The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1835 War preparation (Part 2)

1836. War preparation (Part 2)

Therefore, Steadfast-class cruisers have now begun to appear in large numbers in the Dawn Principality Army.

Likewise, there is the Twin Blade-class electronic warfare light cruiser. This warship is 372 meters long and equipped with a heavy laser cannon, four medium-sized turbolaser cannons and eight laser point defense systems.

This kind of light cruiser is equipped with a powerful electronic interference system. A single Double-Blade class can create an interference network that can cover tens of thousands of kilometers of battlefield and interfere with the communication systems, radar systems and fire control systems of all enemy ships within the range.

The Infinity-class super aircraft carrier Eternal, which carries 5 Steadfast-class cruisers, 4 Double-Blade-class electronic warfare light cruisers, and 1 Normandy-class frigate in the space port, is a complete aircraft carrier combat formation in itself!

The Eternal combat formation began to blend itself into the asteroid belt. Except for the Eternal, which was too big to hide, the other battleships were all hidden in the shadow of the asteroid, preparing to launch a surprise attack.

"The Xilu people have lost contact with three cruisers here. I believe they will be more cautious. Otherwise, they will not come, or else, they will definitely come with a powerful fleet." Shepard said on the bridge of the Normandy .

Nearly an hour later, next to Shepard, pilot Jeff Morrow said seriously: "Hyperspace fluctuations detected! A fleet is approaching!"

"Enter stealth, recharge the main gun! Prepare to fight!" Shepard said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, a violent white light flashed near the asteroid where the outpost was located, and then a formation of more than 20 battleships appeared here! !

Among these warships, two are the largest, with a length of about 900 meters. However, this kind of battleship is overall spindle-shaped, with a very tall and round shape, so the overall volume is larger than the main battleship of the Dawn Principality, the 1,100-meter-long Cole-class battlecruiser.

In addition, there are 13 cruiser-class battleships with a length of 400 meters, which are also half-spindle-shaped and look a bit funny, short and fat.

There are also eight 300-meter-long cruisers that have appeared before. I didn't feel that they were special before, but now compared with the short and fat shapes of the other two warships, they feel much more normal. But looking at it this way, it seems that this cruiser is a product produced by a different civilization.

Finally, there are four 750-meter-long warships. However, these four battleships are located very far back in the formation and should be auxiliary battleships or aircraft carriers.

As soon as this fleet arrived here, they immediately discovered the extremely huge Eternity super aircraft carrier.

Under the huge hull of more than 5,600 meters long, their entire fleet combined is not as big as the Eternal! The huge size brings huge pressure, and it can be clearly felt that the entire fleet has been stunned! !

Because they had no reaction for two full minutes!

Obviously, this fleet should be here to deal with the so-called 'Mangjia-Mangjia' infection, and because three cruisers lost contact, their entire fleet came. Perhaps what he was thinking was that no matter what the opponent was, his own fleet would be able to deal with it no matter what.

Unexpectedly, when they escaped from the hyperspace jump, what they saw face to face was a super giant ship like the Eternal!

Vice Admiral He Ru issued an order on the bridge of the Eternal, and the Eternal began to send public frequency communications in the Xilu language they parsed - [We are the exploration fleet of the Principality of Dawn. Please shut down the engines and lower the shields immediately. We will start friendly negotiations with you. 】

After playing this communication several times, I saw that the fleet began to reorganize and enter a battle formation!

"Be careful! They plan to resist!" Shepard immediately said in the communication.

At this time, all battleships also received the message sent from the public channel - [You untouchables from lower dimensions! Being stuffed into a battery is your only function! ! 】

Immediately afterwards, the two largest battlecruisers opened fire first!

"Be careful! There are a total of 48 fire points on the opponent's warship!" the sensor operator on the Normandy said loudly, "It is determined to be 24 heavy turbolaser cannons and 24 ion cannons! There are also missile launch arrays, a total of 108 salvos. missile!"

"The opponent's drones have been detected taking off! The total number is 2,400!!" On the other side, the radar operator said loudly.

"Increase the power! Let's go directly behind the opponent's formation and attack the four auxiliary battleships behind them!" Shepard immediately gave the order.

At this moment, the Eternal super aircraft carrier was also adjusting its direction, and the three particle light spears at the tip of the battleship began to charge!

The Xilu fleet didn't know what these three scary-looking muzzles meant, but detecting charging was definitely not a good thing. The Silurian battlecruiser locked by the fire control radar began to speed up and evade, trying to escape from the direction where the bow of the Eternal was aimed.

But to no avail!

I only saw an extremely dazzling light flashing past! The next second, I saw the Silurian battlecruiser beginning to fall apart! If you are hit by a volley of three particle light spears, the Force cannot save you! In the extremely violent explosion, this 900-meter-long, 600-meter-high battlecruiser was instantly killed and exploded into countless pieces!

However, this result actually inspired the ferocity of the Xilu people, and other warships opened fire more and more crazily! They began to increase their power, go to full speed, and circle around. Apparently they also discovered that the super-giant ship's invincible main gun was fixed on the bow, making it inconvenient to aim. Especially for such a huge warship, it was definitely not flexible to turn.

Countless laser cannons and turbolaser cannons poured in, and more missiles were launched, like raindrops! The Eternal super aircraft carrier also launched all its artillery fire. The 837 close-in defense guns instantly formed an insurmountable barrage, and all approaching missiles were intercepted.

The 700 laser turrets and turbolaser turrets on the Eternal were also at full firepower, and the other 400 missile launchers fired back, launching more than 2,000 missiles in a single salvo, directly launching a saturation attack on the Xilu fleet.

The Eternal hangar platform opened, and a total of 140 Phantom fighters and 40 Viking fighters took off in the first wave to attack the opponent's more than 2,400 drones.

"Go! Fire!!" Following the order from the captains of other battleships, five Steadfast-class cruisers and four Double-Blade electronic warfare light cruisers rushed out of the shadow of the asteroid and joined the battle group.

At this time, another 900-meter-long battlecruiser of the Xilu fleet had also been targeted by more than 40 anti-ship missiles, and was also attacked by a large number of lasers and turbo lasers. The violent flash of the shield was getting weaker and weaker. With just one salvo, the battlecruiser's shield had been penetrated in less than 2 minutes!

Now they know that even if they avoid the giant cannon on the bow of the ship that can instantly kill their most powerful warship in the Xilu Empire with one shot, with other firepower, this super giant ship can easily wipe out them all!

Thanks to Hero and Yuanzhi for the 1,500 starting coins! !

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