The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1966 The Terrible Chisling

1967. The fearful Chisling

After Brent and others left, the Nurudo family spoke to Admiral Chiara and said: "Send someone to send them the information about Mongar Mongar. This should stabilize them for a while."

"All of them?" Admiral Chiara asked coldly, and she seemed to be treating the Nurudo family without any pretense.

Also dominated by the military, there is a very sharp conflict between the Eliz family and the Nurudo family where General Chiara belongs. By the way, the reason why Mis-ro-Nurudo Thrawn was expelled from the Chiss Territory was because of the conspiracy behind the Eliz family.

"How much to give them is up to you to decide for yourself." The Nurudo family's tone was equally cold, "Just don't forget that the threat of Mongar-Menggar is the Chiss Territory's top priority."

"Give it all to them! It is our duty to attack Mongar-Menggar!" the Eliz family said from the side, which can be regarded as competing with the Nurudo family for the limelight on this issue of righteousness.

"Yes." Admiral Chiara nodded to the Eliz family, then gave a military salute to the nine-member cabinet around him, and turned to leave.

After she left, there were only nine of them left in this gorgeous hall.

"We should immediately send out all the fleets and destroy them all!! We must not let them build the star gate here!!" The Chaf family (Chaf) slammed the table and said loudly.

"Do you know what will happen if you do this? Idiot." The Eliz family turned to look at the Chav family. "Once the contact is cut off and the Dawn Principality determines that their exploration fleet has lost contact, they can send another one. Exploring the fleet and building stargates in places we didn’t know existed! Then when their fleet arrived, we didn’t even know what was happening!”

"Instead of letting them build the star gate elsewhere, it is better to build it within the scope that we can monitor. In this way, the development of the matter will not be completely under control, but at least we will not be ignorant." The Nurudo family It was rare to agree with what the Eliz family said.

"Listen to what they said, we need our help to build the Star Gate. This can also be judged that the construction of the Star Gate requires a huge amount of resources. They are unable to carry such resources on their own." The Cipla family said, as those who control resources She is very sensitive to this aspect of her family, "What if we block their resource supply and prevent them from building the star gate?"

"I think this will only anger them. And no matter how much we delay, the Stargate will eventually be built, it's just a matter of time," the Saberson family said.

The Brast family slapped the table and said loudly: "You have said so much, haven't you ever thought that they are just a bunch of liars? The Stargate thing is simply fake! They are using this thing to trick us. Create panic and take the opportunity to demand a lot of resources from us!”

"But can you prove that this matter must be false?" The Nurudo family asked, "Even if there is only one percent chance, what if it is true? And this matter, in the final analysis, must be exposed to the light, they lied What are the uses of all our resources? Can they be taken back to the outside world?"

"I think General Eliz Al-Alani Ziara should be punished first!!" The Meese family stood up and said loudly, "It is because she brought back the people from the Dawn Principality that we are so passive! Accountability proceedings should be initiated against Ziara immediately!”

The Mis family has a very good relationship with the Nurudo family, and before Thrawn was adopted by the Nurudo family, he was actually born in the Mis family. Therefore, the Meese family also hated the Eliz family when Thrawn was expelled.

"I think you should still remember that after receiving the wide-area communication signal from this fleet, we all agreed to send the fleet to contact this matter." The Inrokini family said coldly.

"I think since this is the case, it is better to sell a favor to the Principality of Dawn. This way, at least when we get along with this powerful neighbor, our life will be easier." The Saberson family said this, and everyone present was stunned. Silence fell.

Indeed, although they have different opinions, there is only one thing they will not discuss - that is whether they want to fight a head-on battle with the Principality of Dawn and drive them away completely so that they will never dare to covet the Chiss Land.

Although the Chislings are powerful, they are not arrogant. The excellent military qualities of the Chiss allowed them to judge the situation very accurately, and the power shown by the Dawn Principality in the Clone Wars was something the Chiss would never want to go to war with.

The Nurudo family said: "That's what I mean. If the Dawn Planet is really capable of building a star gate, then our Qisi Territory will never be able to stop them from entering Chaos. And... it would be better to say that the Dawn Principality found us first, It's our luck... What if they find someone else? Grysk? Kilji? Who of you can guarantee that they will not help the Dawn Principality build the star gate?"

"You mean, since we can't stop it, why not seek the best interests for us based on this result?" the Cipla family asked slowly.

"This is a loss of power and an insult to the country!" the Chafu family said viciously, "If you ask me, just kill them! Hyperspace communication in Chaos is also greatly restricted, and it is impossible for the Dawn Principality to know what is happening here!"

"What I'm thinking of...maybe we can use the power of the Dawn Principality to attack more of our enemies...I mean, it's not just Mongal-Mongal." The Nurudo family said.

"This will only play with fire and burn itself." The Eliz family said, "We can establish relations with the Principality of Dawn, and we can also help them build star gates, but everything must be limited within a controllable range, and we should not have any relationship with the Principality of Dawn. Too close."

"Then turn the Dawn Principality into a neighbor that has a star gate but doesn't have a very good relationship with us?" the Nurudo family mocked.

Everyone was silent again.

"Let's end the discussion here today. Everyone, go back and think about it carefully. Tomorrow, we will vote on the Dawn Principality." The Cipla family clapped their hands.

Everyone stood up, bowed, then turned and walked out of the door behind their respective seats.

There was a sneer on the lips of the Eliz family. She lowered her head and looked at a document. This was a report sent by Admiral Chiara. It described in detail the behavior of the members of the delegation from the Principality of Dawn during this journey. All kinds of details.

"It's very interesting..." The Eliz family said to the attendants behind them: "Send a few beauties to the delegation of the Principality of Dawn, and then choose a beautiful agent from the Intelligence Department and let her blend in and get close to that person—— Keith Maxwell." (End of chapter)

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