739 , The Flame of War

Gardulla seemed to understand a little bit, "Yes! Didn't Aluke say that as long as I cut off foreign aid, he can let me really control Tatooine? I can ask him for money and things. Since he said it, he must Give it to me, or he will break his promise!"

Darth Masail said: "That's right. Next, the Scourge will occupy the rubbish ruins of Mos Espa Port, and you, let Aluk Besadi keep giving people and money Send supplies here and fill this bottomless pit. As for the Desilijic family, I have my own arrangements."

"Yes... I will do it," Gardulla said respectfully.


In the Hutt space, the fire ignited by the giant security guards began to intensify.

Just like the man behind the scenes, Darth Malthael, went to Tatooine to light the fire 13 years ago.

The fire on Tatooine allowed the Fourth Civilization to control Tatooine for ten years through Gardura Bessadi, and also received a lot of help from Alok Bessadi.

During those ten years, weapons and various contraband of the Fourth Civilization were sold to various parts of the galaxy through Tatooine's smuggling lanes. At the same time, the smugglers of the Fourth Civilization also smuggled a lot of commodities including spices, earning the difference as middlemen.

The smuggling trade in this area alone has made the Fourth Civilization a lot of money. It can be said that at least one-third of the fourth civilization's fleet was obtained through these smuggling trades.

And now, Darth Malthael lit the second fire, this time, he burned the entire Hutt space!

He ignited the flames of war between the two largest families of the Hutts, the Desilijic family and the Besardi family!

The Hutts naturally also have powerful characters, such as Jabba, Gilliak, Alok, and Aluk. They don't want the Hutt space to fall into chaos, and they have made many countermeasures...

But at the same time, there are many idiots among the Hutts, such as Gardullah, Zorba, and Ziro. The fuel of this fire is used to make the flame bigger and stronger.

In addition, several other big families, including the powerful Hutts such as Oruba and Marlowe, also chose to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and they had no intention of putting out the fire.

The Desilijic family split due to the return of the former patriarch Zorba Desilijic and Ziro's return to the core of family power. Jabba and Giliak parted ways with Zorba and the others. It's just that the split is split, it's just that they acted independently, but the family's business has not been affected too much, at least not for a short time.

With the support of Giant Security, Zorba led the Desilijic family to crazily attack the properties of the Besadi family, and Aluke did not give in. The two sides fought in full swing on many planets.

And on Tatooine, Gardullah Bessadi suddenly broke with the Scourge, and the two sides were at war. The Scourge also directly occupied the Mos Espa Port, which was once destroyed by the war, with great fanfare, and fought against Gardulla who was entrenched in the city of Mos Eisley.

The Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies are fighting to the death in the Milky Way, and the Hutt space is finally getting lively.


When the Hutt space began to be chaotic, the war in the galaxy outside did not stop at all.

Although during this period of time, the Western War Zone of the Confederacy of Independent Systems where the Fourth Civilization is located has not experienced much movement, General Grievous once again demonstrated his military talent.

As he had promised Count Dooku, after the loss of the battleship Fang, he had to prove his worth elsewhere.

He first raided the headquarters of the Galactic Republic's 8th Army, the planet Ord-Mantel, destroying the outlying positions of the Republic's local defenders and pacifying several small towns.

This caused the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic to make a misjudgment, and sent troops to reinforce the planet Ord-Mantel, but it went straight to nothing.

General Grievous's fleet ambushed in other places suddenly launched an attack on the planets of Anos and Bakura at the same time, first defeating the fleet of the Galactic Republic in the air battle on the planet of Anos, Then the army pressed directly on Bakula.

The Republic urgently mobilized Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the planet Bakula for reinforcements. General Grievous personally went to the battlefield to command the battle. The two sides launched a fierce land battle on the planet Bakura.

However, due to the fact that the ruling government of the Bakula planet was halfway through the battle, a sudden mutiny occurred, and the rebels joined the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, making the Bakula planet face civil war at the same time.

Under such circumstances, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker's army suffered heavy losses, and they had to retreat from here.

As a result, General Grievous's offensive became more intense. Within a month, he won six consecutive battles, tearing apart the defense line of the Galactic Republic's northern region like a bolt of lightning. Under his command, the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were ruthless and swift, and the Galactic Republic once again suffered a crushing defeat.

This large-scale raid by General Grievous directly opened up the hyperspace channel from the planet Kessel to the planet Mon Calamari. It is equivalent to starting from the upper right corner of the plane star map and fighting all the way to the bottom. The flames of the entire large-scale battle spanned almost half of the Milky Way!

It was not until the end that General Grievous stopped because of the large loss of the Rookie Hook-class battleship in his hand, and the army's equipment could not meet the requirements of the campaign. Otherwise, according to his original plan, he even wanted to penetrate the jurisdiction of the 18th Army of the Republic, and then join forces with the Fourth Civilization on the planet Bespin.

That would be a feat of war that would span the entire galaxy.

But even so, General Grievous's excellent command of the battle caused great panic to the Galactic Republic. Under his command, the robot army was unstoppable, and its influence was much stronger than that of Severance before. - What's more, Tann raided the planet Sarabine!

And Earl Dooku, who was very satisfied with the result of this battle, finally let go of his distrust of General Grievous for the time being, and began to prepare for the next wave of offensive against the Galactic Republic.

The master and apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, who were defeated in this battle, did not stop. They immediately received an order to go to the planet Jabim to end the civil war on that planet and ensure the return of the planet. The arms of the Republic.

It's just that what they don't know is that what awaits them on the planet Jabim is another hell.

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