The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2142: Vulture Planet Invasion

2143, Vulture Planet Invasion

At the same time, the Galactic Empire also sent a landing force to Vulture Planet.

Vulture Planet is located in the Deep Core of the Milky Way, which is the area closest to the center of the Milky Way. In the center of the Milky Way, there is a supermassive black hole and a super star cluster composed of hundreds of millions of stars. Obviously, these places cannot have habitable planets. Not to mention habitable planets, even planets cannot exist here.

The Deep Core is the outermost layer of the core of the Milky Way, which is equivalent to the limit distance that can produce habitable planets. There are only about a dozen planets that have been discovered and inhabited by intelligent creatures within the Deep Core. After going beyond a certain distance, the number of habitable planets increases sharply, and this is the dividing line between the Deep Core and the Core Circle.

Vulture Planet is one of the planets located in the Deep Core. This planet is also an old industrial galaxy in the Milky Way and has a very developed industry. It's just that although the planet has a developed industry, their technological level is not high, so later it became a OEM production base for those truly developed and advanced organizations.

Because of over-industrialization, the planet's environment has been completely destroyed, and agricultural production has been zero, so it can only rely on the import of agricultural products from other planets to survive. In addition, the industrial products of the Vulture Planet itself are not very advanced and cannot bring much profit, so the planet quickly went bankrupt and became a vassal of the super companies in the core circle.

And now it is the Trade Alliance that controls the Vulture Planet.

The population of the Vulture Planet is about 420 million, and there are more than 20 billion robots of various types and countless highly automated factories. Because of excessive exhaust emissions, the entire planet is wrapped in a layer of purple atmosphere, and the air is filled with countless harmful gases. Here you can only live in a fully enclosed settlement, and you must wear a respirator to go outdoors.

Ironically, the Vulture Planet actually has star rings, and there are as many as three! Because the excessive garbage was carelessly thrown outside the planet, it was attracted back by the planet's own gravity, forming two black rings made entirely of garbage on the periphery, which are garbage rings.

The third ring is a thin, 1 km wide micro ring. The function of this ring is to continuously play advertisements, both inside and outside the planet.

All residents on the planet are baptized by countless advertisements every day. Advertisements falling from the sky are impossible not to watch. And all spaceships coming to the planet will also continuously see advertisements for various products and services of the Trade Union from the ring.

If you want to talk about the entire Vulture Planet, most of the ground is already a garbage dump, and the rest are large industrial areas, as well as some scattered settlements to maintain these industrial areas.

However, after the Vulture Planet was incorporated into the entire economic system of the Trade Union, the planet's industrial output value was not low, and it was also a very important OEM factory for the Trade Union.

And this planet is also the second target of the Galactic Empire!

Because the Vulture Planet has the ability to manufacture warships! Although the technical capabilities are not strong, it can produce many spacecraft with low technical content. For the Galactic Empire, taking the Vulture Planet is also an important step to gradually cut off the wings of the Trade Alliance and finally attack those core planets.

Vulture Planet has no planetary shield, almost no orbital defense system, and it is impossible to install any weapons on the advertising star ring. So the Galactic Empire only sent more than 40 battleships and more than 200 small and medium-sized warships to occupy the outer periphery of the planet and began to send a large number of ground troops to land.

Relatively speaking, the two unpredictable garbage rings caused the biggest trouble for the Galactic Empire's landing operation.

The outer periphery of the planet is almost undefended. Like other planets, all the warships on the Vulture Planet entered the atmosphere to resist.

In order to occupy this planet, the Galactic Empire activated a large number of combat robots.

The Galactic Empire also used a large number of robot troops, including KX series security robots, E-XD series reconnaissance robots, etc. And this time to attack the Vulture Planet, the Galactic Empire invested a huge number of KX series robots as combat robots.

Ironically, the KX series robot is one of the export products of the Vulture planet. (This type of robot has appeared in the series "Andor", and K-2SO in "Rogue One" is also of this model)

The Vulture planet also put up a resolute resistance. Although the numb residents on the Vulture planet, who are like zombies, don't care whether the Trade Union or the Galactic Empire rules them, the real combat power of this planet comes from the endless robot troops.

The ruler of the planet, Tudos, a senior manager of the Trade Union, ordered all robots to be armed and put into the battlefield, and all factories started working at full capacity to mass-produce KX series robots.

At the same time, due to the harsh environment on the Vulture planet, it is difficult for the fighter formation to play a role, and ordinary soldiers can't survive on the battlefield at all, so the battle here has become a battle between robots.

This also makes the battle on the Vulture planet less tragic and more cold than the fierce battle on the Rosa planet at the same time.

Countless transport planes of the Galactic Empire landed with robot troops and launched a cluster charge under the command of the clone soldiers of the Imperial Stormtroopers. Opposite them was a large army of miscellaneous robots gathered on the Vulture Planet - there were engineering robots, garbage robots, cleaning robots, and all kinds of robots.

But the progress of the Galactic Empire's robot troops was also very slow, because there were too many robots on the Vulture Planet! Even if the Galactic Empire wanted to invest more robots, it would take time. The KX series security robots, because of their excellent performance and logical judgment ability, made this type of robot huge in production, but it was spread across many planets in the Empire and it was difficult to gather them in a short time.

Later, the Galactic Empire simply used a large number of B-1 combat robots and B-2 super combat robots seized during the previous period of the split of the Interstellar Banking Association and the elimination of the Independent Galaxy Confederation to fight.

Countless robots were sent to the Vulture Planet, and then destroyed in the constant exchange of fire and became part of the garbage on the planet, and then repeated. Mechanical, indifferent, this is the war on the Vulture planet...


On August 4, a very serious incident occurred, causing the war on the Rosa planet to completely get out of control.

In the previous few days, the Galactic Empire occupied 7 towns and captured more than 1 million civilians. According to Order No. 37, these civilians were used as hostages to demand the surrender of the head of the Rosa planet, Torreso-Bore.

Because there was no response, all 1 million people were executed, and the execution scene was broadcast live to the entire planet!

Originally, Darth Vader hoped that this would destroy the resistance will of the Rosa planet, but he was wrong. On this day, the Prime Minister of the Rosa planet, Torreso-Bore, and four other top leaders appeared in the global public broadcast.

After Bore made a declaration to resist the empire until the end, he handed over the entire planet's resistance movement to an organization called the 'Rosa Resistance Committee', and then...

They committed suicide collectively in front of the live camera!

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