The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2143 The Technical Alliance is shaken

2144. The wavering of technology alliance

The Prime Minister of Planet Rosa, Torreso Borre, and four other top leaders who were wanted by the Galactic Empire committed suicide and died for their country directly during the live broadcast. This also completely ignited the flames of resistance on Planet Rosa.

In response to Order 37, in response to the despicable act of the Galactic Empire using civilians as hostages and forcing them to surrender, Torreso Borre's choice was to die for his country!

Because even though the resistance on the planet is still fierce now, when this war has just begun, everyone's enthusiasm is still very high. But as the war continues, after a few months, even half a year, or a year, how much of this enthusiasm will be left?

So at that time, when the Galactic Empire repeatedly used civilians as hostages to intimidate, there were definitely not a few people who swayed under the coercion. Not only that, if things go on like this, many people may also blame Torreso-Bore for the war on a few people.

Therefore, Torreso Borre directly eliminated the problem from its source, and he vowed to fight the Galactic Empire to the end! Therefore, he chose to commit suicide and die for his country, making Order 37 impossible to carry out.

Now that all the wanted criminals are dead, what is your Galactic Empire doing by taking those civilian hostages? Who should surrender?

All resistance movements on Planet Rosa are now directed by the Rosa Resistance Committee, but who are the members of the committee? Anyone can be, but anyone can also not be.

Darth Vader did this at first. He asked the planet Rosa to hand over the people of the Rosa Resistance Committee, but soon more than a dozen people claiming to be members of the committee came to surrender. However, after they were all shot, the resistance movement on Planet Rosa was still well-organized and fierce, even filled with unforgettable hatred!

After going back and forth several times, Darth Vader also lost patience. He issued an order. Order 37 was no longer directed at a certain person, but at everyone who took up arms to fight against the imperial army! No matter who it is, no matter how many there are! As long as there are people on this planet who resist the Galactic Empire, then Order 37...

Never stop!

An endless stream of imperial troops filed out of the transport ships and attacked every city on the planet Rosa!

"Since you have chosen death, death will come." Darth Vader's terrifying black armor appeared on every screen on the planet.

The imperial fleet has invaded the planet's communication network through electronic interference, making it impossible to switch channels even if it wants to. As long as you turn on the holographic video, Darth Vader's terrifying voice will be played repeatedly, a terrifying threat!

However, doing so will only make everyone on Planet Rosa realize the true nature of the Galactic Empire!

They don't really care about Torreso Borre, or even any life on this planet! All they really care about is the wealth and resources on the planet!

This is a robbery! A robbery against the Trade Federation!

Unless you can accept the outcome of being robbed of all your property and being sold to a black mine for mining, you will have no choice but to fight to the end!

The core circle of the Milky Way, the planet Skako.

This is the home planet of the Skak people, and it is also the headquarters of the Technology Alliance - yes, the Technology Alliance is also a super corporate giant located in the core circle.

The Technology Alliance is a super giant that controls many scientific research companies, precision processing companies, and heavy manufacturing industries. Industrial giants such as Quat Power Shipyard are peripheral members of the Trade Alliance, but they are one of the core members of the Technology Alliance. It was not until after the terrorist attack in Eriadu that Quat Dynamic Shipyard withdrew from the Trade Alliance and the Technology Alliance respectively.

Not only that, at the peak of the Technology Alliance, in addition to Quat Power Dockyard, it even included Corellian Engineering Company and Blaster Technology Industries (almost all blasters were produced by this company). These industrial giants They are also members of the Technology Alliance.

In other words, two of the three largest super industrial giants in the galaxy at that time were members of the Technology Alliance, which shows their extremely huge power. There is only Rendili Interstellar Power Company. They are originally a consortium of countless shipyard owners, so naturally they will not join another consortium.

At its peak, the Techno Union followed the Trade Federation's lead, gaining a seat in the Galactic Republic and beginning to invest in politics. It's just that the technical alliance has a looser organizational structure than the trade alliance. Therefore, although a large number of super industrial giants have joined, those industrial giants will not obey the instructions of the technology alliance. The two parties are more of a cooperative relationship.

Therefore, the Technology Alliance cannot obtain a political status from the Galactic Republic that is comparable to that of the Trade Federation. Even the members of the Technology Alliance in the parliament are concurrently served by members of the planet Skakko. Unlike the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association, they do not have their own independent parliamentarians.

With the separatist movement launched by Count Dooku and the political instability of the Galactic Republic, super industrial giants such as Corellian Engineering Company, Quat Power Dockyard, and Explosive Energy Technology Industries have withdrawn from the Technology Alliance. This has also caused the Technology Alliance to begin to decline. Constantly weakening.

Therefore, under the leadership of Grand Foreman Walter Tambor, the Techno Union decided to take a big gamble and joined the Separatism and became a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Walter Tambor also planned to follow the example of the Trade Federation, betting on both sides between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, making money on both sides, but how could they compare with the Trade Federation? The Trade Federation said that the Galactic Republic could not even collect taxes in the Outer Rim Star Region, so what could the Techno Union say?

Therefore, when the Clone Wars broke out, although the Galactic Republic did not tear its face and directly attack the planet Skako, it was mainly because the defense of the planet Skako was very strong, and it would not be worth the loss to force an attack when the Grand Republic Army was just established. However, the Galactic Republic still froze all the assets of the Techno Union in the areas under its control, closed their factories, and ordered the companies that joined the Techno Union to withdraw from the alliance.

Therefore, in the early stages of the war, the Techno Union hated the Galactic Republic and made great contributions in the war. And they were also the second force after the planet Dawn to destroy the entire legion of the Galactic Republic-they captured the planet Ryloth and destroyed the Republic's 14th Army.

However, as the war progressed, Dawn began to provide more and more technical and industrial support to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Therefore, except for its insufficient size, the other services provided by Dawn to the Confederacy of Independent Systems actually overlapped with those of the Techno Union.

Moreover, the performance of both warships and fighters on Dawn far exceeded what the Techno Union could provide. In addition, since the withdrawal of Kuat Power Dockyard and Corellia Engineering, the Techno Union's ability to design and manufacture large battleships has been greatly reduced.

Therefore, the Techno Union's advantage in the Confederacy of Independent Systems Army has become smaller and smaller, and many orders have been given to Dawn.

This is even more true after the Confederacy of Independent Systems' naval reform. Almost half of the new generation of warships in the Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy were provided by Dawn.

The Techno Union did not make efforts. They launched their own battleship design - the Bulwark-class battleship. However, this battleship was launched too late. Although Count Dooku also placed a large number of orders out of the idea of ​​balancing Dawn, the number of Bulwark-class battleships that were finally built was not large.

The Techno Union, feeling that its status was threatened, began to waver in its determination to confront the Galactic Republic. Foreman Walter Tambor began to contact the Galactic Republic secretly and began to explore the possibility of returning to the Republic.

However, the Galactic Republic at that time was no longer the same as it was at the beginning of the war. They wanted to accept the Techno Union, but naturally they had conditions. They asked the Techno Union to disclose the military secrets of the Confederation of Independent Systems for them, especially some warship technologies of the Dawn planet.

Walter Tambor was indecisive, worried that if he really did so, the Confederation of Independent Systems would soon fail, and the Techno Union would lose its value.

So under such gains and losses, the Techno Union kept wavering, until the Confederation of Independent Systems failed in the Battle of Salukami, and they made up their minds to surrender to the Galactic Republic.

Such a result would naturally not be good. Can your surrender in 46 be the same as your surrender in 49?

Therefore, in the Galactic Empire, the Techno Union handed over a lot of money, factories and technology in order to survive, and has become a second-rate enterprise. The former glory is no longer there.

The capital of the planet Skako, a very luxurious fortress. How magnificent and full of guests used to be here, with industrial giants with countless resources gathered together, nodding to agree on the construction plan of hundreds of battleships, and drinking a glass of wine to start a new scientific research project worth hundreds of billions of credits...

But now, although it is still so luxurious, there is no one in the wide reception room except a few cleaning robots.

Today, an unexpected visitor was welcomed.

On a four-legged robot for walking, sat a fat Neimoidian, with an angry face, walking towards the middle.

"Ah... Mr. Lot-Dodd, the high-ranking representative of the Trade Union. What is the business of a person like you to come to our small and insignificant company?" Sitting on a tall chair was a Skako who protected himself with a protective suit - the foreman Walter-Tambo.

The living environment of the Skako people is harmful to most other races. So if they want to go to other planets, the Skako people will wear protective clothing, and in the reception room here, if there are guests of other races, this place will also enter a closed state, and then adjust the internal environment to the most suitable degree.

Of course, this is impossible for the Skako people to survive, so even at home, Walter Tambor still wears protective clothing, only in this way can he meet guests normally.

He twisted the knob on his protective clothing and adjusted his tone of voice, which seemed very heavy, "The Technology Alliance is over. For the sake of our previous friendship, I will not capture you for the bounty. Now, you should leave."

Lot-Dodd said angrily: "The Technology Alliance has become what it is now, and it is all your fault! You know that surrendering to the Galactic Empire will not have any good results, but you still insist on doing it! Now you can see it! The Galactic Empire is a group of robbers. They are unable to support the arms race with the Principality of Dawn. They can only attack the Trade Alliance! They are robbing! Naked robbery!"

"What does it have to do with me if your trade union is robbed?" Walter Tambor said coldly.

"Do you think Palpatine won't rob you? No! He will only be more resolute! After the trade union, the next one is you! The Skako people!" Lot Dodd pointed at Walter Tambor's nose and said, "The Galactic Empire can only accommodate humans. Apart from humans, no other race will have a living space! Not to mention that you once stood on the side of separatism!"

"We have nothing to lose." Walter Tambor replied frustratedly.

"Then get back what you lost!" As a representative of the parliament, Lot Dodd's eloquence is naturally great, "Even if you still fail in the end, you have nothing to lose, right?"

Walter Tambor fell silent and did not speak.

Lot-Dodd raised his voice and said loudly: "The Trade Union cannot hold out for too long alone! We must need more assistance! Otherwise, we can only hold out for half a year at most! After half a year, you can only take care of yourself!"

"...What about the Principality of Dawn? What is Tang Xiao's attitude?" Walter-Tanber's voice became much smaller.

"The Principality of Dawn cannot directly send a fleet to reinforce, but they will provide us with all other help." Lot-Dodd said.

"Humph! All help except the fleet? What else? Waving flags and shouting?" Walter-Tanber snorted coldly.

Lot-Dodd's expression darkened, "Of course I won't tell you the details. But I will tell you that it is enough support for us to win in the end."

There was another silence...

After a long time, Walter-Temper said again: "The Techno Union has reached this point. We need to worry about more than just the Techno Union. Behind us are the 230 billion Skako people on the planet Skako [Note 1]. Compared to others, I understand the consequences of resisting the Galactic Empire better. I will not gamble with the lives of 230 billion people with you."

Lot-Dodd said: "I will not ask you to openly stand on the side. I just come to you for something."

"What is it?" Walter-Temper asked.

"Scorpion Annihilator Robot, and Super Tank."


[Note 1: The population of Skako is set to be between 100B and 500B, that is, 100 billion to 500 billion. This fluctuation is too large. Moreover, the environment of Skako does not support the floating population of other races, so I will just take an intermediate value. 】

Thanks to the book friend 20171210191315735 for the 500 Qidian coins!! Thank you to Xingchen Love Novels for the 100 Qidian coins!!

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