The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1761 Battle of Feida (2)

1761. Battle of Feida (2)

[The prelude to the Battle of Feida starts from Chapter 1580 to Chapter 1595. 】

"No! It's an ambush!" the Dark Jedi yelled, while waving his lightsaber to deflect aside more than a dozen plasma cannonballs fired at him.

In fact, there was no need for him to remind him, the densely packed plasma clusters surrounding him had already explained everything!

"Take cover!!" the clone commander yelled as he pushed a militiaman aside, helping him avoid a fatal blow.

The clone troopers' actions and reactions were all first-class. At this moment, they judged the direction of the enemy's attack and the surrounding terrain, and they immediately entered the bunker. Even if the only temporary shelter they can find may be just a small rock or a broken wall, it is enough for them to withstand the first wave of attacks before they make further reactions.

But the militiamen and gang members did not react like this. The moment the ambush appeared, they subconsciously opened fire everywhere, but were immediately knocked down by the intense firepower of the Geth.

There were a few lucky guys whose first reaction was to lie on the ground, but they didn't survive much longer. The corpse puppets rushed over from all directions and let out hoarse screams. Their withered claws directly picked them up from the ground and tore them in half!

The Dark Jedi was already waving a blood-red double-headed lightsaber to fight the Geth ambush. He was extremely powerful. At this moment, under the anger of being ambushed, the dark side force increased even more. The double-headed lightsaber flew rapidly, like a blood-red windmill, constantly harvesting all the geth and corpse puppets that were approaching.

Suddenly, boom! boom! boom! ! Several rockets exploded around him. Although he dodged to the side in advance, he was still staggered by the shock wave of the explosion. At this moment, several huge geth elites, more than three meters tall and covered in red, rushed over. They fired and rushed towards the dark Jedi.

The Dark Jedi Knight had been blocked by a large number of Geth soldiers. He slashed at him with his backhand sword, but the power of the lightsaber failed to break the shield of the Geth elite! At this moment, the geth elites had rushed forward, blocking his lightsaber regardless of their own safety, and then fired wildly at an extremely close distance!

The body of the Geth elite is very large, with a height of three meters, almost as oppressive as a hill! The dark Jedi, who was completely helpless under their advance, could only give up his lightsaber and suddenly jumped several meters high to distance himself. But Geth can no longer give him another chance!

Several geth elites raised their special plasma rifles and fired wildly, and the plasma balls they fired exploded directly in the air! The electric current generated by dozens of plasma explosions immediately surrounded the dark Jedi, and a large amount of high-temperature and high-pressure energy continued to impact his body.

"Waaaahhhhh!!" The dark Jedi screamed loudly. He was caught in mid-air by one of the Geth elites, and fell hard from the mid-air with a thud. His whole body was charred, and apart from struggling, he was already There was no strength left to offer any resistance.

But Geth did not kill him, but directly captured him and dragged him towards the back.

"Woah! Let me go! Let me go ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me let me go!!!" He was dragged by Geth towards the depths of darkness, and his screams became smaller and smaller until nothing could be heard.

The remaining clone soldiers, militias, mercenaries, and gang members were also overwhelmed by the tide of geth and corpse puppets.

boom! ! The table in the command center was punched hard and cracked.

"I feel...I feel it! Cricket!" A Weequay man wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform with countless ferocious war patterns painted on his body said loudly with an ugly face, "His force is in pain...Ah!! Ah!!!"

He made a sound that he didn't know whether it was sadness or relief, and tore the tights on his chest hard, tearing the clothes directly, revealing his muscular chest with a ferocious beast tattooed on it.

"Is he dead?" Another human, also wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform, asked through gritted teeth, "I can no longer sense his force power."

"No! He's not dead! He's being tortured! Hahahahaha! Torture!! His pain... I feel it! His pain!" The Weequay laughed and roared for a while, but under the influence of that negative emotion, His dark side powers are becoming more and more powerful and out of control.

"Take him down to meditate." The human dark Jedi waved his hand.

The other two dark Jedi immediately stepped forward and took the Weequay who was almost out of control.

"Crickit is an idiot! He actually fell into a trap set by a group of robots!" said the human dark Jedi warrior. "If we continue like this, we may not be able to defend the planet Feida! Gilad Perre General En, what other plans do you have?”

Sitting at the top of the command center is a young man wearing a gray navy uniform. The badge on his chest indicates that his current military rank is lieutenant general, but his age appears to be only in his twenties.

However, although he is young, his expression is very determined at this moment, and his chin, which has not been taken care of for two or three days, is already covered with stubble. What's even more surprising is that for such a person, three dark Jedi knights with obviously higher status sitting in front of him still want to inquire about his plan.

He is Gilad Perrine!

In the midst of the extermination battle with the Geth in the northern reaches of the Milky Way, a bright star is rising!

Six months ago, he was keenly aware of the geth's possible ambitions for the planet Feida and the planet Kotalis behind him, and withstood tremendous pressure, he obtained 30 coins from Wilhuff Tarkin. Vancamino clone troopers and more than 40 Jaeger-class battlecruisers went to reinforce them.

This support force was led by the Republic Admiral Wulf-Yularen, and Wulf-Yuralen fully trusted Gilad Pellaeon and safely handed over the ground troops to his command, while he himself Command the fleet to resist the invasion of the geth fleet.

At the same time, Gilad Pellaeon, who was still a colonel at the time, also saw through that the geth were using a super-light navigation method that was very slow compared to hyperspace channels, and directly sailed directly without using hyperspace channels. The plan to launch a sneak attack on the Kotaris planet and other places behind the Feida planet required Lieutenant General Henderson, the general of the Ninth Army, to build a rear defense line.

What happened next also proved the forward-looking and correctness of his judgment.

Sure enough, the Geth suddenly invested a huge force in launching an attack on the planet Feida, and there were also an extremely large number of corpse puppets participating in the battle.

Moreover, the corpse puppets participating in the battle are not just ordinary corpse puppets, but also a large number of corpse puppets transformed from the corpses of the Yamrayi! These corpse puppets are huge in size. They inherit the mantis-like body of the Yamriyi and the sharp scythes in their hands. Coupled with the wings that can fly short distances, these corpse puppets become a huge threat on the battlefield.

The sudden attack caused huge losses to the defenders on the planet Fieda, but reinforcements from Gilad Pellaeon arrived in time and rebuilt a solid defense line in the capital of the planet Fieda, Chinesti City.

In order to defend the defense line dominated by Chinesti City, Gilad Pellaeon asked the entire planet of Feida to enter a state of full mobilization, mobilizing almost everyone who could move and shoot, distribute weapons, and conduct Basic training, and then serving as an army to resist the geth.

At first, his recruitment order met with fierce opposition, and the major gangs, mercenary groups, and smuggler teams that were originally very active on the planet Feida rose up to resist. But Colonel Girard-Perrine immediately suppressed it with an iron fist.

But soon, when the geth launched another attack, those who originally opposed the recruitment order had to admit that this was the only way to avoid being killed by the geth, or even turned into corpse puppets.

As a result, Gilad-Pellaeon, whose military orders were implemented, acted more smoothly. He carefully deployed a defense line spanning more than a dozen cities, including Chinesti City and German and French City. With 300,000 Kamino clone soldiers as the core, and the first batch of 1.4 million ordinary soldiers recruited as relatively high-quality gang members, smugglers, and mercenaries as cover, they resolutely resisted the geth attack.

And speed up the recruitment work in the rear, and let all recruited soldiers undergo emergency training so that they have at least basic combat capabilities.

This move allowed him to finally withstand the tidal wave of geth attacks.

Not only that, on the space battlefield, the Republic fleet led by Wolf Yularen also suppressed the geth fleet after launching several active attacks. Under the intensive attack of dozens of Jaeger-class battlecruisers and tens of thousands of fighter jets, the geth fleet was finally defeated, and could only rely on its superior maneuverability to continuously harass.

In the rear, Lieutenant General Henderson, the general of the Ninth Army, after seeking the approval of Governor Dunn Wessex, also mobilized a large number of manpower, material and financial resources to follow the planets of Kotaris and Kinios in the rear. A rear security line was deployed in the direction.

The security line does not have a strong force, but it does have a large number of reconnaissance outposts and a fast fleet composed of 80 Karak-class light cruisers and Aquitens-class light cruisers.

The fast fleet conducts high-intensity patrols within the warning line day and night to ensure that these planets will not be attacked by the geth.

This move has also proven to be effective.

The fast fleet soon discovered several small geth fleets that did not pass through the hyperspace channel, but sailed directly to the rear planet through super-light speed.

These geth fleets are not large in size and are composed of some transport ships and some frigates. It was obvious that they were planning to sneak past the heavily fortified planet Feida and sneak to the rear to carry out destruction.

Once they succeed, after these small geth fleets drop geth individuals, these geths may attack some remote villages, and then kill all the residents of these villages and turn them into corpse puppets. They can even secretly dig up some recently deceased corpses or even some powerful local creatures to create alien corpse puppets!

This gradually snowballs, and maybe later, when hundreds of thousands or millions of zombies appear, the planetary authorities will discover it!

When that day comes, the way back is cut off, and the defenders of the planet Feida can only fall into the desperate situation of fighting alone! Once the planet Feida falls, the geth will be able to directly threaten the planet Kotaris, one of the important transportation hubs in the north, through the hyperspace channel!

Fortunately, none of this happened. After the fast fleet annihilated several geth sneak attack fleets, the geth's actions became cautious. But at the same time, it also stepped up its offensive against the planet Feida!

It can be seen that this time Geth is really planning to launch a decisive attack in the direction of the planet Feida!

Colonel Girard Perrine used all his talents in such a battle of extermination. He carefully designed the defense line and the deployment of each unit was carefully considered, not only meticulously but also with an eye on the overall situation.

The defense line he built was flexible and elastic, making full use of the depth of the battlefield and his own firepower advantage. They kept deliberately retreating some battle lines to create a battlefield protrusion for the Geth army, and then concentrated their superior firepower to bombard this protrusion indiscriminately.

At the same time, he formulated a set of multi-level, diversified and flexible fire support rules from fighter formations to bomber formations to battleship orbital bombing, and delegated the authority to call for long-range fire strikes to every clone soldier. Then, based on all battlefield feedback, arrangements are made step by step to carry out targeted long-range firepower reinforcements.

Although every time the front line changes, a large number of militiamen who cannot keep up with the rhythm will die in battle, but this strategy maximizes its own advantages, allowing the almost unstoppable pace of the Geth to finally hit the iron wall. On the wall, stopped!

Gilard Perrine's defense lasted almost a year!

From the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire.

Up to now, he has been promoted from Colonel of the Galactic Republic to Lieutenant General of the Galactic Empire!

During this period of time, the geth's attacks almost never stopped, and during the period, the geth also sent several fleet reinforcements, breaking through the defense line of Admiral Wulf-Yularen, and bringing more geth. individual.

And more geth killed more civilians on the battlefield and in the rear, creating more corpse puppets to join the battle. After escaping to death in the civilian villages they could attack, they hunted a large number of ferocious animals and made them into alien corpse puppets to join the battle.

This makes the geth's offensive almost endless!

And Gilard Perrine has also grown at an astonishing speed during this process. From the young recruit in the past, he has become a stable and composed young star now!

His marching formations became more organized, and as 400,000 Kamino clone soldiers were sent from the rear, as well as more than 15 million ordinary soldiers who had been recruited and trained to fight on the front lines, he became more and more organized. The defense line is also more stable!

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