The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1778 Emperor’s Summit

1778. Emperor’s Summit

Facing Wilhuff Tarkin's question, Dunn Wessex put on a righteous attitude and said: "I just want to ensure the peace and stability of the northern border of the empire! Gilad Pellaeon The general’s record has shown that the geth can be defeated! If we don’t block the geth in the north or even eliminate them all now, what will happen when the geth spreads to other parts of the empire!?”

As soon as he heard the name Gilad Pellaeon, Wilhuff Tarkin's face became even more ugly. Because in his opinion, Gilad-Pellaeon should have been his own, and the fleet he initially sent to the planet Feida was also dispatched from him. However, now, Gilad-Pellaeon is standing on his side. On the Dunn-Wessex side, this is undoubtedly betrayal! Shameful betrayal!

He said viciously: "Then you think the only threat to the empire is the geth? Count Dooku is still setting up heavy troops on the planet Salukami! Separatism is still raging around the planet Laxus! Also! Dawn Planet, you don’t really think that Dawn Planet has really surrendered, do you? You gave away three hundred battleships to ‘Your Majesty the Governor’!”

That disastrous defeat will always be the most untouchable thing for Dunn Wessex, and his expression became distorted, "Don't equate Onana Quart's stupidity with me, Tarkin! Don't! Forgot how your cowardly brother tricked Governor Octavian Grant!"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Palpatine growled.

The two quickly shut up, but still stared at each other with burning eyes.

"The Geth who have mastered warp speed may indeed become a thorn in our side. Once the Geth appears in the inner circle, the impact on us will be unimaginable! The last time the Geth appeared on the planet Scipio has already made us very worried. Passive! If we do it again, we are likely to lose the support of many families in the inner circle! That time, the Interstellar Banking Association came to help deal with the aftermath, but this time? We don’t even know if the geth are marching towards the center of the empire. !”

"I will immediately invest the maximum resources and do everything possible to find a way to detect the spacecraft inside the warp bubble. At the same time, I will also deploy a defense line with huge strategic depth. Please rest assured, Your Majesty the Emperor, Northern Territory, It will become a huge network, and the geth will never be allowed to expand!" Dunn-Wessex said decisively.

"Let me give you a hint, Dunn." Palpatine waved his hand. It was obvious that he still took great care of Dunn. "The Fourth Group, as well as the other half of the interstellar banking industry headed by Thorn Hill, The Association... they are currently stationed on the planet Mequito, which is marked as the area where the geth is most severely ravaged. But what is the actual situation?"

Dunn-Wessex's eyes lit up and he quickly stood up and said, "Your Majesty is wise! I know what to do!"

Palpatine said to Tarkin again: "Your energy should continue to be focused on dealing with Count Dooku. You don't have to worry about other things. I will give you the greatest support. You must capture the planet Salukami within this year." !Open the portal to the core area of ​​separatism!"

"Yes!" Tarkin stood up and saluted, "I will make those ungrateful separatists fully feel the majesty of the empire! Let them be immersed in fear for the rest of their lives!"

As he spoke, the expression on his face became ferocious.

"Remember, the day Count Dooku is eliminated is the day we resume the war on the Dawn Planet. Don't let me down, Governor Tarkin." Palpatine said.

"I will complete the mission!"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, the famous separatist general Severance Tann is now entrenched in the star area of ​​the planet Mandalore, and many neutral star systems have been affected by her. The Empire is losing the star areas around Mandalore. , and Tann is not an easy character to deal with. If she cannot be dealt with, I am afraid that the separatists will still have a lot of strategic space." Octavian Grant said from the side.

Although he is the governor of the 20th Army, located directly on the front line of the Yago-Dur system, it is obvious that the strategic center of the Galactic Empire has shifted, and it is unlikely that another war will break out in the Yago-Dur system in a short time. So when he was free, he was naturally unwilling to lose his sense of existence, so he reminded him.

"Severance Tann...hehehehe..." Palpatine's face turned cold, "Her power alone is limited after all. If one fleet doesn't work, then two! If 100 Star Destroyers don't work, then there will be two." 200 ships! Since she dares to leave the Dawn Planet and go to the Neutrals Alliance alone, let her stay forever!...Okay, that’s it for today’s meeting, everyone goes to his place.”

"Long live the Emperor of the Galaxy Empire!" Everyone present stood up again and saluted, loudly announcing.

Everyone else stood up and left, but only Marceline Wessel, the governor of the 7th Army, stayed. He saluted Palpatine respectfully and whispered: "Your Majesty, the exploration team to the unknown star field has returned. "

"Have you found the source of the mysterious super-technology on Dawn Planet?" Palpatine asked.

", Your Majesty. But we accidentally had some contact with the Chiss. The exploration team believed that they were once very close to the Chiss-controlled area." Marceline Wessel said.

His 7th Army, before the geth invasion, its main mission was to explore the unknown star field. This time during the military reorganization of the Galactic Empire, the 7th Army was downgraded to an affiliated legion of Dunn-Wessex, which actually freed him from the front line against the geth and relaunched his campaign against the unknown star territory. Probing.

The main purpose is to find the source of the endless super weapons and super technologies on the Dawn Planet.

Because after more than two and a half years of war with the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, this is already very suspicious. The speed of technological development and weapon replacement on Dawn Planet is simply not the speed that a normal planet should have.

They could even start from the early stages of the war by deploying battleships of the same level as the Jaeger-class battlecruisers, such as the Hiigaran-class battlecruisers and the Cole-class battlecruisers, and it took just over a year to replace and adjust them to include the disaster-class ones. , Hell's Angel class, Dunov class, these are a new generation of advanced warships that even the current Galactic Empire can hardly match!

Under such circumstances, it would be a joke to say that it was developed by Dawn Planet scientists themselves!

Not to mention anything else, during the Galactic Republic period alone, the Quat Power Shipyard employed a team of tens of thousands of people and spent more than three years under the leadership of the talented battleship designer Willix Blissex. , spending hundreds of billions before and after, the development of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser and the Cheer-class assault landing ship, which could be said to be epoch-making at the time, was completed.

Why is a mere Dawn Planet competing for resources with the Galactic Republic? You must know that even a genius is born from a huge population base and a huge scope of education!

A lot of information obtained before said that the technology of Dawn Planet comes from the unknown star field.

Of course, Palpatine still doesn't know that the information he knows actually comes from his master Darth Plagueis. And this late master was actually deceived by Tang Xiao in this regard! (End of chapter)

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