rifle in his hand and fired a burst of rapid fire at the geth.

These geths also reacted super fast. They jumped and rolled to the side in an instant, and their movements were extremely agile! But the clone troopers' marksmanship was also very accurate, and their shots covered the entire area ahead.

Finally, these geth were shot several times in a row, and finally fell to the ground and stopped moving. Even the light of the flashlight head went out.

An AT-TE walker from behind took a few steps forward and used the anti-infantry scatter blaster equipped in the front to launch a burst of fierce fire suppression! The group of geth that rushed forward and dozens of corpses were all dead and maimed, so they could only retreat.

I only saw that this AT-TE was in very bad condition. Its body was completely damaged. Only five of its six mechanical legs were left, and it was walking with a limp.

Before they could take a breath, another more violent explosion suddenly set off around them!

boom! boom! boom! ! !

They could clearly see several larger plasma balls falling in the air! This violent bombardment immediately blew up several clone soldiers whose bunkers were not in good positions.

"Colossus of Geth! Stay hidden!" the clone commander shouted loudly, while holding a telescope and looking nervously.

Using the thermal imaging function, he accurately discovered the target being fired at! A large geth unit shaped like a giraffe, more than 8 meters tall, and also has a flashlight head.

Colossus of Geth! The powerful armored entity of the geth!

However, under the inspection of the telescope, the condition of this geth colossus was also not good. It was limping and leaking fluid was constantly flowing from the side of its body.

"Coordinates, R-771..." The clone commander began to measure the location of the geth colossus.

But before he could finish his words, a rocket dropped from the sky and directly blew the geth colossus to pieces! There was a whistling sound in the sky, and a V-wing Alpha Holy Light fighter that had just completed a dive shot was seen raising its nose.

"Yeah! Kill them!! Yeah!!!" The clone commander waved his fist vigorously and said loudly.

But the current situation is obviously not the time to cheer. He checked the situation on the battlefield and then issued an order, "Group 2 abandons the current position! Move to the left! There are still some zombies at 2 o'clock. Group 4 will deal with them!" "


"Follow me in groups of three! We should have a chance to reoccupy the 'Big Man'!" the clone commander said, pointing to a four-story building in front.

The building was made of solid building materials and had never been destroyed in previous battles and was still standing. So around this building, the geth and the clone army fought several times. They also called this building 'The Big Man'.

The geth army in front of them should have exhausted its strength and become the last of its strength. The clone commander keenly grasped the details of the weakening firepower in front of them, and immediately led his men to run towards that direction.

As long as they re-establish their condescending firepower on the 'big man', they can sustain themselves for a while longer.

Of course, by doing this, you can rely on this commanding height to kill a large number of geth and corpse puppets, but when the geth invest heavily in this direction again, no one who holds this firepower point can hope to come back alive.

However, they didn't hesitate at all. They only needed an order. They immediately picked up their weapons, carried ammunition bags and some rations, and ran towards the place where they would die.

In addition to the clone soldiers, there were also many civilians, mercenaries, and gang members in the team, but they all went to die without hesitation without any hesitation.

Everyone who is still on this planet has already given up life and death! Everyone will go to death without hesitation!

And they have only one purpose - to use their own death to exchange the lives of more people!

This is a battle of life and death, this is a battle of extermination!

Rushing into the 'Big Man', there were still some geth remains and human corpses left behind from the last confrontation, as well as the burnt to charred limbs and broken arms, even in the In an inconspicuous corner, there is a pair of completely decayed human bones!

That should be the person who died here a few months ago. Whether it was a soldier or a civilian, it doesn't matter anymore. During the months of fighting, no one took away these corpses, and the Geth had no interest in these mutilated corpses, so they were left here, a little bit of corruption, a little bit of erosion, and finally turned into a pile of withered bones.

Except for a few wandering corpse puppets, the geth had already evacuated. They are very cunning and very tough. When attacking, it can be as cold-blooded and fearless as a robot, but when retreating, it can be as decisive as a living animal.

They will even leave some corpses behind to use as cannon fodder to cover their retreat.

Not only that, the geth will also pretend to be dead, lie in wait, even lure the enemy deep into the enemy, and send false distress messages!

Such flexibility and intelligence are not what a robot should behave at all!

The clone commanders began to deploy defenses. The Big Man and the others were very familiar with it. They knew which angle was best to set up the machine gun, which angle was best to set up the rocket launcher, and which direction was likely to be attacked by an air attack.

However, based on the experience of the last battle, the geth may use a crater on the left side of the 'big man' as a cover, drive a large number of corpse puppets to attract firepower, and then let a few elite geth individuals mix in to launch a surprise attack.

Yes, this was the reason why the 'big man' lost last time.

So this time, the clone commander arranged for several soldiers to lay a large number of mines in the crater, including several incendiary mines. As long as they were detonated, the crater would be turned into a hell-like furnace.

"After setting up the firepower point, hurry up and have something to eat!" The clone commander stood on a high place to check the movements of the geth in the distance. "It seems that the geth will not launch an attack in this direction in the short term. We must be prepared. Recharge your batteries..."

"We don't have time! You guys, come with me." A deep voice suddenly sounded from behind.

The clone commander turned around and saw a pale-skinned man wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform standing behind him, with a metal sword hilt hanging on his waist.

Dark Jedi!

"My Lord." The clone commander immediately gave a military salute.

Now in the military, everyone calls these dark Jedi warriors Lords, and the relationship between the two has become even stricter. Although they are still fighting side by side, their relationship is completely different from when they were with the Jedi before.

"I have brought reinforcements and will launch a counterattack from this direction. Get your people ready to join me," the Dark Jedi said.

"Yes!" the clone commander responded immediately, "But Lord, there is no problem for us to continue fighting, but these militiamen... they are not in good condition. Can they stay in their positions?"

"Didn't you hear me? You all must join my action!" the Dark Jedi said impatiently.


One of the militiamen stood up and said, "Let me eat this compressed biscuit..."

Buzz! ! The blood-red lightsaber flashed past, and the militiaman's head suddenly fell off.

"Let's go." The dark Jedi shook the lightsaber in his hand. It was a double-headed lightsaber. He jumped off the building and walked forward.

Downstairs, there is already a company of clone troopers waiting, and two TX-130 Saber hover tanks are cooperating in combat.

These two floating tanks took the lead and launched the assault!

The TX-130 Saber tank is extremely fast and equipped with a deflector shield. Its two powerful laser cannons fire continuously to clear a path ahead. Wherever it passed, both geth and corpse puppets were blown to pieces!

The dark Jedi warrior followed closely behind, waving a double-headed lightsaber. While he bounced off the plasma balls that were launched unexpectedly, he directly cut all the geth that appeared in front of him in two!

They advanced for more than 2 kilometers very smoothly, and at least half of the militiamen participating in the battle had fallen behind, but the dark Jedi ignored them at all.

He came to the remains of a destroyed geth colossus, put his hand on it, closed his eyes and began to meditate. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes with a ferocious expression, "Damn it! These geth should have a signal station near here! As long as this signal station is destroyed, their communication in this direction can be cut off! Bastard... in where……"

He looked around but to no avail, "The induction of these things in the Force is very weak! But I can feel it, they are nearby! They are talking nearby!"

"Over there!!" The Dark Jedi suddenly felt something. He raised his hand and waved a piece of metal fragment, which flew like a bullet and smashed down a half-collapsed low wall with a bang.

Behind the low wall, the remains of a geth were revealed, but there was nothing else.

"You bastard! Where's the signal station?!" The dark Jedi warrior became furious. He took two steps forward and tore the geth's remains into pieces with a few blows of his sword.

Then his expression suddenly changed, "Over there! I feel it!"

Following his gaze, I saw countless flashlight-like lights suddenly lighting up in the darkness in that direction!

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