1968, alliance

"The Cipla family is in charge of the resources, finance, personnel management and colonies of Chisland. It is the largest family and its position is the most stable."

"The Nurudo family is in charge of military and diplomacy. It is the most powerful, but because it is controlled by the Cipra family, it has always been ranked second."

"The Rokini family is in charge of scientific research, education and communications."

"The Saberson family, in charge of law, security, education and medicine."

"The above are the four major families in Chisland. In addition, there are five other families. The nine major families form the highest authority of Chisland - the cabinet. These nine major families are also called the ruling families. However, it needs to be pointed out Yes, the ruling family of Chisland is not static, and the number of cabinet members will often change."

"For example, among the five major families at the next level, the Chafe family has risen very quickly in recent years. They are also considered to be second only to the four major families in strength, and may even challenge the Inrokini and Saberson families. Strength. Therefore, in many cases, in order to gain greater political status, the Chav family will put forward some radical and distinctive proposals."

"You mean they want to kill us quietly? Haha. How did they come up with this method? Do they really think we are fools?"

"You have to understand that they made this proposal out of politics rather than reason. You will find that the older and more powerful the families, the more cautious their proposals are. And only those emerging families who want to challenge the old order , they will not hesitate to carry out a series of political adventures...because only in this way can they have the possibility of breaking the order."

"so what?"

"Haha... So, secretly trap us and hope that the Duke of Dawn doesn't know, is this the lowest cost and highest return plan? If this plan is really implemented and really effective, then the family who proposed this plan will naturally will achieve the greatest political gains."

"Have they never considered the possibility of failure?"

"As politicians, we will not consider the possibility of failure. Because once we fail, the entire Chisland will pay the price, and they will have more ways to divert conflicts. Do you know why? Because at that time, the main thing The conflict is between Chisland and the Principality of Dawn, how much does it have to do with their Chafu family?"

"That being said, we need to stay away from the Chaff family."

"Don't you think that the Chav family is the most suitable target for us to get close to and win over?"

"I understand, so starting from today's dinner, I have to stay away from you. I found that you people who play politics are really too dark..."

"I only have a superficial understanding of politics. To really play politics, you have to go to the Grand Duke or Prime Minister Francis. So, if you treat me to dinner as promised, don't think you can escape."

Keith Maxwell put away all the information in front of him, "Okay, you explain to me the current political situation in Chisland, but I only understand half of it, so today's dinner is only half of it."

"I understand half of it. It's your problem, not mine." Lieutenant General Brent, who was sitting opposite him, said with a smile, "A full dinner, this is what we agreed on."

If you only looked at the surface, you wouldn't know that this was a conversation between a lieutenant general and a captain. It looked more like two old friends.

"Ah...Actually, compared to others, I really didn't expect that the corruption and infighting in Chisland would reach such an extent." Keith Maxwell fell back and leaned on the soft On the back of the sofa, "It's not even a planetary standard day yet, and yet they are sending this information to your door?"

Lieutenant General Brent smiled and said: "This is an inevitable result. The first is that the power of the Dawn Principality is too strong compared to the Chiss. And secondly, the Chiss do not really have a strong presence in this star field. Natural enemies in the sense that all their designated enemies are weaker than them. In such a situation, the main contradiction will naturally be transferred to domestic conflicts. And... under a family oligarchy like theirs, the family is absolute , interests have become relative instead.”

"So you said another long sentence that I couldn't understand." Keith Maxwell curled his lips.

Brent said: "The result is that interests are ignored for the sake of the family. As the ruling family, the interests they can involve are often national interests. In other words, family interests are greater than national interests."

"The Chislings are really like this. It's a miracle that they can exist to this day." Keith Maxwell said.

"So the premise of their existence is that they have no natural enemies." Brent said with a smile, "Do you still remember the story about the Chiss that the Grand Duke told us? They lost too many people during a war, resulting in the labor force in the territory The number was insufficient, so in order to quickly replenish their labor force and enable their own strength to quickly surpass other families, they took the initiative to recruit the Kilik swarm as laborers. As a result, all three families were assimilated by the Kilik swarm. On the contrary, it almost plunged the Qisi Territory into a crisis of destruction..."

(Actually, this is what happened 50 years later in the original plot.)

Keith Maxwell waved his hand and said, "Hey, I asked a lot of people, but they don't know about this."

"Whether it's true or not, looking at the Chiss people now, do you think this will definitely not happen?" Brent asked.

Before Keith Maxwell could answer, there was a doorbell ringing outside the door. Keith stood up with a loud laugh, put on a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, pointed at Lieutenant General Brent with a very coquettish gesture and said: "Ahaha! My informants are here! General, I have to Went to investigate for information. Let’s talk tomorrow!”

As he spoke, he opened the door with a click, only to see seven or eight beautiful women of all kinds squeezing in outside the door. Except for their blue skin, the Chiss are just like humans in other places. Even by human standards, these women are first-class beautiful. What's more, one of them turned out to be a human and not a blue-skinned Chiss!

The Chiss Territory is not entirely composed of Chiss, there are still a small number of other races living in the unknown star field, and most of them are humans.

Keith Maxwell laughed and threw himself among the beauties, and was surrounded by others.

"General, if I couldn't beat him, I would definitely beat him up." The speaker was a negotiator and consultant of the delegation.

"If you really want it, I can help you contact the Inrokini family. They are in charge of education. It shouldn't be a big problem to send you a few schoolgirls." Lieutenant General Brent said slowly.

"Haha, forget it. I don't have the ability to stay rational in front of these beauties with ulterior motives." The negotiator refused with a smile.

"Hahahaha, in short, relax a little. We have the power of the Dawn Principality as our backing, and we have the advantages brought by the Star Gate. The Chiss Territory has only one choice to submit." Lieutenant General Brent said with a smile, "What to do next Get ready, according to the instructions given to us by Master Tang Xiao, we must focus on the Nurudo family."

"It's the person whose core name is Thrawn... I've seen some information about him... It seems that he cheated in the simulation exam at Chiss Military Academy?" The negotiator flipped through the information.

"Mis-ro-Nurudo. This is his full name. He may be our most powerful enemy and... most reliable ally. I still can't understand what Lord Tang Xiao means." Brent the lieutenant general said.

Facing the extremely powerful Principality of Dawn, which also possesses stargate technology, the Chiss Territory surrendered so quickly, which was completely beyond the expectations of Vice Admiral Brent, commander of the Second Exploration Fleet and diplomatic ambassador.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is still far from surrendering. However, after the Dawn Principality's second exploration fleet forcefully entered the Chiss Territory and directly revealed the existence of the Star Gate, the Chiss Territory, which was constantly fighting among themselves, almost immediately showed its most vulnerable side.

In less than a day after Lieutenant General Brent and the others settled in the luxurious state-level residence, they obtained nearly 20 beauties, bribes worth hundreds of millions, and various kinds of gifts from each family. Such intelligence and black material.

For example, the Eliz family, the mortal enemy of the Nurudo family, did not hesitate to reveal everything about the Nurudo family to Brent and the others, and then the Mis family, who had been unhappy with the Eliz family, turned around and gave them away. sold.

The Saberson family sent generous gifts and told Brent in a subtle way that if the Star Gate was to be built, the Miurani family would be a good choice. However, another piece of information showed that the person responsible for the construction affairs in Chis territory should be the Chaff family.

The Nurudo family, which is in charge of the military, quietly sent a representative, saying that if it can help them expand their territory and defeat several surrounding civilizations that are considered threats, the Nurudo family is willing to help the Dawn Principality obtain more benefits in the unknown star field.

The Inrokini family stated that if they could kill the Saberson family, they would be willing to build the Stargate within three months at all costs. They also said that the Saberson family is notoriously corrupt and that cutting corners and cheating is what they are best at. If you want to trade, don't look to the Saberson family.

The Chafu family came over and said that because the Rokini family was engaged in LOLI island and secretly organized school girls to engage in illegal activities, and their family head was gay, this family should be destroyed.

It was also seen that the Cipula family was a little more reserved and only sent gifts but did not make any other requests. After all, they control the resources of the Chiss Territory, and if the Dawn Principality wants to build a star gate, it will need their support no matter what.

In short, the nine major families are trying to undermine each other and have their own agendas. The result is... Lieutenant General Brent holds the black information in his hands, and all nine major families have it!

If this was really an invasion, Chisland would be riddled with holes by now.

Of course, if it is really a military invasion, it is unlikely that these nine major families will become the same enemy again. Therefore, the current situation where everyone has their own agenda is what the Kingdom of Dawn wants to see the most.

So in this case, the outcome is already determined.

Two days later, Chisland made a decision to accept the proposal of the Principality of Dawn and form an alliance with the Principality of Dawn.

At the same time, the Principality of Dawn was allowed to build a forward base and star gate on the planet Msoss. This planet was actually the planet where the Second Exploration Fleet first arrived.

This place was once infected by Mongar-Mongar. Later, in order to ensure the elimination of all Mongar-Mongar, the Chiss defense fleet carried out a nuclear bombing of the planet, destroying all living things on the planet, and the planet was also affected by this. Desolate.

The Second Exploration Fleet also immediately started building the Star Gate here, and Chisling expressed its willingness to provide engineering teams and various raw materials for the construction of the Star Gate.

They are so active because they actually intend to collect as many secrets of the Star Gate as possible while participating in the construction of the Star Gate. It’s just that such a plot is doomed to fail... Because the technology of the Vasari people is completely different from the Chiss people, even in this entire galaxy. Even if the blueprint is placed in front of the Chiss people, they will not be able to do it. I can't understand it at all.

At the same time, the Chiss also agreed to establish a joint combat command dedicated to clearing and fighting Mongar-Mongar. The commander-in-chief of the headquarters is Admiral Chiara of the Chiss Defense Fleet, and the two deputy commanders are Lieutenant General He Ru and Lieutenant General Brent, commanders of the First and Second Exploration Fleets of the Dawn Principality.

After the two sides shared information about Mongar-Mongal, the Chiss marked a large number of planet coordinates where Mongar-Mongal was detected, some of which were within the jurisdiction of the Chiss territory, and some of which were located in other civilizations.

This seems very interesting... because although the target of the Joint Operations Command is only Mongar-Menggar, if Mongar-Menggar appears in the territory of other civilizations... then what about fighting over it? What about calling him? Or call him?

At the same time, Qisi Ling also officially established diplomatic relations with the Principality of Liming, and the two parties signed a series of economic cooperation agreements. The Principality of Dawn received help from Chisland in building the star gate in the form of a loan, and also gave some technological blueprints to Chisland as part of the reward.

Many of the technologies chosen by Chisling are related to warship manufacturing. The warship technology provided to them by the Principality of Dawn is mainly derived from the shipbuilding technology of the Caldari Republic in "EVE".

At the same time, because the Chiss were very backward in robot technology, out of need for labor, they also chose the technology of synthetic humans - yes, it is not engineering robots or combat robots, the Chiss chose synthetic humans. .

To be precise, they are the second-generation synths from Fallout 4.

It seems that the Chiss do not want cold robots to make their society cold, and the second-generation synths of "Fallout 4", whose simulation has reached a considerable level, are a good choice.

Under the powerful strength of the Dawn Principality and the direct deterrence of the Star Gate, the Qisi Territory quickly accepted the existence of the Dawn Principality, and the alliance between the two parties officially began at this time. (End of chapter)

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