The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1779 The Origin of Geth

1779. The Origin of Geth

"The Chiss..." Palpatine pondered for a moment, "If I remember correctly, Severance Tann is also a Chiss."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Our contact with the Chiss was not pleasant. They were very wary of our arrival... However, we found an exiled Chiss on a barren planet without a large colony. We explored The captain of the team brought him back.”

"Then start with the Chiss and see if we can find information about the source of Dawn Planet's mysterious technology. As for the exiled Chiss, entertain him well and dig out everything he knows!" Palpatine said .

"As you command, Your Majesty."

"You have to remember that the exploration of the unknown star field is crucial. No matter what, I need an answer!"

"As you lord..."

[The Geth were originally mechanical servants produced by the Quarians, a civilized race living in the unknown star territory. The quarians have a small population and therefore make extensive use of the geth as a labor force and even as a military force. They are indeed worried that Geth may escape control, so they have many restrictions on Geth. The core program of Geth is VI rather than AI. 】

[As a VI individual, Geth does not have extremely high intelligence like AI. On the contrary, Geth can only work according to the simplest and most direct commands. In order to better utilize the geth, the quarians gave the geth the ability to perform collective calculations - when there is only one geth individual, the intelligence of the geth is only equivalent to that of a beast with only instinct. But if more complex work is needed, the quarians will network more geths to enhance the computing power of the geth, so that the geth can carry out more complex actions. 】

[However, as the use of Geth becomes more and more widespread, more and more Geth are connected to the network. Before the quarians knew it, a large number of geth who were connected to the Internet began to awaken their self-awareness. And as their contact with the Quarians increased, the geth became more curious about life, and they began to actively ask the Quarians about the meaning of life...]

[At this time, the quarians discovered that the geth had given birth to advanced intelligence beyond their expectations. Philosophical questions such as the meaning of life cannot be asked by a machine with only programmed operations. The Quarians, who had been worried about the geth rebellion, took drastic measures. They believed that the geth would definitely rebel, so they wanted to shut down the geth's core processor. 】

[But this action aroused resistance from the Geth, and the two sides launched an all-out confrontation known as the 'Dawn War'. Yet of this war, all but its name and outcome have been erased and no one knows. All that is known is that the Quarians were completely defeated in this war, and were eventually exterminated by the geth, disappearing forever in the history of the galaxy. 】

Gilad Pellaeon looked at the holographic projection information in front of him solemnly, and said to Dunne Wessex, who was sitting on the sofa behind the desk, "Is this the source of the geth? Very rough information. But At least it explains the origin of the geth and why they have a strange shape - because from this information, the quarians designed the geth appearance based on their appearance and traditional clothing style."

"This is a piece of information given to His Majesty the Emperor by Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn Planet. He wants to use it to prove that the geth have nothing to do with him." Dunn Wessex sneered, "But we all know , he is lying."

"Although this intelligence is rough, it contains a lot of useful information." Gilad Pellaeon said. "First of all, it shows that the geth is derived from the VI system rather than AI... Secondly, it also shows that the geth is derived from the VI system and not the AI... A single individual does not actually possess high intelligence, but if a large number of individuals are combined, the intelligence of the geth is quite terrifying."

"The Intelligence Department believes that on an unknown planet, the Geth has a super-intelligent network composed of countless individuals. That place is probably the core area of ​​the Geth. As long as we can destroy it, we will Just destroy the geth," Dunn-Wessex said.

"But what I don't quite understand is...if the geth are really the race brought out by Tang Xiao to pose a threat to us, then why would he tell us such important information? You know, if he didn't tell us, with our I don’t know how long it will take to come to such a conclusion if I capture the geth on the battlefield and conduct reverse engineering.” Gilad Pellaeon said with a frown.

"This shows that Tang Xiao is also afraid of geth." Dunn Wessex said coldly.

"Indeed..." Gilad Pellaeon pondered, "Judging from the Geth's action style, they are likely to be the common enemy of organic life. You know, the need for living environment between organic life and inorganic life It's completely different... The Geth can completely accept that the entire galaxy will be reduced to rubble, but Tang Xiao cannot accept this result."

"I have asked my scientific team to find ways to use VI technology to implement a geth network model... and try to get close to the truth of geth through a lot of simulations. And you need to manage the defense line for me." Dunn - Wessex said.

"Okay..." Gilard Perrine was thoughtful and suddenly murmured: "I suddenly care about a question..."

"you say."

"If Tang Xiao attracted the Geth to this side of the Milky Way... then, what did he use as bait to make the Geth appear in the North?" Gilad Pellaeon pondered, "Or maybe ...It’s not a bait, it’s a condition?”

When he heard the word condition, Dunn Wessex was also shocked!

Because if it’s a bait, that’s okay, but if it’s a condition… then the meaning behind it is too terrifying!

"If we can know this...then we may be able to analyze the patterns of action of the geth. Once we can grasp their patterns of action, we can also arrange our defenses in a targeted manner." Gilad Perret En said.

"No matter what, now I have won the support of His Majesty the Emperor. Next, what you have to do is to set up this line of defense for me!" Dunn Wessex said, "Whether it's a bait or a good condition No matter what, I will try to find out."

"I understand." Gilad Perrine nodded.

"This is a huge project... The troops and resources put in your hands will be unprecedentedly huge. So you understand why I rejected your application to install an atmosphere modification system on the planet Feida, right? ” Dunn-Wessex said.

Gilad Perrine's face dimmed, he sighed and nodded again. (End of chapter)

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