1837. Strange drone

Just as the Eternity-class super aircraft carrier easily suppressed the two battlecruisers of the Xiru fleet, the other five Steadfast-class cruisers and four Double-blade electronic warfare light cruisers were also fighting against other Xilu battleships. .

It was only after this confrontation that it became apparent that, as 'Engineer' Hasek said, these Xilu warships were no match for him due to the difference in energy levels.

The super-matter electronic cannon of the Steadfast-class cruiser is killing everyone on this battlefield! In contrast, there are the 400-meter-class cruisers and 300-meter-class light cruisers of the Xilu fleet. Although these warships are close to 20, they are no match for the Steadfast class in terms of firepower and shields.

In addition, four double-blade electronic warfare light cruisers are also providing fire support while deploying electronic jamming fields.

And the Eternal is not a display. During the battle, the Eternal's 700 turbolaser cannons and 400 missile launch arrays cannot fire on the same target at the same time, so each salvo is aimed at the most targeted targets within the range of their respective turrets. Best target shooting.

In less than 10 minutes after the initial battle, in addition to the battlecruiser that was initially destroyed, 5 400-meter cruisers and 4 300-meter cruisers were destroyed in the Xilu fleet, and another battlecruiser was destroyed. The cruiser suffered heavy damage and was retreating in panic.

But at the same time, the Dawn Principality's exploration fleet that was fighting also felt something unusual about the Xilu fleet.

First of all, the electronic interference field of the double-blade electronic warfare light cruiser is not very effective! After deploying electronic interference, the Xilu fleet was not found to be in a state of chaos. On the contrary, they still maintained their basic formation.

Although this formation has almost been disrupted, this was caused by the powerful firepower of the battleships of the exploration fleet, not because of electronic interference. Their warships seemed to maintain basic communication even under electronic interference.

At the same time, there are the drones they released!

The Xilu people's drones have a very strange shape. They are basically equivalent to a three-dimensional rhombus with a length of 2 meters. It is difficult to distinguish their direction when flying at high speed in the universe. And at each vertex of these drone structures, there is a laser cannon, which means that this drone can fire in any direction.

After the two sides started fighting, the Dawn Principality fighter formation that took off to intercept these drones immediately felt the threat!

These drones can actually compete with the formations of Phantom fighters and Viking fighters! And relying on their huge numbers, they actually suppressed the fighter formations of the Principality of Dawn, and even shot down more than ten fighter jets!

These strange drones can detect invisible units! Moreover, they are very flexible in their movements, and they actually cooperate very well with each other!

Although these UAVs generally have low artillery fire power and fragile structures, which can be solved with one shot, they are often dispatched in swarms and surrounded from all directions, making even high-performance fighter jets such as Phantoms and Vikings vulnerable. Hard to contend with.

This situation was unique even during the Clone Wars! Because even the most advanced V-wing Alpha 'Holy Light' fighter of the Galactic Republic Navy at the time had completely surpassed the Phantom fighter in terms of performance, but with the help of the stealth system, it was still unable to form a decisive advantage.

Now, the Xilu people, a small and remote country with obvious technological differences from the Principality of Dawn, have their drones have such performance?

No, it can’t be said about performance. Because if the performance data of these drones are listed, they are actually very poor. Whether it is speed, firepower, protection capabilities, or even the basic signal reflection cross section, the signal of the drone on the fire control radar is extremely clear, and it can be detected and locked without any processing.

The biggest problem with these drones is that they are too flexible and smart! It doesn’t look like a drone at all, but like a group of experienced pilots are flying it!

After the two sides started fighting, the exploration fleet's fighter formation was suppressed, and finally had to retreat to the vicinity of the Eternal super aircraft carrier, relying on the Eternal's intensive anti-aircraft firepower to fight.

The Normandy was also affected by the war! Initially, the Normandy was planning to sneak attack the opponent's aircraft carrier in a stealth state, but was also discovered by the opponent's drone! Shepard made a prompt decision and used the Normandy's speed advantage to conduct a large-scale detour, pull it to the outside of the battlefield, eliminate the pursuing drones, and then directly launch a surprise attack on the opponent's four aircraft carriers.

But these Xilu drones follow the Normandy like a shadow, and there are hundreds of them! Densely packed lasers continued to shoot at the Normandy. Although these laser beams were not very powerful, they still caused effective damage to the Normandy's shield under repeated shooting.

"These drones are so annoying!" pilot Jeff Morrow complained while piloting the spacecraft to perform irregular evasions.

The Normandy drew an elegant arc in space. At the same time, all the turrets on the battleship poured firepower towards the rear. Missiles and lasers were launched wildly to intercept the pursuing drones.

Hundreds of Xilu drones were chasing after them in dense numbers, and they opened fire while dodging the incoming firepower. Their strange shape played a big role, because no matter what evasive position they were in, there was at least one laser cannon that could fire at the Normandy.

"Bastard!!" Jeff Morrow cursed again, because in just one minute, the Normandy was hit by hundreds of laser beams, and the shield energy began to gradually decrease, "A drone like a fly! "

"Are you sure these are drones?" The hoarse and low voice of ghost agent Sen Luo suddenly came from the air nearby.

"What is it if it's not a drone? Is it still a manned drone?" Jeff Morrow felt completely baffled.

"I feel that there are painful souls among these aircraft." Sen Luo said slowly.

Shepard also stood aside and frowned, and she felt something. It was as if I could hear the painful wails and moans from those drones in the void!

She pondered for a moment, and then said: "Cancel the original battle plan and move closer to the Eternity! Avoid fighting with the opponent's drones! Use long-range shooting. We will confront these Xilu warships head-on!"

"No problem!" Jeff Morrow whistled and immediately steered the Normandy to turn again and fly towards the Eternity.

Shrouded in a dense barrage of lasers and live ammunition, more than a dozen Xilu drones approaching were immediately torn to pieces! The Normandy has entered the Eternal's air defense circle.

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